Neopets Shop Wizard

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Welcome to the Shop Directory version 3.0 with me, your host, The Shop Wizard! Here you can find a complete listing of every single shop in Neopia, including some of the more obscure ones such as the Hidden Tower and the Igloo Garage Sale.
We've organized the list of shops into categories based on the type of items each shop sells and included a link to the Item DB () to show you all of the items each shop stocks! If we have a guide for the shop in question, you can visit it by clicking the fancy Jelly Kacheek head (). We hope this serves as an amazing resource for those users wanting to learn the ropes of restocking.
Remember, every 3rd day of the month is Half Price Day where all the Offical Neopian Shopkeepers cut their prices in HALF! (This excludes the General Store, Hidden Tower, Igloo Garage Sale, Little Nippers, Neohomes Superstore, Neopian Neggery, Shop of Mystery and the Smuggler's Cove). You can use this shop directory to locate the best deals during Half Price day!

The Shop Wizard Alakazam!!! It's the Shop Wizard! The Shop Wizard allows you to search the Neopian marketplace for a particular item you may be interested in buying. He searches other Neopians' shops and returns a list of the prices they are selling that item for, which is useful if you'd like to buy it or sell it yourself in your shop. The Shop Directory. Welcome to the Shop Directory version 3.0 with me, your host, The Shop Wizard!Here you can find a complete listing of every single shop in Neopia, including some of the more obscure ones such as the Hidden Tower and the Igloo Garage Sale. We've organized the list of shops into categories based on the type of items each shop sells and included a link to the Item DB to show. Jul 28, 2015 Be aware that if you overuse the shop wizard, you will be told to wait 10 - 20 minutes before you can come back and use it. This is because a lot of people are using it at the same time and it places a bit of a strain on the system.

Battledome | Books | Clothing & Wearables | Collectables | Food
Furniture & Gardening | Medicine | Petpets | Toys | Misc Shops | Special Shops

Kauvara's Magic Shop

Battle Magic

Defense Magic

Space Weaponry

Space Armour

Ice Crystal Shop

Tyrannian Weaponry

Sakhmet Battle Supplies

Haunted Weaponry

Kayla's Potion Shop

The Scrollery

Brightvale Armoury

Brightvale Motery

Royal Potionery

Maractite Marvels

Desert Arms

Faerie Weapon Shop

Illustrious Armoury

Magical Marvels

Wonderous Weaponry

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Magical Bookshop

Faerieland Bookshop

Sutek's Scrolls

Booktastic Books

Brightvale Books

Words of Antiquity

Neovian Printing Press

Moltaran Books

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Unis Clothing Shop

Prigpants & Swolthy, Tailors

Mystical Surroundings

The Second-Hand Shoppe

Cog's Togs

Ugga Shinies

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Collectable Card Shop

Neopian Post Office

Collectable Coins

Collectable Sea Shells

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Fresh Foods

Chocolate Factory

The Bakery

Health Foods

Smoothie Store

Tropical Food

Grundos Cafe

Spooky Food

The Coffee Cave

Slushie Shop


Faerie Foods

Tyrannian Foods

Hubert's Hot Dogs


Lost Desert Foods


Jelly Foods


Kiko Lake Treats

Cafe Kreludor

Brightvale Fruits

Qasalan Delights

Exquisite Ambrosia

Exotic Foods

The Crumpet Monger

Molten Morsels

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Neopian Garden Centre

Neopian Furniture

Tyrannian Furniture

Osiri's Pottery

Spooky Furniture

Kiko Lake Carpentry

Petpet Supplies

Kreludan Homes

Faerie Furniture

Roo Island Souvenirs

Brightvale Glaziers

Chesterdrawers' Antiques

Neohomes NP Superstore

Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic

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Neopian Pharmacy

Lost Desert Medicine

Remarkable Restoratives

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Neopian Petpet Shop

Robo-Petpet Shop

The Rock Pool

Spooky Petpets

Faerieland Petpets

Tyrannian Petpets

Peopatra's Petpets

Ye Olde Petpets

Wintery Petpets

Maraquan Petpets

Geraptiku Petpets

Legendary Petpets

Fanciful Fauna

Krawk Island Nippers

Moltaran Petpets

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Neopets Super Shop Wizard

Toy Shop


Darigan Toys

Plushie Palace

Springy Things

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Grooming Parlour

Neopian Gift Shop

Neopian Music Shop

Neopian School Supplies

Tiki Tack

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Note: These shops either stay stocked or have their own restocking methods that differ from Official Neopian Shops!

