Neopets Bargain Stocks

Neopets Stock Market is an excellent investment to hold in your portfolio. Don’t expect to purchase stocks at the Neopian Stock Market, than try to make a quick buck. That’s now how the stock market works unfortunately. If you’re patient, than the Neopets Stock Market is excellent for you as a long term investment. To start, click here.

The stock market in Neopets is a great way to make huge amounts of NP with very little effort. Just by logging in each day and following very simple buy and sell rules, you will be a seasoned stock trader in no time!

Stock Market Rules

Neopets Bargain Stocks Prices

The Stock Market has a few extra rules that you may not be used to if you are thinking about the stock market in the real world.


Wheel Slime

  • Prices generally move randomly. There isn’t really a huge rhyme or reason why prices go up and down.
  • While prices of stocks can go below 15NP, you can only purchase stocks when they are 15NP or over.
  • You can only purchase 1000 stocks per day
  • 20NP fee to sell stocks

Buy/Sell Guide

For the purposes of this guide, we are only going to talk about what you should be doing on your dailies run. While there are many different strategies to playing the stock market on Neopets, the easiest way to get involved is to follow these steps.

First, you only want to buy stocks that are exactly 15NP. This gives you the best ability to turn a profit. You can find “cheap” stocks by using the Bargain List. Next, when you find a stock that is exactly 15NP, purchase the maximum amount of shares you can buy (1000). It’s rare that in one day you find multiple stocks at exactly 15NP that you would want to split your purchasing power across. Once purchased, that’s your buying done for the day.

For selling, there is only one golden rule. Don’t sell at a loss. In the real world you may want to cut your loses when you see a company stock going down, but in Neopets, the prices are random and it’s rare for a company to actually go bankrupt. Infact there hasn’t been a bankrupt company in Neopia in several years. It may take some time to ride out the low, but it’s worth it. Generally speaking selling at the 20NP mark is a pretty safe bet and frees up cash to buy again. You can wait for stocks to double in price, but it’s typically unlikely that it goes much higher than that.

Neopets Bargain Stocks

Price Changes

If you are looking to keep refreshing throughout the day to dump stocks. The prices only change twice per hour (28 minutes and 58 minutes past the hour). Use this to your advantage if you are looking to get rid of stocks at a particular price point.