Neopets 8 Bit Potion

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From the moment it's first born or hatched, every Neopet has both a species and a colour. There are over fifty species of Neopet to choose from, and there's a huge range of colours out there, from the humble Yellow to the rarely-seen 8-Bit.

If you've been around Neopia for a little while, you'll know that your Neopet isn't restricted to staying the same species and colour all its life. There are many ways in which the appearance of your pet can change. One possibility used to be that an unexpected Random Event will turn your pet Baby, Blue, Red or Invisible (the new Random Events discontinued this). You can also visit the Secret Laboratory and take the chance that your pet's species or colour will change.

However, there are also plenty of items in Neopia that will alter your Neopet's appearance. Some of these are well-known and frequently used, while others may take you by surprise if you aren't careful about what your pet eats, reads or plays with. This guide will show you the many species- and colour-altering items that exist, and give you an idea of what they do and how to use them.

Be aware: there isn't an 'undo' button on any of these items. If you change your mind about your Neopet's new species or colour, you'll need to use another item to change him or her back. Also, using any of these items on an unconverted Neopet will automatically (and permanently) convert him or her to the current artwork, so think before you transform and be sure that's really what you want!

Magical Paint Brushes

Probably the best-known of all the appearance-changing items, Paint Brushes (often known as 'PBs') will change the colour of your Neopet. Each Paint Brush is named for the colour it provides, so if you wanted your pet to be Pink, you would search for a Pink Paint Brush. However, a couple have slightly more complicated names that aren't obvious at first glance:

Desert Neopet

Lost Desert Paint Brush

Disco Neopet

Disco Fever Paint Brush

Elderly Neopet

Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush

Electric Neopet

Electric Blue Paint Brush

Fire Neopet

Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire Paint Brush

Island Neopet

Mystery Island Paint Brush

Sketch Neopet

Scritchy Sketchy Paint Brush

Strawberry Neopet

Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush

Paint Brushes can be found around the site in Random Events, won from chance games such as the Fruit Machine, or awarded as prizes for creative contests or plots. Unlike most items, they can't be used straight from your inventory. Instead, they must be used at Neopia Central's Rainbow Pool, where you can also find a handy list of all the Paint Brushes in existence if you're planning a shopping spree.

There are smaller versions of Paint Brushes for your Petpets, too!

Morphing Potions

If you'd like to change your Neopet's species and its colour all in one go, then a Morphing Potion may be what you're looking for. These magical mixtures come in glass bottles, and are mostly sold in Kauvara's Magic Shop, though they can also be won from the Wheel of Excitement. Each Morphing Potion will change your Neopet to the colour and species it's named after, so if you wanted to turn your pet into an Orange Kougra, you would look for an Orange Kougra Morphing Potion.

Contrary to popular belief, any Morphing Potion can be used on any Neopet. Using a Morphing Potion on a Neopet that's already of the same species will simply change its colour to that of the potion. In some cases, this can be cheaper than buying a Paint Brush of that colour.

To use a Morphing Potion, click it in your inventory and select 'Use on Pet's Name'. It's important to double-check that you're using the potion, rather than feeding it; some Neopets can eat Morphing Potions as if they were a food item, but the potion will have no effect (other than making your pet a little less hungry) if it's swallowed bottle and all!

Transmogrification Potions

Transmogrification Potions, often called 'trans potions' or 'transmogs', are based on the experiments of the evil Dr. Sloth. However, they pose no actual risk to your Neopet's health or well-being. They are given out as a rare Random Event.

A Transmogrification Potion works exactly like a Morphing Potion, but they come in only one colour -- Mutant. An 'Aisha Transmogrification Potion' is effectively a Mutant Aisha Morphing Potion. Since there is no Mutant Paint Brush, a Transmogrification Potion is the simplest way to transform your pet if what you want is a Mutant Neopet. If you have your sights on a colour/species combination for which no Morphing Potion exists, you can also use a transmog to change the pet's species first, then use a Paint Brush to apply the colour of your choice.

