Faerie Caves 2 Neopets Walkthrough

By: Simon (gnuneo)

Here is my solution for the entire Faerie Caves II game.

Three Faeries with an Aisha and some Babaas. For the paint colour, see Faerie (colour). The Neopets Faeries wander around Neopia giving out gifts, abilities and sometimes raising the level of a Neopet's skills. Everyone needs a little magic in their lives and the Neopian Faeries can add some unexpected and pleasant surprises. Note: We typically add false inflation alerts on any items that have jumped 300% or more in price compared to our current listed price. We typically only do this for items costing 100,000 NP, or buyable items that have gone unbuyable. For example, an item that.

General Tips to Faerie Caves 2

  • Be careful where you walk. It is very easy to accidently push a boulder or balloon out of place, or onto you.
  • Be aware of whether you’re carrying a torch, when you walk near dynamite.
  • Red dynamite only explodes itself.
  • Green dynamite takes out all squares around it.
  • If a stick of dynamite goes off near another stick of dynamite, it will cause a chain reaction.
  • There are two key types:
    • Purple is only useful for unlocking exit door.
    • White is useful for unlocking any chest.
  • DO NOT STAND ON FLOOR TRAPS, they’re the little spikes that move when triggered
  • If the directions say “hold” something, that means hold the key down. So “hold up” means hold the up key pressed down.
  • Score possible: level / total
  • Most levels have multiple solutions
  • Note: you get 25 points per level

Level 1 – Easy – Easy Does it

Possible Score: 75
Total Score: 75

  1. Get (2) Gems
  2. Get the white key at the bottom of the screen, then go to either chest.
  3. Push boulder (top right) to the right, let it fall.
  4. Get torch
  5. Trigger RED dynamite and BACK UP
  6. Get 2nd key, the go to the other chest
  7. Get Purple key
  8. CAN EXIT NOW (through the door) ~ or ~ you can keep playing to get +20 to score
  9. Go to top of screen
  10. Walk to the top left, without getting torch, and stepping off the floor trap
  11. Go get gems, watch out for the dynamite.
  12. Go to the exit

Level 2 – Easy – Fire In The Hole
Possible Score: 100
Total Score: 175

  1. Get key
  2. Get gem
  3. Walk up and to right
  4. Get torch and purple key
  5. CAN EXIT NOW ~ or ~ continue to add 60 to your score)
  6. Push boulder on circle
  7. Walk along right wall and above the balloon
  8. MOVE LEFT (and wait for balloon to move up)
  9. Move RIGHT
  10. Move down, trigger dynamite, move up quickly
  11. Get key and torch
  12. Go back through the tunnel, which had all the dynamite
  13. Trigger dynamite and step back
  14. Get gems
  15. Go back along tunnel and get keys and chests
  16. Go to exit

Level 3 – Easy – Welcome to the Jungle
Possible Score: 70
Total Score: 245

  1. Go straight down
  2. Left and up
  3. Careful: don’t stand on floor trap
  4. Get key and torch
  6. Follow floor until next to floor trap
  7. Go up two squares
  8. Move right three squares
  9. Move down then quickly up (igniting dynamite)
  10. After dynamite explodes, down two, left three
  11. Go back up
  12. Push balloon onto circle
  13. Get chest
  14. Hold down (getting gem and torch)
  15. Right one, and hold up (gem and key)
  16. Stand on the left of the balloon
  17. Hold left, hit dynamite, move right one
  18. Get gem
  19. Get key, chest DONT STAND ON FLOOR TRAP
  20. Get chest and exit

Level 4 – Medium – Spiky Mines
Score Possible: 80
Total Score: 325

  1. Careful of the floor traps
  2. Get gem, walk under boulder, repeat 4 times
  3. Push boulder right one square
  4. Walk to right wall
  5. Walk down three squares
  6. Hold left button
  7. Get key on left
  8. Down 2, right 2, down 2
  9. Hold right, step back from dynamite
  10. Walk to right wall, hold up, left 2
  11. Quickly: down, and right
  12. This will push the boulder on the circle
  13. Right 1, down 3, hold left
  14. Get purple key
  15. Get gem below green dynamite
  16. Down 2
  17. Hold right, hold left
  18. Right 1, up 2
  19. Hold right and move up 1 (quickly)
  20. Red dynamite explodes
  21. Move down and exit