Almost Abandoned Attic

Ever Stocked General Store

Hidden Tower

Igloo Garage Sale

Smugglers Cove

Tarla's Shop of Mystery

The Neggery

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Neopets Shop Wizard Cheats

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This article was written by: Jawsch

This page was last updated on October 11, 2019.
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Autobuyer Guide/Tips!

What is a Neopets Autobuyer?
I really don’t know what this site has to offer since I’m a newbie, but find one with good/advance features. I use the Greasemonkey Neopets ABer.
Now that you’ve got an Neopets ABer…..
Pausing: I pause every 20-60 minutes (Default Settings for PZFX), but its really up to you.
How long to Pause for? I pause for 10-30 minutes
(Default Settings for PZFX).
Pause Before Buying: If you have this feature, I put it to 300-1200.
Haggle: I pretty much left it at default, Smart Haggle!
Refresh Rate: You should put it at around 4-10, or maybe even slower.

Let’s Get Started:
I won’t go into proxies or Neopets ABing list, there are other guides for that.

1.Get your side account, NEVER A MAIN!
2.After that, you should get out a list and setup the proxy.
3.WAIT! Don’t start yet! You need to fix your settings. If you have a side account, I’m guessing its “new” to RSing.
So to make it a bit more human like, you should slow your settings down. Such as: Refresh Rate is fine,
Pause before buying should be slow!
4.As a beginner to RSing your not just gonig to become good the first try, its about practice.
So thats why it MUST be slow in the beginning, to make it more “human-like”.
5.Take it slow, don’t try and get greedy.
6.Where Should you Neopets Autobuy? Well, you should start to AB in the pharmacy, books, chocolate, or toys. Something simple!

Neopets Magic Shop


After awhile
Now that you’ve been abing and taking it slow, its time to kick it up a notch.

Neopets Shop Wizard Guide

1. Change the settings a TAD. NOT TOO MUCH!
2. You should still be Neopets Autobuying in the easy store, but should be changing the settings once in awhile.
Like a human, it will show slow improvement and hopefully less chance of being frozen.

Okay, been ABing in the easy shops for a long while? Then go to the “intermediate” shops, or you can just stay at the easy shops.
So now your saying, “When can you get to the harder shops? I’m getting bored.” Well, there needs to be patient in this. Patience is rewarded.
You shouldn’t go to those shops until maybe a few weeks/month. I know its long, but a few weeks may be fine.
(Assuming your side account is 3 months or up)

Neopets Item Index

Other Tips:
1. Remember to use Proxies.
2. Be careful on what you do.
3. Think smart!
4. Transfer your items/neopoints very carefully, don’t just throw it all to your main, transfer it slowly.
Maybe one day, transfer alot. Then the next day, transfer nothing.
Then the net day transfer a little but my suggestion to you is that your side
account should always have a decent amount of NP on that account.
5. Have fun? D:
Remember, there are lots of neopets autobuyers, so choose the right one!

—Credits to SunnyNeo (not for the whole guide, just for the Easy, Medium, and Hard)–
– Book shop 7
– Food shop 1
– Bakery 15
– Petpet Supplies 69
– Pharmacy 13
– Tropical Food Shop 20
– Chocolate 14
– Spooky Foods 30
– Pharmacy 13
– Gardening 12
– Pizzaroo 47
– Grooming Parlour 5
– Unis Clothing 4
– Collectable Card Shop 8
– Fresh Smoothies 18
– Gift Shop

– Plushie Shop 98
– Toy Shop 3
– Furniture 41
– Post Office 58
– Collectable Sea Shells 86
– Petpet Shop 25
– Robopet Shop 26
– Faerieland Petpets 40
– Wintery Petpets 61
– Kayla’s Potions 73
– Legendary Petpets

– Magic Shop 2
– Defense Magic 10
– Battle Magic 9
– Collectable Coin Shop 68
– Wonderous Weaponry 100
– Royal Potionary 83
– The Scrollery 78
– Exquisite Ambrosia 95
– Words of Antiquity 92
– Magic Marvels 96
– Brightvale Armoury 80
– Merifoods

Neopets Premium Shop Wizard

Nowadays there are a lot of neopets autobuyers, from greasemonkey ones, to java ones, and more! They all vary in their functions, so choose a neopets autobuyer that is right for you!

Neopets Jellyneo Item Database

One of the top autobuyers right now is the Abrosia Autobuyer.