Neopets Intelligence

Today's Advent Calendar reward is a weapon, grab it before it disappears.
Posted by SirCabbage on December 29, 2019, 12:13 am NST
In what seems like a strangely late addition to the Advent Calendar roster the Battledome has finally seen a little love in the form of a new ring.
The 'Sapphire Ring of the Xendriks' provides us with a pretty package, but little else. Be sure to head on down to the Advent Calendar today to pick one up; alternatively check out our guide for more information on other prizes released this year.

Nov 15, 1999  For Neopets on the Online/Browser, GameFAQs has 796 cheat codes and secrets. Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! Some cookies are necessary to make this site and our content available to you. Other Cookies enable us to analyse and measure audience and traffic to the site. Cookies are also used by us, advertisers, ad-tech providers and others to develop and serve. Aug 11, 2004  A Potion of Brightvale Castle can be a wise choice of beverage, giving your Neopet a boost in intelligence. If you type 'faerieland' while playing Faerie Bubbles, the current bubble becomes a Rainbow Bubble! A Neopet can only be turned into a Robot by the Lab Ray.

Journey through Neopian history and obtain two new battledome items todayh
Posted by SirCabbage on November 15, 2019, 4:32 am NST
As part of their birthday celebrations TNT has released a series of new items able to be found by trekking across Neopia.
Prizes of note include a stamp, stat increaser and the two following battledome items;

These prizes are incredibly easy to obtain- but may only be done so for a limited time. So be sure to pick up this set of twenty items before they are gone forever! Check out the birthday hub to solve the riddles and win the prizes! Alternatively, simply go to our guide and click all the links.
A birthday containing battledome items and limited time releases is always a happy one indeed.
New Battledome Items from Legends and Letters App
Posted by SirCabbage on October 24, 2019, 12:18 pm NST

Neopets Intelligence Guide

As you may have read here, TNT has finally opened up Legends and Letters to linking with your account to award on-site prizes. Some of the most recent wave of items have been revealed to be Battledome items:

They have been set as 'No Trade', so you cannot purchase these items from other Neopians. (For a short while, the items were able to be bought and sold, but TNT changed their minds—you may find a few of the items from the first chest still available in shops.) Check out our Legends and Letters guide to learn all about how to play the game and unlock these prizes.
Two more items have been added in the most recent chest type today-

Daily Dare Double Trouble: No Good Title Ideas Edition
Posted by macosten on August 21, 2019, 9:20 am NST
The final day of Daily Dare has been released, and since our last news update, two new weapons have appeared in the Battledome.
The Salve for the Bruised Petpet is a healer that can be equipped with other healers. Previously, items like this maxed out at 15 HP, but this one is nearly four times as effective! Only time will tell if it will remain equippable with other healers.
Cooty Crossbow is unfortunately outclassed, but luckily for me, it's also a food item, so I just fed it to my Aisha. No guarantees you'll be able to do the same.
Edit: It appears that this item is no longer also a food item. My sincerest apologies for anyone who was looking forward to chowing down on their crossbow.

If you've been procrastinating, now's the time to finish up all the challenges before this year's Daily Dare is done! May I suggest one final foray into our Daily Dare guide?
TNT isn't clowning around with this one!
Posted by macosten on August 15, 2019, 12:22 pm NST
For a dramatic change in pace, a weapon that is more useful in the Battledome than its home game has finally shown itself! Pure palliative performance in parcel form sent from the skies above the Carnival of Terror, and perhaps the most impactful weapon to grace the Battledome in over a year, say hello to Parachuting First Aid Kit:
If you want to get your hands on one of these handy healers, be quick: they're today's Day and Date prize, so you won't be able to get them tomorrow.
Feeling dazed by Daily Dare? Don't delay: head to our Daily Dare 2019 guide today!
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The Secret Laboratory is highly sought after on Neopets; it allows for stats increases (and decreases), as well as species, gender and colour changes for your pets. This article should explain what the Lab Ray does, how likely the outcomes are, and some other perks of owning it.

If you are looking for information about the Petpet Lab Ray, please see this guide.

While we can't imagine what the Scientist was thinking when creating the Lab Ray,
at least it worked out better than Kooky's version.

Buying a Secret Laboratory Map

For a complete list of current estimated prices for the pieces, we recommend you see our Item Database. You may need to check back often though, as the price for each piece is constantly fluctuating due to supply and demand.

Secret Laboratory Map

Secret Laboratory Map

Secret Laboratory Map

Secret Laboratory Map

Secret Laboratory Map

Secret Laboratory Map

Secret Laboratory Map

Secret Laboratory Map

Secret Laboratory Map

While the complete sets on the Trading Post may be convenient, you will likely end up overpaying by a fair bit. You can use the Shop Wizard to find some of the individual pieces, or keep checking the Trading Post for other users who are selling the pieces individually, as these should be cheaper overall.

If you choose to buy one piece at a time, be sure to move them to your Safety Deposit Box for storage to ensure they aren't affected by any Random Events.

The Finished Map

Below you can see what the completed map will look like. Once you have all nine pieces in your inventory, you can go to this page and turn them in.

Unfortunately, like other treasure maps, the pieces of the Lab Map disappear forever when you hand them in. This means there is no way to get them back if you decide you no longer want to zap your pets.

