Neopets 2001

New Features (Our Neopets Diary) To keep you up to date with the ever-changing Neopets, we have decided to create a page that lists everything new that we add to the site, so you know what's going on! Keep checking this page for updates! (back to menu). Jul 04, 2019  How to Find an Older Account on Neopets. Have you lost the username to your old account, or can't remember the 'birthday' you claimed to have six years ago? There are ways to get it back, but be prepared to spend a fair amount of time. Neopets TCG Cards. The Neopets TCG was a pretty big deal in the early years, and were always a fun excuse to do more finished/polished/narrative art than what ended up on the site. A couple of these weren't used, but I take it as a point of personal pride that I snuck that Grima Wormtongue Ixi in there.

New Features (Our Neopets Diary)Neopets

To keep you up to date with the ever-changing Neopets, we have decided to create a page that lists everything newthat we add to the site, so you know what's going on! Keep checking this page for updates!

(back to menu)
28th February
  • We have made a BIG CHANGE to the Shops Map. The main square of Neopia Central has been split into two, so now you can visit the Town Center or the Bazaar. We have alsoupdated the toolbar so that it has a rollover text to tell you what each icon means. Clickhere to see our changes.
  • Now you can skip between arenas easier in the Battledome!
  • Five More PetPets - Say hello to Whoot, Noil, Pinklet, Hornsby and Bloopy! On sale nowin the PetPet Shop.
  • Pick-a-Mynci - The Mynci is going to get a facelift today, and its up to you to choosethe new version! Get 500 NP by voting once! Click hereto play!
  • NEW GAME! - Yes every Wednesday we launch a new Mystery Picturegame. We show you a part of an image that is found somewhere on the site, and you have to guesswhat it is. The winners get neopoints and a rare item! Clickhere to play!
  • The Poogle Roll and the Moehog Ram have been added to the Battledome.
  • THAT MIDAS TOUCH - Today the Scorchio and the Zafara have becomeavailable in Gold. We are thinking of possibly introducing a gold paintbrush, but for now the only way to turn your pet Gold is to use the lab.
  • Todays Pet Spotlight is brucy_32_the Bruce.
  • New Screensaver! We redid yesterdays screensaver with Pet Pets instead of Neopets! Clickhere to see all the screensaverswe have to offer.
27th February
  • Added some more shopkeepers, including this evil looking guy...

    All your Neopet are belong to us!
  • Purple and Pink Job Couponsare now available. Make sure you have one before the Employment Agency opens as they will allowyou to get a better job! Click herefor details.
  • Now when you are browsing the shops in the marketplace we have new shop icons!!
  • NEW ZAFARA - Sorry we didnt put up a couple of versions for you to choose from, we wereso busy! Anyway, we hope you like the new version.
  • Cool Chia, Lupe and Kyrii Animations! - Click on the Neopet below to see the animation.
  • A cool new screensaver has been added to our Screensavers Page - Retro Pets! Check it out by clicking on the picture below to download, its about a megabyte in size(thats about 4 minutes over a modem, but its worth it!).
  • The latest addition to the Gold Pets is the Gold Wocky! UPDATE : Now you can turn your Jetsam into Gold also!
  • Todays Site Spotlight featuresAmethyst_555 the Blumaroo.
  • The Mystery Island Mystichas swallowed a whole batch of Fortune Cookies and is now givingout daily advice. Why not pay him a visit today?
  • Three more Artifacts have appeared in the hidden tower... magical decks of cards, all of themat incredibly high prices. Do you know where the tower is?
26th February
  • The Murderer Strikes! - Cupcake has been found dead in theTerror Mountain Ski Lodge - Arrrgh! Check it out and see if you can find any clues.
  • GRUNDOS GYM! - A gym opened up in Neopia Central today. There are five pets working out,and it's up to you to turn them from overweight layabouts into fighting fit Neopets! Clickhere to have a go! We willbe improving it over the next few days with your feedback.
  • Two more Neopedia articles - click hereto learn about the Manchu bow and Mulvinn the Wocky!
  • More Smileys - Lots more smileys have been added, so now the messageboards should be more colourful. Can you guess all the codes?
  • GOLD PETS! This Meerca is angry because a certain laboratoryray has transmuted him into Gold! Starting today, keep an eye out for gold pets around Neopia!
  • The Neopets Terms and Conditions have been updated. Make sure you read these asap.
  • The Eyrie, Peophin and JubJub animations have been uploaded! Nearly finished all 40 petanimations!
  • You can now use Wocky Leap and Usul Growl in the Battledome!
  • The Neopedia has been updated so youcan now search for articles! Yeah!
  • There is a description of the Crystal Boomerang inour Neopedia.
  • Give a warm welcome to today's star pet, Grarrl_of_steele owned by Kari105.
  • Four more fantastic pictures have been added to our Art Gallery, including this cute pic of Mahrentt by the_only_nighthawk. If you have a flair for drawing and want to get your art work displayed on Neopets, why not send it in?
  • The winners of the caption contest have been announced and a new contest has just begun. Why not give it a go? If you can think of a funny caption to go with this weeks picture, you could win 1000NP and a rare item.
24th and 25th February
  • Yeah! - There are now 10 million Neopets in Neopia!
  • As part of a routine security check today, everybody will be logged off once and then asked to re-entera password to get back in. Please do not worry about this, we are doing it to improve the site security.
  • Some of you may have noticed broken images from Geocities on the notice board and shops. We didnot disable these images, this is something Geocities have chosen to do. Unfortunately, there is nothing we cando about the situation.