Level 5 – Easy – Water Prison
Possible Score: 45
Total Score: 370

Note: The key to this level is NOT to get the purple key until you’ve gotten the white key

  1. Walk down (gem)
  2. Walk around and stand under the top boulder
  3. Move left
  4. Get key at bottom left of screen
  5. Stand under the chest
  6. Up 6, right 2, down 2, right 1
  7. Exit

Level 6 – Easy – Crazy Clouds
Possible Score: 70
Total Score: 440

Note: The key to this level is to not let anything rest on a circle until the very end

  1. Right 1
  2. Hold left
  3. Down (gem)
  4. Up 1
  5. Hold right
  6. Down 1 (gem)
  7. Hold up
  8. Left 1, up 2 (gem)
  9. Down 2
  10. Hold left
  11. Up 1, left 3, down 1
  12. Get 3 keys
  13. Down 2, hold right
  14. Down 4, hold left, get chests and torch
  15. Stand under right boulder
  16. Right 1
  17. Up 1
  18. Hold left, right 1 (quickly)
  19. Exit

Level 7 – Easy – Kaboom
Possible Score: 65
Total Score: 505

Note: The key to this level is to not get greedy – you CANNOT get every gem. Also, I’ll assume you won’t stand next to a dynamite when its ignited.

  1. Get torch, ignite right dynamite
  2. Get gem and key and torch
  3. Go to left side of screen
  4. Ignite dynamite
  5. Gem and torch
  6. Ignite nearby dynamite above
  7. Get gem
  8. Stand 2 spaces below floor trap
  9. Hold up
  10. Walk right, trigger dynamite
  11. Get gem
  12. Grab torch, get gem
  13. Ignite dynamite above torch at bottom
  14. Get gem
  15. Don’t pick up any more torches
  16. Get two gems at top of screen
  17. Exit

Level 8 – Hard – Evil Caves
Possible Score: 70
Total Score: 575

Note: Be careful – this is the first level that I’ve found requires quick movement.


Light Faerie Neopets

  1. Hold down, up quickly, dynamite ignites
  2. Walk along wall (left, up, right)
  3. Get key and gems
  4. Walk all the way around
  5. Stand between boulder and gem
  6. Hold right
  7. Walk all way around again to bottom of screen
  8. Trigger green dynamite and back up
  9. Get key
  10. Stand on the left side of the boulder
  11. QUICKLY:
  12. Right, left 3, up 2
  13. This key sequence should end with you right above the floor trap
  14. Get gem
  15. Get chests and purple key
  16. Exit

Level 9 – Easy – Boulder Hill
Possible Score: 90
Total Score: 665

  1. Pay attention to layout
  2. Get gem at bottom left
  3. Hold up, step right, get key
  4. Left 1, down 5
  5. Follow northern wall
  6. Ignite top green dynamite and move 1 down
  7. Get 8 gems
  8. Get torch on right
  9. Left 1, get key
  10. Get bottom right chest
  11. Ignite bottom right dynamite, back up
  12. Get torch
  13. Go around top green dynamite (don’t touch)
  14. Get bottom left chest
  15. Ignite bottom left dynamite, back up
  16. Get torch
  17. Ignite red dynamite, back up
  18. Push boulder one square left or right
  19. Get purple key
  20. Exit

Level 10 – Easy – One Way Streets
Possible Score: 60
Total Score: 725

  1. Pay attention to layout – go down first
  2. Right 1, down 8
  3. Get torch
  4. Hold right, up 4, hold left
  5. Get gem (4 squares down)
  6. Left 1, hold up
  7. Hold right, left 1 quickly (dynamite)
  8. Down 2, right 6, up 2, left 1 (key)
  9. Right 1, down 2, left 6, up 2
  10. Push boulder on circle
  11. Get gem
  12. Get chest and purple key
  13. Go back up
  14. Push boulder 1 square right
  15. Walk around boulder and exit

Level 11 – Medium – Diamond Islands
Possible Score: 70
Total Score: 795

Note: This is the only level where you should NOT move immediately! The balloon at the bottom of the screen has to reach the top before you move, otherwise you’ll be crushed by a floor trap.