Zapping Your Pet

Once you have turned the map pieces in, you will receive unlimited access to the Lab Ray, but you are limited to one zap per account per day. You are able to zap any one of your pets on any given day, and as the Lab Ray does not award neopoints, you are allowed to complete, and use, it on multiple accounts. Do bear in mind though, that you must earn all neopoints to buy the Lab Map on your main account, and then send the pieces to your side accounts.

With the release of the Lab Ray Fortune Cookie in the NC Mall, you do have the opportunity to get some extra zaps. You can only open it on your main account, with the exception being if you have the lab ray on a side but -not- your main account.

Possible Lab Ray Outcomes

There are a number of possible outcomes when you choose to use the Lab Ray; it can decrease stats, increase stats, change your pet's appearance, or do nothing at all. You are not able to choose what it does though, as it's all random.

Despite this, overall, you have a 45% chance of getting a stat increase, a 28% chance of getting a stat decrease, a 22% chance of getting a pet appearance change, and a 5% chance of nothing happening at all. The chart below shows the percentage of each possible change. (Please note that these percentages may not be 100% accurate, because of the random nature of the Ray.)

Neopets Intelligence

Lose Strength


Lose Levels5.5%

Lose Movement


Lose Defence4.9%

Back to Level 1


Gain Levels5%

Gain Movement


Gain Defence6.1%

Gain Hit Points


Gain Strength9.2%

Colour Change


Species Change5.4%

Gender Change


No Change At All5.1%

Note: The possible zap 'No Change At All' listed above is a variable statistic depending on the stats of your pet. Although we are unable to confirm it, it may be that 'No Change At All' is what the Ray resorts to if it is unable to change your pet, for example change it to an Alien Lupe, or reduce its level to -2. In general, the higher statistics your pet has, the less likely it is for 'No Change At All' to appear.

The outcome 'Back to Level 1' becomes a very low possibility if your pet's level is high, which is estimated to be at around level 20+ or 40+. In some rarer cases, your pet can still go down to level 1 from much higher than this, with no confirmed cut off that it is guaranteed to no longer be possible.

For an easy way to track your zaps, see our Lab Ray Logger.

Restrictions of The Lab Ray

There are only seven known colours the Lab Ray cannot turn your pet into: Baby, Magma, Pirate, Plushie, Quiguki, Royal, and Usuki. It also won't increase intelligence, do anything to your petpet, or decrease max hit points. It can only change the stats mentioned above.

The Lab Ray can change a pet's species into almost any species. Just like colours are restricted, species are too. As far as we can tell, the following species cannot be obtained from the ray: Draik, Krawk, and Ixi.

Lab Ray Exclusive Colours

Some colours are only available from the Lab Ray, there is no other way in Neopia to change your pet into that colour—not even a paint brush, or Fountain Faerie Quest.

These exclusive colours are:

  • Burlap
  • Ice
  • Mosaic
  • MSP
  • Robot
  • Sponge

There is only one exception to the above: Bori cannot be zapped to Ice due to them being exclusive to an old sponsor promotion. (To learn more about how Ice Bori were created see our Ice Bori guide.)

Some colours are primarily available through the Lab Ray, because no paint brush generates them. These colours are often considered Lab Ray colours, even though they are also available through Fountain Faerie Quests: Alien, Chocolate, Coconut, Custard, Garlic, Mallow, Snot, and Jelly.

Finally, the fruit and vegetable Chia colours are available through the Rainbow Fountain and Magical Chia Pops. The Mutant colour is also available from the Lab Ray, but you can also obtain it from Transmogrification Potions and Fountain Faerie Quests.


Technically you can get some of these colours by other very rare means.

Any colour is available through the annual Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway, in which a very small number of lucky Neopets are gifted by TNT, one permanent species and colour change on the Day of Giving.

If you scored enough points in the Return of Dr. Sloth plot then you were able to purchase a One-Use Robotification Zappermajig which would allow you to paint your pet Robot.

The 2018 Charity Corner had a perk available allowing a pet to be zapped with exclusive Lab Ray colours.

Neopets Elixir Of Intellect

TNT has reported that there is a very small chance of changing a Chia to Chocolate by feeding it large amounts of chocolate foods. But there have been no recorded cases of this happening so far.

Similarly feeding them a lot of garlic can potentially change their colour to Garlic. (Though it isn't an exact science and this is a rare occurrence).

Any Final Questions?

Neopets intelligence weapons


If you zap your pet and it changes colour/species, and its current wearables no longer fit, these items will be returned to your account, you will not lose these items.

Lab Ray Access Has Disappeared?

It appears that there was a bug where people's Lab Rays would disappear. It isn't too common anymore, but if yours does disappear, contact The Neopets Team by sending a support ticket. They have installed a feature to tell support whether or not you've ever had the Lab Ray.

Battledome Challenger

The Lab Ray gives you access to a new battledome challenger, the Lab Ray Scientist. To get the Scientist as a challenger, just refresh at the 'Select a Pet' page when you go to use the lab. Since battling in the Battledome is a Neopoint-earning activity (you will receive Neopoints and items), it can only be done on your main account, even though you're allowed to unlock the Lab Ray on your side accounts. If your mis-gendered pet is on a side account, you will have to transfer him or her first.

The Previous Lab Ray

The Secret Laboratory Map got an image redesign on April 20, 2011. Here's what it used to look like:

Pwned by the Lab / Guide

Get your pet's species changed via the Lab Ray.

Released: June 23, 2004

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This article was written by: Dave & JN Forum Members

This page was last updated on March 19, 2020.

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