Neopets Ona

Some of the bigger and more intelligent ones are what we know as Neopets; they're the regular citizens of Neopia, who live, work and adventure alongside human players. Currently, there are fifty-five known species of Neopet.

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In Neopia, you're a human who can read books, play games and go on adventures. And, of course, you're the owner of a Neopet. Your pet can also read books, play games, go on adventures... and own a pet? No, you didn't misread: while you're taking care of a pet, he or she can do exactly the same for a much smaller creature. Intrigued? Read on to discover the marvellous miniature world of Neopian Petpets...


The world of Neopia is home to a huge variety of creatures. Some of the bigger and more intelligent ones are what we know as Neopets; they're the regular citizens of Neopia, who live, work and adventure alongside human players. Currently, there are fifty-five known species of Neopet. However, there are many, many other creatures to be found around Neopia, and the majority of these are Petpets.

Petpets come in all shapes and sizes, from the feathery Beekadoodle to the hairy Walking Carpet. However, they are almost all considerably smaller than Neopets. You can see a full list of all the types of petpets here.

Petpets show a limited amount of intelligence; they can be taught fairly complicated tasks with enough practice, as shown in games like Crisis Courier and Warf Rescue Team. It seems that in general they are less intelligent than Neopets, however: Petpets that make an impression on the world of their own accord, rather than as a Neopet's helper, are the exception rather than the rule. Generally, Petpets cannot talk; some Desert and Robot Petpets can recite a few phrases, but it's doubtful whether they understand Neopian language.

The origins of Petpet species are mostly unknown, probably because they can't be asked about where they came from. It's been suggested that many species originally came from the planet Petaria, but it's not clear whether this applies to all Petpets. Some, like the Baby Blu, bear an uncanny resemblance to Neopets, and it's reasonable to think they evolved in the same environments. The name 'Petpets' itself may come from 'Petaria', but it's more likely to be an abbreviation of Petpets' main function in Neopia: to be a Neopet's pets.

Petpet Types

Petpets can be found in various shops around Neopia. Here's a full list:

Altadorian Petpets

Aquatic Petpets

Desert Petpets

Faerie Petpets

Fanciful Fauna

Geraptiku Petpets

Maraquan Petpets

Medieval Petpets

Moltaran Petpets

Neopia Central Petpets

Pirate Petpets

Robot Petpets

Spooky Petpets

Tyrannian Petpets

Wintery Petpets
» All Petpets (Unpainted and Painted) «

A Pet for Your Pet

Every Neopet can look after a Petpet of his or her very own. You can buy your pet a Petpet at one of the many Petpet shops around Neopia; they are also sometimes given away as event prizes, or from dailies such as the Meteor Crash Site and Fruit Machine. All Petpets function in the same way, so the only things to take into consideration when choosing which species to buy are the price tag and whether it will look good next to your Neopet.

With your new Petpet in your inventory, click it and select 'Give to [Pet's Name]' from the dropdown menu. (If your Neopet doesn't appear to like his or her Petpet, changing the site language and trying again may help.)

To visit your new Petpet, view your Neopet's profile in Quick Ref and scroll to the bottom. Click the Petpet, and you'll be taken to a page showing it in more detail. Here, you can choose a name for your Petpet; unlike Neopet names, these don't have to be unique, so if you want your Petpet to be named 'Fluffy', go right ahead. (If you don't enter a name, the Petpet will be known as 'No Name the [Petpet's Species]'.)

You can remove your Petpet on this page, if you've decided it doesn't suit your pet any more or you want a new one. Click the 'Stop playing with [Petpet's Name]' button, and the Petpet will be returned to your inventory. You can also have your Neopet talk to your Petpet; this doesn't serve any purpose, but it can be quite fun. (Click here to find out what you might hear!)

Be careful when handling Petpets in your inventory in preparation for attaching them! They can sometimes get hungry, and may sample any food items you have on hand if you don't watch out. If you keep expensive foods in your inventory, it might be a good idea to keep any spare Petpets in your Safety Deposit Box so nothing gets snaffled. Once the Petpet is attached, however, your Neopet will take care of all its needs -- you don't have to feed it or worry about its well-being.

