Neopets Haunted Woods

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  2. Neopets Haunted Woods Food
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The Haunted House is a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' where your actions determine the story. On each page you are presented with a situation and then have to decide how you want the lead character to react. Think of is as being like an interactive book. The Haunted House takes place in the Haunted Woods and is self explanatory when you open it. Haunted Woods This site theme is awarded by refreshing on Neopets at 11:59pm NST on October 31st. This site theme was also given out for winning the First Random Contest. The Haunted Woods (Stamp Album) is a section in the Stamp Album in Neopets and is based on the characters, items, and places in Haunted Woods. There is also an avatar you can receive for collecting every stamp in this section of the album, however an extremely few users have it because a few of the stamps are immensely rare and expensive.

Neopets Haunted Woods Coloring Pages

Meridell - Trestin Village

Neopets Haunted Woods Food

Neopets Haunted WoodsNeopets

Home sweet home. Don't be afraid to visit Mother if you're in need of some rest - she kindly lets you sleep in your own bed for free. See Pongoras if you want to stock up on damage potions, otherwise it's time to start your adventure!

Neopets Haunted Woods Games

Mother says, 'Well hello, dear! Have you been having fun out in the world?' > 'I need rest. May I spend the night at home?' (Cost: free)
Mother says, 'Why, of course, dear! How could I possibly turn you away from the house you grew up in?'
You rest for the night, and wake up refreshed and healthy.

Pongoras says, 'The monsters that have been roaming the countryside won't come too close to towns, but there's a cave to the north of here that has all sorts of fiends inside. I wouldn't go there, if I were you. At any rate, if you're going to be out adventuring, I'd recommend staying right near town until you've gained some experience.'
> 'What can you tell me about the cave?'
Pongoras says, 'The cave? I think it used to be a mine of some kind, but it's been abandoned since before I was born. I don't think anyone has been in there in years, but with all the monsters infesting it now, I can't imagine that anyone would want to go there!'
> 'What else is near the village?'
Pongoras says, 'Well, there's the mountains to the north, and the coastline all around... if you head northeast and then south, you'll get to the city of White River. You can't trust city folk, though. Be careful if you go there.'
> Trade with Pongoras
Pongoras says, 'Well, I once learned to make a couple of simple magic potions from a wandering wizard. If you want, I can sell you a basic healing vial or a dangerous Flare potion. Careful with the Flare potions -- they're quite explosive! I'll just charge you what it costs me to make the potions; anything more wouldn't be fair, since I've known you your whole life.'
Healing Vial (heal 15)10 g12 g15 g
Flare Potion (dmg 15)15 g18 g22 g

Jimba says, 'Aahh! Oh, sorry, it's just you. I've been a bit on edge lately, with all these nasty creatures roaming around. Why, just the other night, I had to fend off a ravening lupe that tried to eat some of my flock!'
> 'How is your flock doing?'
Jimba says, 'My poor babaas haven't been getting any sleep, what with all the howling that goes on at night. Those crazy lupes out in the wilderness sure are making things difficult, with all that racket.'

Marvis says, 'It's too bad that your father isn't still with us to see you going off to adventure. He would have been so proud of you.'
> 'What else do you know about my father?'
Marvis says, 'Well, he had kind of a mysterious past. He didn't talk about it much. I think he used to be a soldier or warrior, before he met your mother and settled down to have a family. That's where he supposedly got that sword he left you, anyway. Although if he really had been a soldier, don't you think he'd have kept his armour, too?'

Haunted Woods Osrs

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