Magical Chia Pops

If you've ever wondered where some of the more delicious-looking Chias, such as the Thornberry and Carrot Chia, come from, then wonder no longer!

Chia Pops are tasty ice lollies that can be bought at the Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop on Terror Mountain. There are many varieties, but most, like the Candy Floss Chia Pop and Snowberry Chia Pop, are just fun treats for your Neopet to eat. However, the much rarer and more expensive Magical Chia Pops have a rather different effect. When a Chia eats one of these, he or she will transform into the fruit or vegetable that matches the flavour of the Chia Pop.

Magical Chia Pops can only be successfully used on a Neopet who is already a Chia. Feeding them to any other Neopet will have no effect (other than earning a point or two at the Gourmet Club, since they qualify as rare foods). There is only one exception to this rule: the Magical Chokato Chia Pop -- and only the Magical Chokato Chia Pop -- can also be successfully used on Kikos.

Magical Plushies

These are not the normal cheap plushies that you'd casually let your Neopet hug. If a pet plays with a Magical Plushie, he or she will change species and colour to match that of the plushie -- so playing with a Magical Blue Pteri Plushie will change your pet into a Blue Pteri. These enchanted dolls can only be used once to transform a pet; afterwards, they'll turn into ordinary toys with no magical powers, so if you were hoping to change your pet then sell the plushie, you're out of luck.

Magical Plushies are very rare, so many people treat them as collector's items. It may be worth checking the price of Morphing Potions for your chosen species and colour before splashing your Neopoints on a Magical Plushie, as the potions are often cheaper.

In the Battledome

Among the many, many types of Battledome weapon on the market, the items Chia Flour and Kacheek Flour stand out as having a particularly unusual effect. Rather than doing direct damage to your opponent's Neopet, these items will change his/her species and colour -- and unlike most weapon effects, this doesn't go away with a simple trip to the Healing Springs afterwards! Chia Flour will change a pet into a Yellow Chia, while Kacheek Flour will produce a Blue Kacheek.

Changing a pet's species in the Battledome stops that pet from using his or her species-specific weapons and healing items, so it's not an entirely useless effect. Since both the Flour items are incredibly expensive and can only be used once, though, most players aren't prepared to shell out for this one-time bonus. However, if a player owns one of these weapons, he or she can take it into a two-player battle with a willing friend and have it stolen with an item such as a Sticky Hand. Since all stolen weapons are returned at the end of battle, whether or not they've been used, the friend can use the Chia or Kacheek Flour without fear -- so the Flour owner can have his or her pet turned into a Chia or Kacheek whenever s/he likes, at no extra cost.

Miscellaneous Potions

Aside from the wide range of Morphing and Transmogrification Potions, there are a few other magical brews that can alter your Neopet's appearance...

Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water

This stripy bottle can be obtained at the Fishing Vortex in Old Maraqua, if you're very lucky; your pet needs to have a Fishing Skill of at least 87 just to have a chance of finding this item at all, and even then, it's incredibly rare! Still, that's more or less what you'd expect, given that the water in this bottle comes from the famous Rainbow Fountain...

When a pet uses (again, not 'eats'!) one of these flasks, his or her colour will change. The result is random and cannot be influenced in any way -- rare colours like Robot are possible, but there's also the chance of basic red, yellow, blue or green, as well as every colour in between. Unfortunately, the flask has no way of telling what colour a Neopet was to begin with, so your pet may also 'change' to his or her existing colour, although with so many colours to choose from it's fairly unlikely.

Mysterious Swirly Potion

Like the Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water, this item originates at the Fishing Vortex. Nobody seems to know what it was doing down there...

When used on a Neopet, this silvery potion will change his or her species to a random Limited Edition species. It will also check what colour the Neopet was before the potion was used. Your pet will retain his or her colour if his or her new species is currently capable of being painted that colour. For instance, if a Pink Ogrin used a Mysterious Swirly Potion and the randomly chosen new species was Poogle, then the Ogrin would change into a Pink Poogle. However, if the new species is not available in your pet's colour, then s/he will turn red, yellow, blue or green. (For instance, an Alien Aisha who drank the potion and turned into a Hissi would change colour, since there is no such thing as an Alien Hissi.)