A Neopet can only have one Petpet at a time. If you see a pet listed as having one Petpet while apparently holding or standing next to another, it's probably a realistic toy or item of clothing, such as the Stuffed Pawkeet Friend.

What Can You Do With Petpets?

Petpets don't have a direct effect on your Neopet the way books or food items do, so it can be easy to start wondering what you're supposed to do with them. While Petpets lead fairly boring lives compared to Neopets, there are still a few activities they can get involved in...

The Petpet Puddle

This little corner of the Rainbow Pool is especially for Petpets! Like the bigger version, it allows you to change the colour of your Petpet's fur, feathers or scales. You'll need a Petpet Paint Brush to paint your Petpet.

You can only paint a Petpet if it's currently attached to a Neopet -- for some reason, the Petpet Puddle doesn't work on Petpets that are still in your inventory. Be sure to check your Petpet is capable of being painted your chosen colour -- it's important to note that some apparently 'painted' Petpet types, such as the Darigan Yooyu, were given out as prizes for special events, and you can't paint your own Petpet to match them. Sorry!

Just like regular Paint Brushes, Petpet Paint Brushes don't have an 'undo' button. So what do you do if you want your Petpet to return to the colour it was originally? Every 'basic' Petpet actually has a colour -- it just isn't labelled. To un-paint a Petpet, you'll need to repaint it into its standard colour. For instance, Snorkles are naturally pink, so you'd need a Pink Petpet Paint Brush to turn a Green Snorkle back into a regular Snorkle. You can check a Petpet's original colour, as well as the options available for it, at the All Petpet Colours section of the Puddle.

Neopets Onawa

The Symol Hole

This mysterious hole lies in the green fields of Meridell, and can only be visited if you have a Petpet to do your digging work for you! Most of the time, it doesn't do anything, but it makes a nice daily outing for your little friend, and there's a chance you might come home with a free item. Be sure to drop by!

Waking Turmaculus

We did say that almost all Petpets were smaller than Neopets. The huge Turmaculus is a notable exception. He sleeps most of the day, but when he gets restless, your Petpet can try to get his attention in the hope of winning items or other rewards. He can also raise the level of your Petpet, or award an avatar... but trying to get any of these prizes is very dangerous. Warning: This activity can lead to the permanent loss of your Petpet!

Petpet Lab Ray

Everyone knows about the Scorchio scientist working away in his secret lab, but did you know he has a Petpet? What's more, that Petpet -- a rather kooky Kookith -- has a little science project of its own! The Petpet Lab Ray works similarly to its Neopet-zapping cousin. It can raise or lower the level of your Petpet, change its name (something the regular Lab Ray can't do to Neopets) and can produce colours and even species of Petpet that are otherwise unobtainable. Since TNT have rejected the idea of Petpet Morphing Potions, this is the only way to change the species of your Petpet. However, since Kookiths aren't quite as smart as Scorchios, it can also be rather dangerous. Warning: This activity can lead to the permanent loss of your Petpet!

Grave Danger

If your Petpet is feeling in the mood for adventure, you can send it into the catacombs of Neovia in the daily activity Grave Danger. Despite the name, this activity cannot permanently harm your Petpet. The little creature will be inaccessible for several hours while it wanders around the tunnels, and will eventually return carrying an item. If you want even more loot, you can also give it specialised equipment buyable from the NC Mall.

Petpet Battles

The Petpet Arena seems to have been an attempt to build Petpets their very own Battledome. Unfortunately, at the time of writing it doesn't offer two-player competition or any way to teach new moves to your Petpet, so it can get a little dull. However, it's the only safe way to raise your Petpet's level (this stat can also be raised by Turmaculus and the Petpet Lab Ray, but both of those have their risks). This stat is really just for show and doesn't have any use, but if you want your Petpet to look like the toughest on the block, grab your miniature boxing gloves and get into the fray!