23rd February

  • The last of the normal levels in our Faerie Caves game has been uploaded. You thought these were hard,you wait till we release the Uber Faerie Levels!!!. Play it by clicking Garon below..
  • We uploaded the Lenny Animation! Check it out by clicking on the Lenny below!
  • The latest issue of the Neopian Times is out now! Don't forget to check out your favorite Neo-Market Team, and all of those great stories!
  • Today's Pet Spotlight is onPoogala_2000 and Wockysweetheart. No prizes for guessing their species! :)
  • The first round of League Matches have now started in the Battledome!These competitions will now run every two weeks.
  • The Mynci Swing and the Kyrii Tackle have been added to the Battledome.Once again, these are advanced moves that your Neopet will have to be at least level 10 to use.

22nd February

  • EMPLOYMENT AGENCY UPDATE - The Faeries are giving away magical Job Coupons to all peoplewho want to enter the agency to get a job. Click herefor details!
  • Oh yes, we forgot to mention, we hit 7 million users today! Woohoo!
  • Wonderful Food, Marvellous Food! About 20 more items of food are now being stocked in the Neopian FoodStore (wow that Chia chef HAS been busy!). You will be glad to know that all new items are being priced atunder 100 NP.
  • Have you seen this lesser-spotted White Meerca anywhere? Rumours have been circulating that a handfulhave just entered Neopia...
  • SECURITY UPDATE - We have completely recoded ourlogin section today, so that it is far more secure. We still recommend changing yourpasswords regularly as a precaution. Thanks!
  • SUPER CHEAT! - We have made Cheat a lot better, it now has easier to read text,the prizes are better, and thats not all... when you beat a round you will be given a specialBATTLECARD that can be used in battle with another Neopet. There are 27 intotal to collect. Click here to play.

  • More answers to the Ski Lodge Murder questions you have been sending in canbe found here.
  • New Caption Competition - Click here to submitan entry! This week we focus on Neo Vegas!
  • We uploaded a new Site Spotlightthis morning, all about Nyrok the Elephante.
  • Todays Battledome Moves arethe Jetsam Splash and Blumaroo Punch.

21st February

  • NEW GAME! Ch... ch... CHEAT! Yes, our latest and greatest game has been released.The aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards by lying, cheating, and generally beinga bit 'colourful' with the truth. Click here to play!

    NOTE - Cheat is currently in beta testing. The full game will be completed andreleased over the next few days, we just want to get you familiar with the rules!