The Mysterious Swirly Potion cannot turn your Neopet into a Draik or Krawk, since these species are Restricted rather than Limited Edition. If you want to transform your pet into one of these species, you'll need a Morphing or Transmogrification Potion.

8-Bit Power-Up Potion

For owners who fancy a bit of old-school pixellisation, this potion is an easy way to go. The Power-Up Potion essentially works just like a Paint Brush -- it will change your pet's colour to 8-Bit if the colour has been released for your pet's species. Unlike a Paint Brush, however, it is used from your inventory, not at the Rainbow Pool.

Turnip Tonic

Turnips aren't exactly known for their glamorousness, and after drinking this potion from Kayla's magic shop in Meridell, your Neopet won't be, either. Using a Turnip Tonic on your pet will turn him or her red, yellow, blue or green. Which of the four colours results is random, and doesn't take account of what colour your pet was before s/he drank the potion.

Despite its name, Turnip Tonic is not a cure for sickness or lost HP.

Potato Potion

This potion is as round and brown as a potato, and it's a great choice if you want your pet to be round and brown, too! When used, this Meridell potion will turn your Neopet into a Brown Kiko.

Mutox Syrup

This strange mixture only works on Grundos, and changes them into the Mutant colour. We're not sure why you wouldn't use the less-rare Grundo Transmogrification Potion, though.

Rainbow Swirly Potion

Not to be confused with the much more exciting Mysterious Swirly Potion, the Rainbow Swirly Potion will raise your pet's level by 2 as well as turning him or her red, yellow, blue or green. Which of the four colours results is random, and doesn't take account of what colour your pet was before s/he drank the potion.


Neopia's most versatile native fruit, the Negg, comes in many different varieties. Most of them are just food for your pet to eat, but some can help raise Battledome stats. Others have... rather odder effects.


This brightly-coloured fruit, like the other Neggs listed here, is one of the few items that actually does need to be fed to your Neopet to take effect. It will turn your pet red, yellow, blue or green, while also tweaking his or her Level or Hit Points stat.

Witchy Negg

There's some strange magic lurking underneath this Negg's hat. When your pet eats it, he or she has a chance of turning into a Lenny, Tuskaninny or Moehog, although it may just heal him or her or increase intelligence. There's no way to control which outcome you get, so be prepared for the unexpected!

Vortex Negg

This Negg has a chance of the same colour change as the Kaleidonegg above. It can also affect a pet's HP, or simply make him or her sick, so you're probably better off with some Turnip Tonic.

Plaid Negg

This red and green Negg, with a whopping 108-Negg-token price tag, may randomly change your pet's colour when eaten. We don't have any confirmed information about the range of colours available -- based on the price of this Negg, though, it's probably the same as the Kaleidonegg's. If you have any data, we'd love to hear from you!

Pumpkin Negg

When your pet is fed the Pumpkin Negg, its weight will increase by 1-2 lbs. and its height will decrease by 1-2 cm.

Other Items

An assortment of unique appearance-altering items, each with its own special effect...

Vengeful Scroll

Just how far is your Neopet prepared to go for that Neopian Book Award? This ancient scroll from the Lost Desert may be full of ideas for tricks to play on your enemies, but it will play a trick of its own on the pet who reads it, too. Any Neopet who reads the Vengeful Scroll will instantly turn into a Pink Lenny.

One-Use Robotification Zappermajig

This very rare item was a prize from the Return of Dr. Sloth plot. When used on a Neopet, it will change his or her colour to Robot. Unfortunately, since the Zappermajig is no-trade, most players will never be able to obtain one, and will have to try and get a Robot pet at the Lab Ray instead.