Petpet Spotlight

If you're proud of your Petpet or have a unique origin story or design for it, the Petpet Spotlight is the perfect contest for you! You can send in a drawing of your Petpet along with a short piece of writing about it. The Neopets Team's favourite entries will be published on the site for everyone to see.

Petpet Protection League

The Petpet Protection League isn't actually an activity, but an organisation dedicated to promoting long-term caring Petpet ownership. Every week, the PPL will pick a particular colour and species of Petpet, and award Neopoints to Neopians whose pets have that particular type of Petpet (ten NP for every day the Petpet has been attached to the pet). The Neopians who've owned that variety of Petpet for the longest time will even get snazzy trophies, so it might be worth sticking with that Petpet you've had since your newbie days! You can find all the PPL winners by using our Special Search Item Database feature here.

Petpets in the Past

While Neopia's history has mostly been about Neopets, there have been a few strange incidents and quirks in the lives of Petpets over the years. Some of these have had consequences you can still see around the site today, while others are just footnotes in the records of times gone by...

Petpet Evolution

Like everything else on the Neopets site, Petpets may be redrawn if their art is getting a little out-of-date. Mostly, these redraws are fairly small -- altering a Petpet's expression, sharpening up lines, or making colours brighter and bolder. However, especially in the early years of Neopets, Petpets were sometimes completely overhauled, changing appearance, name and origin and ending up as completely different species. For instance, the once well-known Fat Cat has become the Baraga.

Fewer people make jokes about my name this way.

Like the old Neopet versions, the outdated Petpets that were changed can no longer be obtained. You can't buy them, win them from contests or zap them via the Lab Ray -- they've officially been consigned to the past. :( However, you may still see a couple of them around Neopia in the company of some very old Neopets! When the changes were made, Petpets that had already been attached to a Neopet were left unaffected. So the last few Fat Cats, Baby Vampires and Phishies in Neopia aren't in a museum, but on older pets' lookups!

If you're lucky enough to have one of these ancient Petpets on your Neopet, think very carefully before you remove it! Having an incredibly rare and old Petpet may sound like a recipe for Neopoints galore, but there's a catch. Once unattached and returned to the player's inventory, these Petpets will automatically be updated to their newer versions -- and there's no way to change them back!

You can see a complete list of transformed Petpets here.

Petpets in the Battledome?

Of course, there's the Petpet Battledome described above, but did you know that Petpets were once able to appear in the regular-sized Battledome -- the one designed for Neopets?

During a Battledome fight, your Petpet would have a chance of appearing at random and offering assistance to your Neopet. When this happened, the Petpet could be selected from the dropdown menu, as if it were an extra Battledome ability. The damage done by your pet's attacks would be multiplied by the Petpet's level, for a potentially huge increase in power!

Unfortunately, Petpets are no longer able to offer help in the Battledome; for a while they still turned up every so often (with no effect), but for several years now Petpets have been absent from the arena altogether. Perhaps the Petpet Protection League were worried about some of the more powerful BD weapons? Petpet levels, however, remain a feature of the site, even though they are no longer useful.

The Case of the Disappearing Petpets

Petpets don't normally involve themselves in worldwide events, but there's an exception to every rule!

During Year 5, Petpets all over Neopia started vanishing from their Neopets' lookups. After a long string of recent glitches, players first thought this was just one more horrible bug in the site's coding. However, as more and more Petpets went missing, Neopians started to wonder if something more sinister was going on.

The missing Petpets were eventually located in a place that shouldn't even have existed, happily munching away on gelatinous green goodness. To this day, nobody has put forward a convincing explanation as to why they all decided to run away at once. The Neopets Team speculated that the Petpet disappearance might be part of a villain's masterplan, but if so, the eventual goal has remained a mystery...