Faerie Caves 2 Neopets Walkthrough Map

  1. Step 1: wait for balloon to rise
  2. Right 2, hold right, left 2 QUICKLY! (you can’t hold right, above, you’d get crushed by a afloor trap)
  3. Right 2, down 2, hold left
  4. Stand to the left of the bottom left balloon and hold right
  5. Go to the top left of screen and stand on the left side of the balloon
  6. Walk around the balloon and push it 1 square to the right
  7. Hold right, left 1 QUICKLY!
  8. Get keys, gems, chests, purple key
  9. Go to the exit, being careful not to stand on the floor trap!

Level 12 – Medium – Heaven of Hell?
Possible Score: 55
Total Score: 850

Note: The name for the level, I believe, comes from the decision you must make “out of the gate”. In this instance, choose ‘Hell’ or down: its the only way to safely get the key at the top of the screen AND the torch at the right.

  1. Hold down
  2. Hold left
  3. Hold up
  4. Get key
  5. Stand underneath the four balloons
  6. Hold right, left 1 quickly
  7. Get chest
  8. For safety’s sake, don’t get the key yet
  9. Stand under vertical floor traps (the ones lined up north to south by the exit)
  10. Up 3, right 1 (quickly)
  11. Hold down
  12. Stand to the right of the key
  13. Left 2
  14. Right 2
  15. Two balloons should now have gone up
  16. Stand underneath the right balloon at the top of the screen
  17. Hold right
  18. Hold left, down 2 QUICKLY
  19. Hold right
  20. Up 3 (don’t hold: floor trap will get you otherwise)

Level 13 – Medium Hard – One way out
Possible Score: 105
Total Score: 955

Note: This one is again something to be careful about. Get the torches in order.

  1. Get gem (bottom of screen)
  2. Stand under boulder (next to green dynamite)
  3. Right 1
  4. Left 1
  5. Up 3 (don’t hold)
  6. Right 1
  7. Left 1
  8. Down 1
  9. Right 2
  10. Left 1
  11. Right 1
  12. At this point, you should have four boulders lined up along the west wall.
  13. Get torch (by green dynamite)
  14. Light the green dynamite and move away
  15. Get torch, get gem, hold down, up 1 QUICKLY
  16. Get key (right side of screen)
  17. Get gems
  18. There are 11 of them. be careful that a boulder doesn’t fall on you don’t get either torch yet
  19. Go back to the left side of the screen
  20. Push the boulder sitting on the green dynamite onto the circle
  21. Get chest, purple key, and gem
  22. Get torch
  23. Ignite green dynamite and exit

Level 14 – Medium Hard – Cause and Effect
Possible Score: 40
Total Score: 995

Note: This one is easy to mess up. Do most of it in the order I suggest. There is room for variation, but the order, I suggest, always works for me and isn’t dangerous.

  1. Left 1
  2. Get torch be careful not to push the other boulder left(its to your left)
  3. Ignite green dynamite, move up 1 QUICKLY
  4. *BOOM*
  5. Gates switch (lots of this on this level)
  6. Push balloon to right (onto circle)
  7. Hold left
  8. Get torch
  9. Right 1, left 1
  10. Hold up
  11. Hold right, left 2 QUICKLY
  12. Get torch
  13. Left 2, up 2, hold left, down 3
  14. Ignite green dynamite, down 1 QUICKLY
  15. *BOOM*
  16. Gates switch
  17. Get gem, push boulder on circle
  18. For the remainder of the level, do not push the bottom boulder on the
  19. Circle
  20. Get gem
  21. Don’t use the floor trap corridor yet
  22. Get torch (and don’t ignire the dynamite nearby
  23. Down 3, left 4, up 2, right 2 QUICKLY
  24. Walk around the boulder and the circle
  25. Go to the bottom right corner
  26. Up 4, left 1, up 1, left 1, up 2
  27. Right 2, hold down
  28. WAIT for dynamite to explode
  29. Exit

Level 15 – Hard – Never trust a Stranger!
Possible Score: 55
Total Score: 1050

Note:This one is easy enough – the end is tricky and only recently did I figure out how to get ALL the gems.

