Neopets Light Faerie

Jul 01, 2014  There are legends that dwell within the hidden places of Neopia, some are of the light, but others.others are of the Darkest kind! Let's Play Neopets: The Darkest Faerie.Part 25. Juppie.

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As the long awaited return of the Faerie Festival in 2017 was coming to a close, the Festival was vandalized and had to be closed. Fyora put up a notice with promise of payment for any information regarding the incident.
Faerie Festival
Wait, isn't this where the Faerie Festival was being held?
What happened here?! You see a notice stuck on a tree:
  • March 19th - Kaia and Malum go missing and you are off to find out where they've gone by first checking in at Headquarters.
  • February 6th - The Skeith is now at the Infirmary for you to give potions.
  • February 1st - Kaia has a vision that Malum is at the Gypsy Camp, where you do find Malum and can battle him.
  • January 19th - Kaia runs off into the Wild Woods and you are to go after her.
  • January 18th - A new Mystic Murmurs leading to a new chest and Wraith appears and more potions are to be made.
  • January 13th - Fyora is unresponsive at the Infirmary for you to give her potions..
  • January 12th - Taelia approaches Aethia about Fyora and you must enter the Wild Woods to find her.
  • January 10th - A new patient, a Meerca, arrives at the Infirmary.
  • Dec 28th - The Infirmary opens and you are able to help Neopets that transformed from the wraiths by donating potions to them.
  • Dec 19th - A new plot step is available in which you must enter the Wild Wood and choose paths to walk.
  • Dec 6th - Fyora, Aethia, and Taelia talk about the wraiths turning into Neopets once defeated. You can read the conversation at our Headquarters Page
  • Dec 2nd - A new message comes to Kaia that you must decode, leading you to a new chest. Upon unlocking that chest, a new battledome challenger appears which gives new ingredients that Taelia uses to brew new potions.
  • Nov 29th - The Light Faerie questioned Taelia on how she was making her potions with wraith remains and the two thought of what to do going forward. You can read the conversation at our Headquarters Page
  • Nov 17th - The Faerie Resistance Headquarters is opened and the battling begins.
  • Oct 19 - More dialogue is released as Fyora tells the other Faeries what to do going forward.
  • Oct 16 - More dialogue is released and we learn Kaia has The Sight.
  • Oct 13 - Another round of dialogue released and Fyora calls upon Kaia and her skills.
  • Oct 10 - Even more dialogue released where Fyora and Taelia discussed what to do now.
  • Oct 8 - More dialogue released in which The Battle Faerie questioned the Foreman's story.
  • Oct 4 - Another dialogue released as the Foreman stepped forward with a story that came with a video.
  • Sep 30 - First dialogue released of Fyora asking if anyone saw anything, along with SunnyNeo's Destroyed Faerie Festival Guide.
  • Sep 27 - Faerie Festival closed with promise of payment from Fyora for finding those that were responsible as well as an Avatar and Site Theme reward for participating in the Faerie Festival.

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    Faeries are magical beings who sustain the land and confer blessings on its inhabitants. They look like winged human women, except for the aquatic faeries, who look like mermaids.

    Faeries live all over Neopia, often functioning as tutelary spirits for various lands, but are most associated with Faerieland. This magical realm once floated on clouds above the ocean, until the events of the Faeries' Ruin brought it crashing to earth in Y12.

    The Faeries are ruled by Fyora, the Faerie Queen. Most faeries are associated with one of the six magical elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Light, and Darkness. Each of these camps of elemental faeries are associated with certain skills and temperaments. A small number of faeries have unique functions and do not necessarily fall within these categories, including the Negg Faerie, Soup Faerie, Tooth Faerie, Snow Faerie, Battle Faerie, Space Faerie, and Grey Faerie.

    Faeries are usually renowned for their benevolence and for the blessings they confer, ranging from nourishing food for the poor to increased combat skills to your choice of a new paint colour. Many of these blessings are offered as rewards for completing quests on their behalf. This apparent act of kindness has another motive, however. The Faeries use items from quests to strengthen a barrier spell that keeps an army of Wraith monsters from flooding into Neopia.

    Neopets Fading Bottled Light Faerie

    However, not all faeries are benevolent. A few faeries rank among the greatest villains of Neopia ... or at least are suspected to be. Nor do all Neopets universally believe that the faeries are working in their best interests. Some followers of Xandra, who was turned to stone after her attempted revolt against the faeries, believe that the faeries wield too much power over Neopets.

    There are no male faeries. However, there are two apparently male beings who call themselves faeries: the Happiness Faerie (who bears a strong resemblance to Dr. Frank Sloth) and a Yurble who styles himself 'the Real Negg Faerie.'

    Faeries Through History


    Throughout the ages, the faeries of Neopia have regaled us with tales of wisdom, courage and adventure. Somehow, after all that, they've also found time for several makeovers. Over in the history section, we have preserved the faeries of old for all to admire.

    A Few Famous Faeries

    There are many important Faeries in Neopia, but here are five of the most significant:

    Neopets Light Faerie

    • Fyora is the archetypal Faerie Queen, immensely powerful but consummately gracious, maintaining peace among faeries of widely differing temperaments. She is supervising the repairs to Faerieland, and can often be found selling magical artifacts in the Hidden Tower.
    • Neopets everywhere tremble at the thought of Jhudora, the dangerous but fascinating Dark Faerie who specializes in poisons. Those who accept her bargains pay a high price, but are rewarded with great power. The prize for completing her series of quests is one of the single most powerful weapons in all Neopia.
    • The Soup Faerie exemplifies the very best of faerie beneficence, providing free food to poor Neopets.
    • Aethia currently holds the title of Battle Faerie. In addition to leading Faerieland's military forces, she improves the battle readiness of Neopets through rewarding faerie quests and by converting faerie blessings into faerie abilities that Neopets can use in combat.
    • Few faeries are more beloved and welcome than Naia, the Fountain Faerie. This chatty, musical mermaid-like faerie rewards those who complete her quests with a trip to the magical Rainbow Fountain, which can paint your Neopets nearly any colour you wish.

    More Characters

    • Jennumara

    • Vitrini

    • Eithne

    • Zaira

    • Dark Guardian

    • Mayin

    • Wilma

    • Valeane

    • Caereli

    • Fallen Angel

    • Briana

    • Delina

    Neopets Light Faerie Quest

    This page was written by Perry and last updated on April 20, 2019.