Glowing Jelly

Jelly is a popular food among Neopets, and as a site named after the stuff, we're happy to endorse it! What many people don't know, though, is that there is a very small chance that a pet eating Glowing Jelly will turn Glowing. Don't hold your breath, though: this event is very, very rare, and feeding your pet too much Glowing Jelly is much more likely to give him or her Blurred Vision.

Garlic and Chocolate?

The delicious-looking Garlic Kiko and Jubjub, and the melt-in-the-mouth Chocolate Chia, are currently thought to be Lab Ray colours; certainly, there isn't a Paint Brush for either one. However, some time ago TNT made a couple of interesting editorial comments.

How would you get a Garlic Kiko or a Garlic JubJub? -thomaskluber021093

At the moment there are a couple of options. Firstly you can try feeding your JubJub or Kiko lots of garlic. You are what you eat after all :) Alternatively you can try the Lab Ray although results may vary.

JN ID: 2986

How can you get the chocolate chia? Can you only get it by the lab ray, or is there a special way to get it like thereis for the garlic pets? - Elm811

It involves owning a Chia and feeding it a whole load of chocolate. It is super rare though and you may just end up with a rather overweight Chia at the end of the day.

We haven't had any reports of Neopets being transformed this way (and later editorials about the Chocolate colour don't seem to mention this option, even for Chias), despite it having been more than seven years since these colours first came out. It's most likely that this was an idea that never got implemented, or even that TNT were just joking. (They do have a strange sense of humour at times.) We're not ruling out the possibility entirely, however. If you've managed to take a screenshot of a garlic item transforming a Kiko or JubJub, or a chocolate item producing a Chocolate Chia, we'd loveto hear from you!


We've tried to list every species- and colour-altering item here, but it's always possible that more will be released in the future, or that an existing item will gain a new effect. Also, for a list of stat increasing items which may also alter your pets appearance, see our Stats Increasers guide. If you've used any item that isn't here and it's altered your Neopet, please send in a bug report letting us know! We're always interested in collecting more information.

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This article was written by: Dream

This page was last updated on April 16, 2019.
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How can you change the colour of your pet?
There are several ways to change your pet's colour. This page has information on a wide variety of methods to change your pet's colour (and sometimes species).
- Secret Laboratory
- Fountain Faerie Quest
- Magma Pool
- Random Events
- Paint Brushes
- Morphing Potions
- Transmogrification Potions
- Magical Chia Pops
- Magical Plushies
- Neggs
- Premium Perk
- Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water
- Rainbow Swirly Potion
- Mysterious Swirly Potion
- 8-bit Power-Up Potion
- Turnip Tonic
- Potato Potion
- Vengeful Scroll
- One-Use Robotification Zappermajig
- Battledome Items
- Food items
- Draik Egg
- Krawk Petpet

Secret Laboratory

The Secret Laboratory is a hidden location in Neopia where you can have the Lab Ray Scientist zap a pet once each day. A pet can change colour and species among many other changes. Please visit our Secret Laboratory Guide for much more information.

Fountain Faerie Quest

If you're very lucky, the Fountain Faerie will give you a quest and you will get to paint one of your pets as a reward. Please see our Fountain Faerie Quest Guide for more information.

Magma Pool

The Magma Pool is a location in the Moltara Caves where you can have your neopet take a dip and change colour to Magma.
You can read more about the magma pool at our: Magma Pets Guide.

Random Events

Several Random Events that effect your pet's colour can occur while playing Neopets. Boochi can turn your pet into a baby. There is also a random event that changes your pet into invisible. The event with multi-coloured water can change your pet into any colour. Last but not least, not treating your pet well can also change its colour. Sad pets are known to turn blue while angry pets may turn red. Unconverted pets are excuded from colour changing random events. For a full list of Random Events that can change your pet's colour, see our Random Events Guide.
NOTE: After The Coincidence Event where all the Random Events were changed, these are no longer active. Your pets will never be hit by these Random Events again so your pet can no longer change colours by this method.