  1. Right 1, down 2, right 3
  2. Boulder falls to your left
  3. Push boulder left 1
  4. Up 1, right 3, down 2, left 3, down 2, right 3 (torch)
  5. *tricky* ignite dynamite and IMMEDIATELY: right 1, down 1
  6. Wait for boulder to fall
  7. Push boulder left one
  8. Get gem
  9. Get key
  10. Left 1
  11. Go to middle of top of screen
  12. Down 1, right 1, down 2
  13. Be careful here
  14. Get the BOTTOM torch
  15. Left 1, up 2 QUICKLY
  16. Get torch under boulder
  17. Left 1
  18. Boulder falls
  19. You should have a torch
  20. Ignite red dynamite, right 2 QUICKLY
  21. Get gem
  22. Get torch (bottom left)
  23. Ignite green dynamite, up 2 QUICKLy
  24. Get purple key
  25. Get chest
  26. Don’t get torches yet
  27. Walk around torches and get white key
  28. Get both torches now
  29. Get chest
  30. *be careful here*
  31. Ignite red dynamite, up 4, left 1
  32. Ignire green dynamite, up 1 QUICKLY
  33. The boulder should be sitting on top of the balloon
  34. Exit

Level 16 – Hard – Sneaky Gates
Possible Score: 120
Total Score: 1170

Note: Pay attention to whether you’re carrying a torch.

  1. Get gem
  2. Get key
  3. Get gem (between dynamites)
  4. Left 1, down 1, hold left (gem)
  5. Down 2 (torch)
  6. Hold right, down 2 QUICKLY
  7. Right 4, down 1, right 1 (gem)
  8. Right 1, up 2, (gem on left)
  9. Right 1, hold up, hold right (torch)
  10. Hold left, down 2, hold right, hold right
  11. Wait for green dymamite to ignire
  12. Hold left, down 1, right 1
  13. Down 1, up 2 QUICKLY (red dynamite)
  14. Get key next to where dynamite was.
  15. If you want maximum gem/chests:
    1. stand two squares to the right of the red chest (bottom)
    2. left 1, right 1 QUICKLY
    3. *BOOM* (red dynamite ignite)
    4. left 2, down 1 (gem)
    5. do this quickly:
    6. up, right 2 ALL QUICKLY
    7. gates close
  16. If you don’t, ignore the red dynamite and gem at bottom of screen
    at the bottom left of screen:
  17. Get chest, torch
  18. Right 1
  19. Balloon rises to circle
  20. Get purple key
  21. Up 2, right 3, down 2, right 1
  22. Wait for green dynamite to ignite
  23. Left 1, up 2, right 1, up 3, right 2, up 3
  24. Right 1, left 1, down 1 QUICKLY
  25. Red dynamite ignites
  26. Down 2, left 3
  27. Up 4, left 1 QUICKLY
  28. Green dynamite ignites
  29. Get chest
  30. Go to bottom of screen and get key
  31. Get both chests and gem
  32. Exit

Level 17 – Easy – Many Hoards
Possible Score: 220
Total Score: 1390

Note: This is my favorite level – lots of profit. Be careful that no boulder falls on you and no balloon rises to you. And use the torch to ignite the green dynamite at the bottom of the screen.
If you only care about the 1000 NP you could Send Score now (assuming you
have at least 1335 points (75NP for every 100 points)

Faerie Caves 2 Cheats

Level 18 – Hard – Missing in Action
Possible Score: 35
Total Score: 1425

Note: This one is sneaky and has little reward except the purple level.

