Jhudora is a powerful Dark Faerie on Neopets. She currrently resides in Jhudora's Bluff, formerly Jhudora's cloud. Unlike most villains in Neopia, it is unknown exactly what she did, and cannot be condemned for her actions or stopped as there is no proof of her wicked deeds.
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Far off the beaten path in the Kingdom of Meridell, hidden away in the densest part of the Lightwater Forest, lies a secret glade that only a chosen few are able to find. This is the home of Illusen, a mysterious but kind-hearted Earth Faerie known for giving Neopians her unique handmade trinkets as thanks for bringing her a wide variety of items.
Would you like an organic gluten-free cookie?
How to Play
You are able to ask Illusen for a quest at any time, so long as it has been at least twelve hours since you last completed a quest for her or Jhudora, her longtime rival. While Illusen will refuse to give any quests on Jhudora Day (February 4th), you will be awarded with an avatar if you complete a quest on Illusen Day (March 17th).
Unlike most faeries that give quests, Illusen is perfectly happy to let you use the Shop Wizard to fulfill her quests. She does, however, impose a strict time limit of sixteen minutes and forty seconds. If you are unable to bring Illusen the requested item within the time limit, you will fail the quest and be taken back to Level 1. You will also be removed from the Illusen's Glade high score table (see the Scoring section below).
Upon completing a quest you will reach the next level, which comes with an increase in the rarity of the items Illusen seeks. While the first several quests will usually be for common, inexpensive items, later levels will ask for unbuyable items, forcing you to find them through otheravenues.
As long as you don't fail a quest, your next quest level will remain the same indefinitely. You may wait months or years between quests and barring a database issue or glitch, you can continue your quest level at any time. However, your score for the High Score Table will reset monthly; each quest will award a maximum of 2000 points regardless of the level. See Scoring section below for more details.
Sometimes, you may be unable to find an item in any user shop, trade, or auction. This is often because the item is so rare that there are currently none on the market. If you find yourself in this situation, you may want to consider creating a Trading Post lot or Neoboard post asking for the item in question. If you're in the high-level quests that always ask for items with a rarity of 99, it may be worthwhile to post on the Neoboards before even starting the quest in order to get the attention of resellers specializing in r99 items.
It's also possible that an item you're unable to find is a piece of no-trade Neohome 2.0 furniture. In these cases, the items can be found at the Neohomes Superstore.

Your one stop shop for those impossible-to-find items!
Neopets Jhudora's Quest Prizes
For completing quests, you will be rewarded with exclusive prizes at regular intervals. In the table below you will find these items, as well as the rarity of the items that will be requested at each level. To find out which specific items are within each rarity range, click on the numbers (i.e. 10 - 20) to view these rarities in our Item Database.
Level | Asks For | Reward |
#1 | r10 - r20 | Illusens Cream Cookie |
#2 | r10 - r20 | None |
#3 | r15 - r25 | Illusens Potion |
#4 | r18 - r26 | None |
#5 | r20 - r30 | Illusens Comb |
#6 | r20 - r30 | None |
#7 | r23 - r32 | None |
#8 | r24 - r34 | Cucumber Eye Cream |
#9 | r34 - r44 | None |
#10 | r38 - r48 | None |
#11 | r42 - r55 | Illusens Novel |
#12 | r46 - r58 | None |
#13 | r50 - r59 | None |
#14 | r55 - r63 | Mud Mixture |
#15 | r58 - r67 | None |
#16 | r60 - r73 | None |
#17 | r66 - r77 | Flower Cake |
#18 | r67 - r78 | None |
#19 | r72 - r81 | None |
#20 | r76 - r82 | Rain Water Shampoo |
#21 | r78 - r82 | None |
#22 | r80 - r85 | None |
#23 | r82 - r86 | Rose Shake |
#24 | r83 - r87 | None |
#25 | r84 - r87 | None |
#26 | r85 - r87 | Earth Spell Book |
#27 | r85 - r87 | None |
#28 | r86 - r88 | None |
#29 | r88 - r89 | Leaf Shield |
#30 | r88 - r91 | None |
#31 | r90 - r95 | None |
#32 | r90 - r95 | Illusens Earth Potion |
#33 | r92 - r99 | None |
#34 | r93 - r99 | None |
#35 | r94 - r99 | Honey Potion |
#36 | r99 | None |
#37 | r99 | None |
#38 | r99 | Illusens Scroll |
#39 | r99 | None |
#40 | r99 | None |
#41 | r99 | Illusens Blade |
#42 | r99 | None |
#43 | r99 | None |
#44 | r99 | Leaf Taco |
#45 | r99 | None |
#46 | r99 | None |
#47 | r99 | Illusens Orb Plant |
#48 | r99 | None |
#49 | r99 | None |
#50 | r99 | Illusens Staff |
Like most things classified as games, Illusen's Glade has a high score table that runs on a monthly basis, with trophies awarded to those with the top scores. Points are earned by completing quests quickly, with a base score of 1000 points for turning in the item and up to 1000 bonus points. You start a quest with 16 minutes and 40 seconds (for a total of 1000 seconds) on the timer, and every second you take to finish the quest will cost you one bonus point.