Paint Brushes

Most pet colours are available by using a magical Paint Brush. New accounts are given two Starter Paint Brushes in random basic colours (red, yellow, blue, green) in the Newbie Pack. These brushes can not be sold or traded. For other colours, obtain a Paint Brush and take it to the Rainbow Pool to paint your pet. To see all pet colours currently available, see SunnyNeo's Rainbow Pool.
Not all pet colours can be painted with Paint Brushes. To see a list of all current Paint Brushes, click here.
Where can I get a Paint Brush?
Paint Brushes can be obtained from various sources. Baby, Darigan, Maractite and Royal Paint Brushes are currently for sale at the Hidden Tower. Brushes are among the available prizes for Fruit Machine,Alien Vending Machine, Test Your Strength (Halloween Paint Brush), the Wheel of Extravagance and Wheel of Monotony (Tyrannian Paint Brush). Paint Brushes are sometimes prizes for redeeming completed World Challenge Maps. Paint Brushes can be found in Random Events, from Jacko the Phantom Painter or on Terror Mountain (Christmas Paint Brush). Several colours have been given out by Tarla. Paint Brushes have been available as Plot Prizes and Advent Calendar prizes (December only). Paint Brushes can frequently be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or user shops.
Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand for particular colours. You can check out SunnyNeo's Paint Brush Price Guide to get an idea of how much each Paint Brush is worth. Be sure to always check neopets for the most accurate price information though.

Morphing Potions

A Morphing potion is a bottled item that your pet can consume to change its colour and species at the same time. After morphing your pet, you can paint it a different colour with a Paint Brush.
Where can I get a Morphing Potion?
Kauvara sells Morphing Potions in her Magic Shop. You may also be lucky enough to win a Morphing Potion on the Wheel of Excitement. Pirate morphing potions occasionally turn up at the Forgotten Shore and at Anchor Management on Krawk Island. A few colours have been given out by Tarla. Morphing Potions can be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or user shops. Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand for particular colours.
Magical Kauvara Avatar
There is also one avatar related to using a Morphing Potion. This is the Magical Kauvara avatar.

Magical Kauvara

Use a Morphing Potion on your pet.
Warning: This will alter your pet permanently!


Transmogrification Potions

A Transmogrification Potion is a bottled item that your pet can consume to change into a Mutant of the species in the potion's name. Your pet can be painted with a Paint Brush afterwards, but will have the normal (not mutated) body shape for that species.
Where can I get a Transmogrification Potion?
Dr. Sloth hands out Transmogrification Potions in a rare Random Event. Transmogrification Potions can be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or user shops. Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand for particular species.
Mutant JubJub Avatar
There is also one avatar related to using a Transmogrification Potion. This is the Mutant JubJub avatar.

Mutant JubJub

Use any Transmogrification Potion on your pet.
Warning: Doing this will turn your pet into a mutant!


Magical Chia Pops

A Magical Chia Pop can be fed to a Chia in order to turn it into a Fruit or Vegetable colour. See SunnyNeo's Rainbow Pool for edible Chia colours.
Where can I get a Magical Chia Pop?
Chia Pops are sold at the Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop.Chia Pops can also be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or user shops. Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand for particular colours. Caution: Not all Chia Pops are magical! Many of the non-magical varieties will include the phrase 'non-magical' in their item names, but you must be very careful when attempting to purchase a Magical Chia Pop.

Magical Plushies

A Magical Plushie is a toy that, when your pet plays with it, can change your pet into the species and colour of the plushie. After this happens, the plushie will become a non-magical version of the same item.
Where can I get a Magical Plushie?
Magical Plushies come from the Plushie Shop. Some Magical Plushies were given out years ago as game prizes, but not any longer. They can also be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or occasionally user shops. Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand.