Petpet Park

In Year Ten, after a series of pre-opening escapades involving top-secret Petpet transportation, a very special area of Neopia was opened up by the Petpet Protection League. Petpet Park was a collection of miniature towns and villages that served as a kind of Petpet colony. The Petpets that lived there seemed unusually intelligent and independent; they had their own language, as well as a system of currency (Park Points) and were capable of building houses, sewing clothes, making friends, and putting together complicated machinery. There are also a couple of Petpet species, such as the Drym and Kassegat, which have so far only been observed in the Park.

Sadly, the Park was permanently closed to visitors in the autumn of Year Sixteen, but the fun and games it provided will be remembered by Neopians for a long time to come.

Petpet Supplies

If you visit the Neopian Bazaar you will find the Petpet Supplies shop, which is filled with items dedicated to taking care of your Petpet. Instead of using these items to play with your Petpet directly, they can be placed into your Classic Neohome, where each of your Petpets will have 24/7 access to all of their supplies.

And The Madness Continues...

If you still feel like there's room in your life for something even smaller than your Neopet's Petpet friends, then you're in luck. As if a pet for your pet wasn't enough, Petpets can also have pets of their own! These teeny-tiny bugs, known as Petpetpets or P3s, feature in their own avatars, Flash games, and even the money-spinning Habitarium.

You can read all about Petpetpets here!

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This article was written by: Dream

This page was last updated on April 17, 2019.
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The Eighth Annual(ish) Neopies - 2020

The Neopies have returned once again, with voting to run from February 3, 2020 through February 22, 2020 (with the last new category posted on the 19th). As in the past, Neopians will determine the best (and worst) from the previous Neopian year. The 16 categories this year are selected by TNT, and the Neopies Host will present you with the finalists in each category.

To close out the Neopies celebration, the VIP Raffle for NC items returned starting on February 18th.


You have 3 days to vote in each category before the winner is announced, and there are 16 categories in total. Visit the official Neopies FAQ for the voting rules. Voting on the first day of each of the 16 categories being available will qualify you for a bonus final prize. 'Day One' will run during the 3rd and 4th of February.

The Finalists and Winners

Here is a list of the finalists in each category, with the winner highlighted as they are announced.

February 3rd/4th: Best Neopet Colour

Mosaic Grarrl
It has the swirly, sunny pattern formed by thousands of Altador's finest painted ceramics. This design brings all the pieces together.

Oil Paint Peophin
This Peophin is painted with gorgeous streaks from Maraqua blue to Lost Desert Yellow. No one's seen such artistry with oil streaks since Vincent Van-Der-Gyre or Leonardo Da Wocky.


Origami Techo
Crafted from the finest red paper that Faerieland has to offer. No one's seen this much folding since Brucey B returned to the 'Cheat!' Championships.

Steampunk Blumaroo
The mechanized suit of a Blumaroo comes with brass breather mask, pressure gauge, and retractable ear-armor. It's a no-brainer for a Neopet who plans to explore the depths of Moltara... and that's not just hot air.

February 5th: Best Species Specific Outfit


Candy Ruki
A full dress decorated with yummy, gummy, tastiness. Slip on the pink shoes and the candy headband for that sweet look. Ruki takes candy... checkmate!

Gnorbu Snowbeast
These sure-footed Gnorbus are some of the rarest sights in Terror Mountain. They often symbolize good fortune to weary adventurers. Also, Tusk-aninnies get so jealous of this look for obvious reasons!

Mermaid Flotsam
There's iridescence, sheen, and rainbow colors. It all makes this look the talk of Maraqua... enough said!... Seriously. They really won't stop unless it wins.

Witch Eyrie
The dark Neovian gown, sweeping silver curls, and magnificent wings redefine spooky elegance and make it a real contender. Teamed with a bow wrapped broom, it may just sweep this award.


February 6th: Best Advent Animation

Day 9
How can you warm your heart when you don't have enough Neopoints to buy presents? Sometimes a shared hot chocolate is worth all the treasure in Neopia.


Day 11
During a snowball catapult duel, one Neopet showed his true colors. Sometimes what looks like a cheap shot turns out to be a gift... literally.

