Neopets 50k A Day

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Neopets 50k A Day Game Guide

Prepare to control the seas in Armada, a two player game where you are matched against some other Neopian. Either you may join the Armada monthly tournament to gain a trophy and some Neopoints, or play for fun or practice.


Simple Movement

The first move you can make is simply a one step movement of your ship.

Click on a ship of yours and move it to an adjacent square. This results in the creation of a new boat where you have clicked.


Jul 18, 2006  Avatar change for Duck Duck Goose. Will change in 6 days. Posts: 519 A few NP Making Guides Jul 18, 2006 10:32:42 GMT -5. Jul 15, 2008 Neopets 50k a Day Guide Updated 2008. Any problems just send me a messege i forgot to add make trades every few days dont matter to me then transfer neopets to main account do not have good. Feb 05, 2008 Does anyone have a 50k a day guild thats for neopets and 100% garentied?

The other movement is a jump.

Click on a ship of yours and move it to a spot two squares away. This will result of the ship you clicked moving to the new spot and leaving where it originally empty.


When you move a ship, you are able to seize control of the ships adjacent to the one you have just moved.

Notice how the ships in the squares surrounding the new ship are now all of the same color. These are now free to be used by the player, if they have not been captured in the opponents turn.


You win by having more ships than your opponent. This occurs when no more moves can be made by a player.

Notice how there is an empty space in the bottom row. If it is the Red ships turn, that player may move a ship to that spot and completely fill the board. Otherwise, it is the end of this game.

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This game guide was written by: Stephen

Neopets 50k A Day Guide

This page was last updated on April 20, 2018.

Neopets 50k A Day Guide

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