Yes, several Neggs may change your pet's appearance. A Kaleidonegg can change colour or species (not the only possible results). A Plaid Negg or Vortex Negg might change your pet to a random basic colour (red, yellow, blue, green). A Witchy Negg might turn your pet into a Lenny, Moehog, or Tuskaninny. Results will vary. For much more information on Neggs, see our All About Neggs guide.
Where can I get a Negg?Download
Neggs can be obtained at the Neggery by trading in Negg Tokens. (See our Negg Guide for more info.) Neggs can also be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or occasionally user shops. Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand.

Premium Perk

Premium users can change the species of one of their pets which then has a cooldown of one year. Simply click on the Blumaroo sillouhette with the '?' icon on the premium navigation bar. This will take you to the page where you can select the pet and select the species you'd like to change it into. Be sure to be on the correct pet and correct species as there is no undoing this perk. Then hit the button that says 'Change Species!'.
If by chance the species that you chose does not have the color your pet is currently, you will be asked to select a colour as well. All colours are available this way. This is how so many have achieved some of their more difficult goals such as MSP. A common method is to use a Chia pop to morph a Chia pet into a fruit or vegetable (with the exeption of Strawberry as other species can be this color). Then, you are free to select a species and a colour of your choice.
With a little detective work you might be able to find a cheaper way if you are going for a specific pet and colour. Use our Rainbow Pool and select the species you will be changing into. Then look at what colors that species is not available in (listed at the bottom of the page). You can use our Paint Brush Price Guide then to see what the cheapest option available is. After you figure that out, paint your current pet that color and then when you change its species, you will be able to select any color.
When you hit 'Change Species', it will then give you a prompt asking if you are sure. You can back out at this point, or say 'Yes, Lets do it' to change your pet. You are only able to do this once every 365 days.After that the blumaroo button is grayed out on the premium bar until you are able to use the perk again.

Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water

A Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water is a bottled item that can be used on your pet to change it into a random colour. The pet will not change species. Because the results are random, you may end up with a Blue pet or an Ice pet, you never know!
Where can I get a Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water?
The Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water is an item that can be found while Underwater Fishing with your pet. It is extremely rare, however. Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water can also be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or occasionally user shops. Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand.

Rainbow Swirly Potion

A Rainbow Swirly Potion is a bottled item that can be used on your pet to change it into one of the four basic colors: Blue, Red, Yellow or Green. It also grants them two levels. The pet will not change species.
Where can I get a Rainbow Swirly Potion?
The Rainbow Swirly Potion is an item that can be found in the Magic Shop. It is extremely rare, however, its r99. Rainbow Swirly Potion can also be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or occasionally user shops. Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand.

Mysterious Swirly Potion

A Mysterious Swirly Potion is a bottled item that can be used on your pet to change it into a random Limited Edition pet. (Poogle, Chomby, Koi, Tonu, Hissi, Jetsam, Cybunny). The pet will change species but will keep their current paint colour if the new species is available in that colour. If the current colour of your pet is not available in the species your pet gets turned into, your pet will change into one of the four basic colours. Caution: you may end up changing a Zombie Shoyru into a Blue Koi!
Where can I get a Mysterious Swirly Potion?
The Mysterious Swirly Potion is an item that can be found while Underwater Fishing with your pet. It is extremely rare, however. Mysterious Swirly Potions can also be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or occasionally user shops. Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand.

8-bit Power-Up Potion

A 8-bit Power-Up Potion is a bottled item that can be used on your pet to change it's colour to 8-bit. You are only able to use it on pets that already come in 8-bit. We are unsure of what happens if you try to use it on a pet that does not come in 8-bit. We think that it would just not work or be used up. You can check out our Rainbow Pool to see which pets come in 8-bit.
Where can I get a 8-bit Power-Up Potion?
The 8-bit Power-Up Potion is an item that can be found in the Magic Shop. It is extremely rare, however, its r99. 8-bit Power-Up Potion can also be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or occasionally user shops. Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand.

Turnip Tonic

Turnip Tonic is a potion that can be used on your pet. It has a chance of changing your pet into a random basic colour (red, yellow, blue, green).
Where can I get a Turnip Tonic?
Turnip Tonic is sold at Kayla's Potion Shop. They can also be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or user shops.

