Neopets Kiko

Kiko Facts


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Species Day: 17th July

Native Land: Kiko Lake

The Kiko is a smooth-skinned Neopet with a round body and two stout arms. It has no legs, but is very light, giving it the ability to move by floating and bobbing in both air and water. Kikos can also bounce on the ground, although this is not their normal method of movement. It's unknown why almost all Kikos wear a sticking plaster on their foreheads, but since it seems unlikely that all Kikos manage to bang their heads in precisely the same location during childhood, it's probably a species tradition rather than having any practical use. At about 60cm, Kikos are medium-sized Neopets.

Kikos, appropriately enough, have an ancestral home in the beautiful clear waters of Kiko Lake. They do not adapt well to very dry atmospheres, and young Kikos especially need to be kept near water for their health. It seems that they, like many aquatic pets, are equally at home in fresh and salt water. They are playful creatures who like exciting thrills and spills like theme parks and water jets. From the selection of treats sold at Kiko Lake, it would appear that they also have a very sweet tooth.

The Kiko is one of the 'prehistoric' pets introduced before an official record of Neopian events was kept (although Kiko Lake itself did not appear on Neopians' maps until Year Five). The first drawings of this pet are rather unfortunately flat-looking, but show all the features we're familiar with-the criss-cross plaster, single wisp of hair and saucer-like eyes.

Kiko Trivia

  • Normally, Magical Chia Pops have no effect on pets that are not Chias. However, one specific flavour of Chia Pop, Chokato, does work on the Kiko, giving it a blue body with the characteristic reddish-brown spots. Warning: do not try this with other flavours!

A Few Famous Kikos

  • Captain Dread is the pirate thought to have invoked the ancient curse that destroyed most of Old Maraqua. He hasn't been seen since, which is probably for the best.
  • A cheery Kiko Chocolatier works at the Chocolate Factory. He appears to work on his own, since he proudly tells the public that nobody else ever comes in or goes out, yet he produces enough chocolate for the whole of Neopia... could there be a hint of magic under that top hat of his?
  • Kavi is the star of Tubular Kiko Racing who likes nothing better than sailing down the river in a rubber ring, despite the dangers and sabotage from competitors.
  • Niten Hiroru is a Kiko ninja. Despite his lack of legs, he is a competent fighter who makes his presence known with swords rather than words.
  • Altador Cup fans have an abundance of Kiko players to choose from! 'Poke' Cellers, Ditan Colb, Holbie Pinnock and Meela Kitah can all be seen playing for Team Kiko Lake. Novice player Moni Vyshan has yet to be included in the team's more recent lineups.

More Characters

  • Bayner

  • Ditan Colb

  • Round Ground Plankton

  • Ricky

  • Moni Vyshan

  • Prudella

  • Ghastly Sentinel

  • NC Mall Halloween Shopkeeper (2007-2009)

  • Mayor Fuff

  • Solar Fyre

  • Direy

  • Wrawk the Merciless

This page was written by Dream and last updated on May 2, 2019.

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It's Kiko Match, the ultimate test of memory! Flip cards to discover pairs of everyone's favourite* Neopet, the Kiko! Uncover images of beloved Kiko characters, such as Niten Hiroru, Bellanie, and even the dastardly Captain Dread! Do you have what it takes to... KIKO MATCH?!

*May not reflect popular opinion.

It's gonna be intense!

How to Play

The board in Kiko Match consists of several face-down cards, laid out in a grid. To play, click on a card with your mouse to flip it over, then click on a second card. If both cards feature the same Kiko design and background color, it's a match, and the cards will be removed from the board. If the cards don't match, they will be flipped back over. To win, you must remember where cards are and make matches to clear the board. You can type the code ineedmoretime once per game to add fifteen seconds to the clock, which is recommended when low on time in later rounds, as when you run out of time the game will end.

Is that Kargrax? I think it is! Oh boy!

The game consists of fourteen rounds, with new cards (and thus more matches to be made) added each round. In the first six rounds, new Kiko designs with blue backgrounds will be added; after this, the Kiko designs on new cards will repeat, with differently-colored backgrounds. You are only able to make a match between two cards with the same Kiko design and background color.

Neopets Kiko Lake

RoundTimeMatchesNew Cards


You will be awarded 10 points upon completing a round, and 5 bonus points for every second left on the clock. Because of this, you should try to finish a round as quickly as possible; see the Strategy section below for more information.

Due to a glitch, Round 14 is inaccessible, and the game will automatically end at Round 13. Additionally, scores above 2000 points will sometimes fail to submit. Because of this, it is recommended that after Round 12 you calculate how many points you require to reach 1995, and time when you finish Round 13 to achieve that score. For example, if you have 1900 points, you need 95; since you will receive 10 points for completing the round, you should try to gain 85 points from the time bonus. Since you are awarded 5 points for every second remaining on the clock, in this example you would want to end Round 13 with 17 seconds, then end the game and submit your score.


Neopets Kiko


Neopets Kiko Lake

The easiest way to keep track of where you've seen which cards is to remember them in the sequence that you've seen them. It's helpful to always start from the same corner, and to turn cards over in the same order. This makes it easier to keep track of where the cards are, as the third card in your remembered sequence will be the third card from the corner you start at.

Of the ten Kiko designs that appear in the game, three of them are blue, and two are red. Between this and the fact that differently-colored backgrounds are added in later rounds, you should try to avoid thinking of the Kikos as being certain colors, and instead focus on their other traits when trying to remember where you've seen them. This allows you to remember shorter sequences; instead of 'dark blue yellow background, plain red blue background, medium blue blue background' you could remember 'angry yellow, crazy blue, tired blue'.


Another noteworthy technique is to seek out specific cards (such as all of the happy pink Kikos, or all of the cards with green backgrounds), ignoring all else. While you can find cards very quickly using this strategy, it will only work if you know which cards are present in each round. If you would like to give this a try, refer to the table in the How to Play section above between rounds and make a mental note of which cards you want to find, and in which order.

Or you could use x-ray goggles. Mwahaha.

Quick Tips

  • Try to remember the Kikos by their facial expressions, rather than their colors.
  • Start in one corner, and work your way in the same direction every round to better remember the locatiions of cards.
  • On the main menu, turn animations off. Over the course of a round, the time spent waiting for the animations of cards flipping over can cost you valuable seconds.
  • Type the code ineedmoretime once per game to add fifteen seconds to the clock.

Easter Eggs

Every year on October 31, a new type of Kiko is added to the game: Halloween. This Kiko replaces the plaid one, but will appear as the first card of each new background color rather than the second-to-last. Due to how the game is structured, the Halloween Kiko will appear in all the same rounds that the plaid one does, in addition to the first round.


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This game guide was written by: Chesu

This page was last updated on August 18, 2019.
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