Neopets Faerie Caverns

Faerie Caverns What are the Faerie Caverns? The Faerie Caverns is a daily located in Faerieland where you wander through the passages of a cavern in hope of finding 'the treasure of the faeries'! Please remember that since you can earn neopoints and obtain items from the Faerie Caverns, you are not allowed to play it on side accounts.'s Neopets Wardrobe allows you to try on Neopets clothing without owning the items, so you can try before you buy! It's a puzzle game. It's a sequel to another game which has the similar name and plot. Ah, you guessed it? Yes, it really is Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest! So, what is the mission this time? Unlock Fyora's Quest by completing all 18 levels. Garon the Lupe is out and Quaglor the Intrepid is in! To move Quaglor use the arrow keys.

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If you are up for a relatively quick adventure, head on over to the Faerie Caverns, a maze of tunnels that is said to contain hidden Faerie treasures! The caverns are located in Faerieland and unveiled on June 2, 2011.



It costs 400 NP to enter the cave, and you may do so once per day.

How to Navigate the Caverns

Upon entering the caverns, you will be presented with the option to choose either the left path or the right path. There is not a way of knowing which paths will reach the treasure, unless you are using the Cartogriphication boon described below. Multiple tests have shown that the yellow specks of light that lead in one direction or another are not actually guaranteed to lead to anything.

Cartogriphication Boon

As a perk of being on the winning faction at the Battleground of the Obelisk, you may activate the Cartogriphication boon. When activated this boon will guide your pet through the caverns to the treasure.

This is the only guaranteed way to be guided through the caverns to treasure.

Dead End

Neopets Faerie Caverns Directions

If you choose the incorrect path, you'll reach a dead end, and be presented with one of the following messages:

  • Curses! The path has lead to a dead end. Perhaps you should try your luck again tomorrow.
  • You enter a small chamber and gasp at the beautiful stalagmites... or are they stalactites? You can't seem to recall. You spend so much time trying to remember that you barely have time to escape the cave before your torch burns out.
  • You raise your torch to examine this room, causing the shadows of the vines to move. Your skin prickles as you attempt to convince your imagination that this room isn't crawling with Wadjets. It's just the shadow of the vines. It's just-- you lose your nerve and bolt out of the caverns.
  • You round a corner and hear a strange noise. It sounds like something large is moving in the darkness in front of you. Perhaps you should retreat... quickly.
  • You stumble in the darkness and trip over a rock, stubbing your toe. You jump up and down on one foot, muttering your grievances at the cave before retreating for the day.
  • You stumble into some water, soaking your clothes. The cold of the cave chills you to the bone. It's probably best to escape and dry off, and try again tomorrow.


The following prizes are possible to find:

  • A random amount of NP between 400 and 2,500 NP (most common)
  • 5,000 NP
  • 10,000 NP
  • 25,000 NP
  • An item prize listed below

The following items may also be awarded along with the Neopoints, but they are extremely rare:

Beautiful Glowing Wings

Faerie Caverns Background

Faerie Caverns Stamp

Faerie Paint Brush

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This article was written by: JN Staff

This page was last updated on November 7, 2018.
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Krawk Facts


Discovered: 10th January 2002

Species Day: 16th April

Native Land: Krawk Island

The Krawk is a scaly Neopet that stands on two large, flat feet. It is distinguished from other Neopets by the crest on its head, which falls down its neck almost like a furry pet's mane, and its jagged mouth. Unlike its fellow rare pet the Draik, it possesses no wings. At 100cm, it is larger than the majority of Neopets. The teeth of a Krawk are the second sharpest of all Neopet species.

Krawks originate, quite logically, from Krawk Island. While there are morphing and transmogrification potions that can produce a Krawk, traditionally these Neopets evolve from the Petpet of the same name when taken to the mysterious Fungus Cave. (Labbed Krawk Petpets don't count, as genetically they are not Krawks at all. Also, despite the name similarity, Krawks are no relation to the Petpet Krawkadon.) Full-grown Krawks are loyal to their owners, but nevertheless very mischievous Neopets who delight in getting into all sorts of trouble. Look no further than the regular population of Krawk Island to find out what sort of things unsupervised Krawks can get up to! While they can eat anything most Neopets enjoy, they also have a taste for the fungus that grows in the island's caverns and crevices.

Krawk Island was discovered on the 5th day of Gathering, Year Three (known outside Neopia as September 5th, 2001), but the existence of its native species somehow managed to remain a secret for another four months! The Krawk was introduced on the 10th day of Awakening, Year Four ('January 10th, 2002') as one of Neopia's only Restricted-status pets. Its appearance has barely changed at all since then.

Krawk Trivia

  • Despite being one of Neopia's most coveted Neopets, the Krawk has consistently won the Wooden Spoon Award given to the least popular species. How? Well, the popularity charts only count Krawks that have been born in the traditional way, at the Fungus Caves-they don't account for pets who were born another species and morphed or transmogrified into a Krawk later. So the majority of Neopia's Krawks aren't even counted :(

A Few Famous Krawks

Neopets Faerie Caverns

  • Dorak is an enterprising treasure hunter who lost a promising haul when his ship was attacked by the Black Pawkeet. You can relive his efforts to recover the lost coins in the Dubloon Disaster series.
  • Grimtooth is a keen player of Bilge Dice, and his name has become almost synonymous with that pirate game of chance.
  • Lady Frostbite is a bitter and twisted villain who once planned to turn the whole of Neopia as icy as Terror Mountain. Her efforts were foiled by the Defenders of Neopia.
  • Mr. Krawley is the mysterious figure behind all the troubles of the tiny town of Neovia. His potions and interference played many parts in the history that would come to be known as the Tale of Woe, but while others faced the consequences of their actions, this Krawk seems to have slipped back into the night without ceremony. No-one knows where he's been since, and perhaps that's for the best.
  • Mrs. Doppelganger, also known as Old Lady Doppel, is a sinister elderly Krawk who is rumoured to kill unscrupulous Neopets who try to take advantage of her. Whether or not the stories are true, they're good for a thrilling scare on dark nights and ensure that younger pets behave respectfully to their elders.

More Characters

  • Krawk Braggart

  • Mabel Wibert

  • Jadeer

  • Swamp Krawk

  • Lady Frostbite

  • Krawk Card

  • Bern & Lorn

  • Ice Krawk

  • Wrath

  • Krawvin

  • Swabby

  • Heidi

This page was written by Dream and last updated on February 17, 2020.