This is a special token that can be used for the Alien Vending Machine. The better the Nerkmid, the better your prize will be! Price History. Jan 08, 2014 Magical Golden Nerkmid — worth using at the Alien Aisha Vending Machine? (self.neopets) submitted 5 years ago by nqpj. I've checked out some forums online and am not sure whether using the Nerkmid at the Vending Machine is worth it.there are some pretty lame prizes reported by users, but also the chances of winning a paintbrush.
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The Alien Aisha Vending Machine is a game run by a small army of Alien Aishas.
For a small (or perhaps large) price - a single Nerkmid - you can try your luck at winning a prize and some Neopoints. If your Neopoint reward is large enough, you may even qualify for a trophy! The first time you play the Vending Machine you will also receive an avatar.
How To Play
To play the Vending Machine, simply travel over to the Neopian Plaza, or the Vending Machine directly. Once there, click the button that says 'Press me to Continue!'. Make sure that you have at least one Nerkmid in your inventory, as this is required to play. The machine will ask you to select a combination of levers and buttons - your selection will not have an effect on the prize that you receive.
Obtaining Nerkmids
There are currently four confirmed methods for obtaining Nerkmids:
- A prize from a Random Event
- A prize from a Battledome Challenger in the Cosmic Dome (Premium members only)
- A prize from the Wheel of Extravagance
- A prize from the Alien Aisha Vending Machine itself
Types of Nerkmids
Below is a list of the different types of Nerkmids. You can also view more details about them in our Item Database by clicking on the item image.
Aluminium Nerkmid | Average Nerkmid | Basic Golden Nerkmid | Basic Platinum Nerkmid | Copper Nerkmid |
Golden Nerkmid X | Golden Nerkmid XX | Good Nerkmid | Lesser Nerkmid | Magical Golden Nerkmid |
Magical Platinum Nerkmid | Normal Golden Nerkmid | Normal Platinum Nerkmid | Platinum Nerkmid X | Platinum Nerkmid XX |
Super Nerkmid | Ultimate Nerkmid | Ultra Golden Nerkmid | Ultra Nerkmid | Ultra Platinum Nerkmid |
Neopets Nerkmid Guide
There is a large prize pool for the Vending Machine. The different prizes are listed below. Chances of winning each type of prize are:
- Gross Food - 70%
- Nerkmid - 15%
- Fading Bottled Faerie - 10%
- 'Paint Brush' Item - 5%
There is no conclusive data about whether or not different Nerkmids give out different prizes. That being said, using expensive Nerkmids is no more likely to earn you a Paint Brush than the cheapest Nerkmid available.
Please note that you will always receive Neopoints in addition to one item when you play the Vending Machine.
You may be awarded anywhere between 1 NP to 86,000 NP or more, but the majority of NP rewards are under 2000 NP. The chances of higher NP rewards are exponentially lower for every 10,000 NP extra.
High Scores and Trophies
Your score on the high score table is equal to the amount of Neopoints you receive from the machine using a single Nerkmid (which, of course, is based on luck). Using additional Nerkmids only changes your high score if the Neopoints you receive is higher than your previous highest trial. (In other words, it is not accumulative.)
It's advantageous to spend Nerkmids at the beginning of the month after the table has been wiped for the beginning of the month, as later in the month there will have been more lucky people with large amounts of NP that came through already.
Fading Bottled Faeries
You may receive any Fading Bottled Faerie.
Fading Bottled Air Faerie | Fading Bottled Dark Faerie | Fading Bottled Earth Faerie |
Fading Bottled Fire Faerie | Fading Bottled Light Faerie | Fading Bottled Water Faerie |
Other Prizes
You may receive any Gross Food item that is rarity 98 and below, any Nerkmid, and any item up to rarity 150 with the word 'Paint Brush' in it.

On July 5, 2019, twenty-seven non-Paint Brush items had their names updated to either 'Paintbrush' or 'PaintBrush' so they are no longer part of the Vending Machine prize pool.
There's also an avatar that you will earn the first time you play the Vending Machine.
Alien Aisha
Use any Nerkmid at the Vending Machine.
Released: January 2, 2004
This game guide was written by: Anayu & noileh