Potato Potion

A Potato Potion is a bottled item that can be used on your pet to change it into a brown kiko.
Where can I get a Potato Potion?
The Potato Potion is an item that can be found in Kayla's Potion Shop (Meridell Magic/Potion). It is r99, so does not show up very often. Potato Potion can also be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or occasionally user shops. Prices will vary widely due to supply and demand.

Vengeful Scroll

A Vengeful Scroll is a Desert Scroll that can be read to your pet, so it will add to your pet's count of books read. However, this book also has a side effect! Any pet that reads it will turn into a Pink Lenny.
Where can I get a Vengeful Scroll?
Scrolls are sold at Sutek's Scrolls. They can also be purchased through Auctions, Trading Post, or occasionally user shops.

One-Use Robotification Zappermajig

This item was a plot prize from the Return of Sloth plot in the spring of 2008. The Zappermajig can be used one time to change one of your pets into a Robot of the same species.
Where can I get a One-Use Robotification Zappermajig?
If you participated in the Return of Sloth plot and earned enough prize points to buy the item in the prize shop, you may be able to obtain one. This is a no-trade item, so you cannot purchase a Zappermajig from another user.

8 Bit Brawl Stars

Battledome Items

Yes, both Kacheek Flour and Chia Flour are Battledome weapons that may change the appearance of your pet if used against you.
Kacheek Flour
Kacheek Flour is a species-specific item, this means all pets can equip the item, but only Kacheeks can use it. Kacheek Flour is fragile and may break (disappear) after use.
Kacheek Flour may turn your pet into a Blue Kacheek when used by your opponent in the Battledome. The best method for using Kacheek Flour: Equip your pet with the flour, making sure it's in the first weapon slot. Enter a two-player fight with a Kacheek that has a stealer (example: Purple Sticky Hand) equipped. During the battle, the Kacheek should use the stealer and steal your Flour. The Kacheek should use the Flour on your pet. With this method, the Flour generally will return to your equipment when the battle is complete. If you use the Flour yourself, it will disappear, and this item is quite expensive! It may take several turns for the stealer to work, and several battles for the Kacheek Flour to work, so be patient.
Chia Flour
Chia Flour is a one-use Battledome item that turns the opponent's pet into a Yellow Chia. The item can be used by all pets and on all pets. After this one time use, the item disappears forever.
Please do not use these items in the battledome without your opponent's consent!
Where can I get these items?
Kacheek Flour is rare (r99) but may restock at Battle Magic. Chia Flour used to be a Hidden Tower item but is now retired. Both items can occasionally be purchased through Auctions or Trading Post.

Food Items

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Yes, it is possible to change the colour of your pet by feeding it certain non-magical food items.
Which food items can change my pet?
- You may be able to change your pet's colour to Glowing

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by feeding it large amounts of Glowing Jelly.
- You may be able to change your Kiko or JubJub to Garlic by feeding it large amounts of Garlic foods. This is confirmed in the editorial, but we would love to speak to someone who has succeeded with this method.
- You may be able to change your Chia to Chocolate by feeding it large amounts of Chocolate foods. This is confirmed in the editorial, but we have not tested this method.

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Draik Eggs

Draik Eggs are a type of Merifoods. But, instead of letting your pet eat the egg, it can be hatched at the Draik Nest. As long as you pick an untaken name, and have room for another pet. When hatched a Draik will be the same colour as the egg that was hatched. You do not get to pick the gender, one is randomly picked for your new Draik. This is the only way to create a Draik, besides Morphing Potions.

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Krawk Petpets

Krawks are a type of Tyrannian Petpet. They can be attached as any regular petpet, but if you want a Krawk pet, then you need to bring them to the Fungus Cave. If your active pet has a Krawk Petpet attached, with an untaken name, then you can feed it the fungus to create a Krawk Pet. A Gender will be randomly assigned to your new Krawk. This is the only way to create a Krawk, besides Morphing Potions.