    Your Cheat! Opponents!
  • Mad Meerca Greetings! We are going to try and upload about six greetings a week from now on, justto keep them interesting :) Click here tofind our new ones.
  • Currently you are able to turn Battledome challenges on or off. This featureis now available from a link in the Battledome Menu.We added this as players aged 12 and under were previously unable to change it!
  • More Pet Animations! - Nearly all of them have been completed now :) Check outour latest animations by clicking the Neopets below.
  • The Buzz Dive and the Lupe Lunge have been released into theBattledome. Your Buzz will have to belevel 10 to get this move, and your Lupe level 15.
  • A new Pet Spotlight has been added, say hello to Skander the Eyrie :)

20th February

  • BATTLEDOME LEAGUES ARE HERE! - We have launched 64 Battledome Leagues...they are now open to join. You can not fight a league match yet, but you will be able toin the next few days. Click hereto investigate!
  • The change has been made. Now items 100,000 NP or higher in shops are unbuyable.We repriced every item that was 50,000 or more to 200,000 just in case you missed the bigchange!
  • Oh no! The Neopets Team are still on holiday in the Terror Mountain Ski Lodge, andnow another murder has happened. This time the unlucky victim is Cookie, in the Kitchen...can you piece together the clues to find the murderer??? Click here now!
  • We have been on a Paint Brush Frenzy today! The Shadow Aisha is now alsoavailable.
  • Thanks for voting... the Jetsam Competition results are now out, and a massive71,479 people voted overall!!! The winning design will be out later today!
  • Now if you get over 100 points in our Faerie Cavesgame you can win a 'I completed the Faerie Caves and all I got was this lousy T-shirt' T-shirt.Be the envy of all your friends!!!
  • Warning! Tuesday Evening (NST) we will be changing the 'unbuyable'level of items from 50,000 to 100,000 NP. This means that you will be only able to purchase anyitems in shops that are priced below 100K. If you have a gallery this warning is to alertyou that you had better change the prices of your items to 100K or above!
  • As a result of the above change, items can be now priced up to 200,000 NP in yourshops.
  • Today we have a new animation for the Poogle, Grundo, Cybunny and the Usul. Click below to see them!
  • The Kougra Growl (Level 10), and the Elephante Trumpet (level 15) have beenadded to the Battledome.
  • Now you can turn your Meerca into a Faerie, or your Kyrii into a stripy thing or a erm... pink, yellow and green thing.

19th February

  • We have uploaded three more backgrounds to the site... you can download them by clickingbelow and browsing our desktop background gallery.
  • Over 200 Shopkeepers to choose from!
    Now you can make your shopkeeper almost anything you want. There are Faeries, Neopets, even some of the Neopets staff :)
  • The winners of the latest Caption Contest have been announced and a new competition has begun. If you can think of something witty and amusing, you could win 1000 NP and a rare item!
  • Check out the latest pictures in the Art Gallery including this amazingly cute pair :)
  • We have added the Neopets Battledome and the Neopian Stockmarket to the new look Games Room. This should make finding your favourite games much easier.
  • A new banner has been added to the Link to Us page. Why not add one to your web site. You will earn NeoPoints for each person you refer!
  • The new Story Telling contest has been launched. If you are feeling creative, why not give it a whirl... You could win 2000NP and a rare item!
  • We are still working on the pet animations! Today the Scorchio, Wocky, Buzz and Uni have been completed,We will add the other ones as we complete them.
  • Two more advanced moves for the Battledome today,your JubJub will need to be level 10 to get the JubJub Scream, and your Koi will haveto reach level 15 to use the Koi Splash.
  • We are starting off the week with a new Pet Spotlight.Today it is Snowpuff65 the Cybunny.

18th February

  • NEW GAME ROOM! - We have completely redone ourGames Room so that it is searchable,and has difficulty levels for each game! We hope you like it!
  • The latest issue of the Neopian Times is out now! There have been some strange going on in Neopia, first Bubbles was murdered, now, Maria and Neil have vanished. Nobody is sure exactly what has happened to the couple and we will keep you updated as soon as we learn more. Aside from that, this weeks issue has a spotlight on the sequel to Ice Caves. In Faerie Caves, Garon faces even harder challenges than ever before. Can you help him escape? Don't forget all the great articles, short stories and mini-series sent in by other players. Also if you have a few questions, they may be answered in the editorial section.