Neopets Jhudora Quest
Since scores in Illusen's Glade are cumulative, the majority of scores on the board will continually increase throughout the calendar month. If you want to try for a trophy, it's recommended that you start on the first day of the month at Level 1, and complete a quest every twelve hours. Bear in mind that should you fail a quest, you will be removed from the high score board. If you've reached a point at which you're uncertain whether you will be able to complete the next quest, you may want to remain at the current level and hope that those with scores higher than yours fail their own quests.
Quick Tips
- Complete quests as quickly as possible to earn the maximum number of points.
- If Illusen asks for a single-color Neohome item, try looking in the Neohomes Superstore.
- Try to start quests during peak hours (around 4:00 p.m. NST), when a good number of users are online; this makes it more likely that you will be able to reach the owner of a Trading Post lot.
- If you think you'll be unable to get a rare item in time, try creating a Trading Post lot or Neoboard post asking for the item in question.
Illusen's Glade / Guide
Complete quest #20 at Illusen's Glade.
Released: August 15, 2003
Illusen Doll / Guide
Complete one of Illusen's Quests on March 17th.
Released: March 17, 2004
This game guide was written by: Chesu & Kayla
Games | Other | Retired | Annually Available | Defaults | Unreleased
There are several hundred secret avatars that you can obtain and proudly show off on the Neoboards. Each avatar has a unique method for obtaining, and we've outlined them all in this section. Once you obtain an avatar, you can change it on the Neoboard Preferences page. If you can't find an avatar, try asking the little Arkmite to the right!
Want a checklist? Try our Avatar Checklist Tool!
Latest Avatars
Neopets Jhudora's Bluff
L&L - Bravo, Aurrick! / Guide
Complete at least one challenge during Crossover Week in the Legends and Letters mobile app. The Challenge of Challenges is available weekly in the app, but the Neopets.com awards (including this avatar) are only available one week per month.
This avatar does not increase your total avatar account.
Released: October 29, 2019
20 Year Celebration avatar
This avatar was awarded for opening up the Comic Con 2019 Mystery Capsule (only available by obtaining a Rare Item Code from Comic Con San Diego in July 2019).
This avatar was also awarded on November 15, 2019 for finding all 20 time capsules in the anniversary event.
This avatar initially did not increase the avatar count on your user lookup or count for the avatar collector high score table, but it was changed to count as a +1 in the afternoon of November 15, 2019.
Released: July 19, 2019
Royalboy Lutari / Guide
Visit the pet lookup of a Royalboy Lutari with at least 5 unique items with 'Lutari' in its name in your inventory.
Released: June 19, 2019
Robot Vandagyre / Guide
Visit the pet lookup of a Robot Vandagyre with a Robot-coloured petpet attached to your active Neopet.
Released: June 19, 2019
Charity Corner 2019 / Guide
Donate at least 100 items in the 2019 Charity Corner event, and visit the hub.
Released: May 6, 2019
Godori / Guide
Win 250 hands of Godori in the same calendar month and you will receive the avatar on the next page refresh when starting a new hand (or new game).
Released: March 12, 2019
Flee! / Guide
Awarded if you are in the top 50 on the Kiss the Mortog High Score Table when trophies are awarded daily.
Released: September 29, 2018
Brain Tree Quest / Guide
Awarded if you are in the top 50 on the Brain Tree Quests High Score Table when trophies are awarded daily.
Released: September 21, 2018
Good Day at the Bank / Guide
Deposit Neopoints into your bank account on your active Neopet's birthday. You will receive a Neomail notifying you of receiving the avatar instead of seeing an event. As a shortcut, you can create a Neopet, as the day its created will also count as its birthday.
Released: August 29, 2018
Trudy Avatar / Guide
This avatar is awarded on your 25th consecutive spin at Trudy's Surprise. (Or in other words, when you win 100,000 NP!) You will receive a neomail notifying you of obtaining the avatar or see a 'Something Has Happened' event on the page itself.
Released: August 23, 2018
That's Not Rubbish / Guide
Grab a bottled faerie, petpet, paint brush, or Apple Core from the Rubbish Dump.
Released: August 15, 2018
Comic Con 2018 / Guide
This avatar was awarded for opening up the Comic Con 2018 Mystery Capsule, only available by obtaining a Rare Item Code from Comic Con in 2018 or winning contests on Neopets social media pages during August 2018. This avatar does not increase the avatar count on your user lookup or count for the avatar collector high score table.
Released: July 19, 2018
Stamp Collector - NeoQuest / Guide
Complete this page of your Stamp Album.
Released: June 19, 2018
Stamp Collector - Evil Coconuts / Guide
Complete this page of your Stamp Album.
Released: June 5, 2018
Stamp Collector - Altador / Guide
Complete this page of your Stamp Album.
Released: June 5, 2018
Stamp Collector - Scarabs / Guide
Complete this page of your Stamp Album.
Released: June 5, 2018
Stamp Collector - Space Station Coins / Guide
Complete this page of your Stamp Album.
Released: June 5, 2018
Stamp Collector - Other / Guide
Complete this page of your Stamp Album.
Released: June 5, 2018
Stamp Collector - NeoQuest II / Guide
Complete this page of your Stamp Album.
Released: June 5, 2018
Stamp Collector - Battle For Meridell / Guide
Complete this page of your Stamp Album.
Released: June 5, 2018