  1. Right 2, down 1, hold right
  2. Left 9 (do NOT get the left torch yet)
  3. Down 2, up 1 QUICKLY
  4. Up 3, right 8
  5. Be careful here
  6. Do this quickly:
  7. Right 3, up 1, down 1, right 1
  8. The whole top of the screen clears away because of the dynamite
  9. NOW get torch (but don’t use it yet)
  10. Get purple key (bottom left of screen)
  11. Trigger the green dynamite under the two boulders (and up 2 QUICKLY)
  12. Get chest and exit

Level 19 – Hardest – Fyora’s Quest
Possible Score: 95
Total Score: 1520

Note: The hardest part of this level is that a trail follows wherever you walk.

  1. Down 5 (key)
  2. Right 2, down 3, left 2, down 3 (key)
  3. Right 2,
  4. Up 2, right 1 QUICKLY
  5. Gates fall
  6. Up 5, right 3, down 1, left 2
  7. Boulder falls on circle
  8. Do NOT get bottom chest yet
  9. Down 3, right 3, up 1, right 1, hold up, left 1
  10. Dynamite ignites
  11. Left 4, get chests and key, hold right
  12. Down 2, left 1, down 1, left 2, down 1 (key)
  13. Left 1 (gem)
  14. Down 1 (gem)
  15. Left 1, down 1 (gem)
  16. Left 1, down 3 (chest)
  17. Left 1, down 1, left 2, down 2, right 1 QUICKLY
  18. Right 5, hold up, right 2, hold down
  19. Down 2
  20. Exit!

Congratulations: you beat the game
and thats all folks!

Neopets Faerie Caverns is a located in Faerieland, at the bottom of the land that you will be able to visit once per day. Neopets Faerie Caverns will cost you 400 NP to enter and it is a luck-based game.


The imagine shown before is the entrance of the Faerie Caverns. From there, you will be asked to choose your path. If you decide that you’re going to pay 400 NP, you will be able to proceed to the tunnel. After that, you will be asked if you want to go to the left direction or to the right direction. Note that the luck that you find your way is equal for both sides.

Space Faerie Neopets

Then, if you picked the right direction, you will find another level of the tunnel where you will also have to pick the left side, or the right side.

After that, if you were very lucky and managed to guess correctly both times, a last tunnel will be shown to you and you will have to choose a direction, again. Be very careful though, you’re almost there!

If a message says “You gasp as you enter a room lit with candles. You’ve found the treasure!” then Congratulations, you’ve made it! From there, you will be able to grab your hardly found treasure. The prize is usually between 400 and 2,500 NP. On rare occasions, you will be able to receive 5, 10 or even 25 thousands NP.

If you’re lucky, you may also be able to receive one of the following prizes:

Beautiful Glowing Wings
Faerie Caverns Background
Faerie Caverns Stamp
Faerie Paint Brush

Faerie Festival Neopets

If you fail, however, you will receive one of the following messages:

  • “Curses! The path has lead to a dead end. Perhaps you should try your luck again tomorrow.”
  • “You enter a small chamber and gasp at the beautiful stalagmites… or are they stalactites? You can’t seem to recall. You spend so much time trying to remember that you barely have time to escape the cave before your torch burns out.”
  • “You raise your torch to examine this room, causing the shadows of the vines to move. Your skin prickles as you attempt to convince your imagination that this room isn’t crawling with Wadjets. It’s just the shadow of the vines. It’s just– you lose your nerve and bolt out of the caverns.”
  • “You round a corner and hear a strange noise. It sounds like something large is moving in the darkness in front of you. Perhaps you should retreat… quickly.”
  • “You stumble in the darkness and trip over a rock, stubbing your toe. You jump up and down on one foot, muttering your grievances at the cave before retreating for the day.”
  • “You stumble into some water, soaking your clothes. The cold of the cave chills you to the bone. It’s probably best to escape and dry off, and try again tomorrow.”

Neopets Faerie Caverns Cheats
Battleground of the Obelisk – Cartogriphication Boon

Faerie Caves 2 Neopets Walkthrough 3

You are currently able to receive the Cartogriphication Boon from the Obelisk War, which will guide your Neopet through the right path of the Faerie Caverns. You can earn it for a limited time when your team wins the war.

Neopets Faerie Caverns