17th February

  • We have been having a few problems with NeoMessages over the past few days,this is because there are too many in our database. We are going to fix this problem,but in the mean time we will have to delete all messages over a month old. Sorry aboutany inconvenience.

16th February

  • The plot thickens... some more bizarre and cryptic answers to our Ski Lodge Murder Mysteryhave been added. Three down, many more to go!
  • Oops! We spoke too soon. The Limited Edition T-shirts will be on sale until Monday, March5th. That will be the last day to get one of these 4 great designs!
  • We uploaded a new version of the fiendishly difficult Faerie Caves.See if you can complete the Cave of the Air Faerie.
  • VOTE FOR THE NEW JETSAM! - Today its the Jetsam's turn for a face lift. We are offering500 NP to people who want to help us out choosing the new version! Clickhere to vote!
  • More Pet Animations! - Three more have been finished so far today. Click on the Elephante, Moehog, Gelert or Kau tosee them!
  • The Faerie Kyrii is now available at the Rainbow Pool :) Do youhave a Faerie Paintbrush yet?
  • We have updated two of the maps on the site. Firstly, the Shops Mapnow has the Gift and Smoothie shop (sorry about that), and secondly the Action Game Maphas been redone!
  • Wow! Two second-generation Battledome moveshave been added now. When your Gelert or Kiko reaches a high enough level they will get either theGelert Flash and Kiko Stare.
  • A new Pet Spotlight has also gone up. Todayit is the turn of I_Love_Brady and LuBAGon the Blumaroo brothers!

15th February

  • The Skilodge Murderer has struck again!!! Oh no! This time Bubbles is the unluckyvictim. Click here to view the murderscene.
  • NEW SHOPKEEPERS - We have redone the shopkeepers, and have got rid of some of the oldout-of-date images. We suggest you go and check your shop immediately by clickinghere and make sure you do not havea broken image. Thanks!
  • We forgot to mention this, but there is a new Neopets Demo that is linked to from the frontpage. Click here to see it! Its about500k in size.
  • NEW GAME - Garon the Lupe returns in our great new game,Faerie Caves. Yes, its hard, butwe know you want a REAL challenge this time!
  • We have a new Caption Competition out today!
  • You can now feed your chosen Poogle an item when playing Poogle Racing,you never know, it may increase the chances of them winning!
  • The Grarrl now has a much much better description. Turn your speakers up and click on the Grarrl below!!! Just so you know we are going to do one of these for every single Neopet. UPDATE -We also added the Skeith, Kougra and Bruce!
  • Check out the latest contributions in our Gallery.Remember that all submissions that we use are rewarded with 1000 NP.
  • Added two more Battledome moves,the Zafara Flame and the Bruce Slide.
  • Say hello to the cuter, better Flotsam. This little chap will be available for adoption later on today.

    I love my new look!

  • Book Update
    We noticed that there were huge numbers of discarded books lying about Neopia. To keep books valuable they are now all magical and will disappearonce you have read them to your Neopet. This is not a bug, it helps to keep the game balanced.
  • A new Site Spotlight has been added. Why not check out peppermintpipsqueek's web page?

Neopets 2018

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April Fools' Day has become a much celebrated holiday for Neopets. These days, most users expect them to pull a prank and are ready for whatever The Neopets Team comes up with, although a quick glance around the Neoboards on the first of April will reveal that many a poor Neopian forget the date and is suckered in by TNT's latest ploy.

The tradition began on April Fools' Day of 2001, when Neopets decided to give a little makeover to a few pets. In case you missed it, or if you just fancy having another look and a chuckle, here are the designs they tried to pass off as being the newly improved pets.

The original joke page is still viewable here!

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This page was last updated on May 4, 2018.

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