Day 19
Rushing home to your twin sisters, you can sometimes forget what you got them. Presents can't change your messy siblings but come on!

Day 21
In a castle where ghostly figures roam the halls you can never be sure that it's someone you know. What happens when a prank gets a bit too real?

February 7th: Best Advent Prize

Christmas Shop Window Display Background
There are festive trees, lights and all round cheer everywhere. The holidays aren’t the same without some last minute shopping. The town square is where the best deals are at!

High Tea in the Woods
The stools are waiting! On this finely crafted wooden table there's good hot tea, and cupcakes. It's sure to bring a few friends to the party.

The Giant Omelette: Myths and Folktales
This book holds the great stories of hunger, theft, betrayal, and egg-citement. It also comes with a short biography of Sabre-X. A real prize worthy of a prize.

Soup Faerie Stamp
It's time to raise a spoon and boil your broth because this is a fine foodie stamp. It'll fill your heart and stomach with happiness!


February 8th: Best Neopoint Background

Carnival of Terror Entrance
Stand on the rails of this terrifying ride and catch your breath. Phew! You made it... or did you? Those glowing eyes aren't very reassuring.

Classy Minimal Boudoir
Understated elegance decorates this four poster bed. It's for the more discerning Neopet who enjoys the finer things and dashes the idea of an award. That's what made the judges want it more!

Neopies After-Party Background
Shimmering ceiling lights sparkle over the red carpet. Don't forget your gift bag! The background will get all the A-Listers to party all night long... assuming it wins the award.

Maraqua Sunken Ship Background
At the bottom of the ocean, the mystery of the sunken ship has given many sleepless nights to investigators and it remains unsolved... as does the case of its missing award.


February 9th: Best Neopoint Wearable

Dreamy Faerie Dress
The soft pink veils completes this ethereal-looking dress. Perfect for a dance contest or just a fun day in at the Neohome. Many are hoping it will twirl its way to victory.

Negg Stand Foreground
Decorated with flowery trellises and holding multicolored baskets of pristine product. The Festival of Neggs might have come to an end but it has set up shop in everyone's hearts.

Tree of Love
Nurtured as a sapling by Illusen herself, it has blossomed incredibly. This heart shaped tree stands sweetly and sheds lovingly. It certainly leaves its mark.

Yooyu Trellis Arch Gate
Both a skilled Chia carpenter and Bori botanist worked to make this delightful green gate. It's surrounded by flourishing shrubbery and is so rosily framed, too.


February 10th: Best Site Event

Hannah and the Lost Time Capsules
Hannah and Kanrik must reunite once more on a dangerous journey to assemble and solve cryptic riddles, each one representing a year in Neopets past. It's been an adventure.

Halloween Costume Competition
Many Neopians gathered together to wear and compare their best and spookiest! It was wickedly award-worthy this year.

Living with Less
In this Neopoint drive so much joy was found offloading what wasn't needed. It wouldn't even mind not winning the award.

Daily Dare
AAA and Abigail enthralled in their challenges and glorious trophies were won. It's certainly a fierce competitor even after it ended.


Neopets Ona

February 11th: Best Mystery Capsule

Retired Altador Cup Mystery Capsule
The exclusive archived prizes returned in this Mystery Capsule. Restoring the Altador Cup's treasured past could lead to a treasured award!

Retired Wonderclaw Mystery Capsule
This capsule contained the long anticipated return of the Wonderclaw items. The old machinery got a polished up just for this occasion.

NC Mall Birthday Iridescent Mystery Capsule
On the twelfth birthday of NC Mall, this shimmering capsule had a chance of rewarding three limited edition items.

The 20th Anniversary Mystery Capsule
To celebrate the Neopets vicennial anniversary, this golden shimmering capsule held birthday celebration items.


February 12th: Best Caption Image

Campfire Stories - 1423
Although it seems like this is a regular spooky story being told over the campfire, this time it was the story of how he dropped his giant s'more in the fire.

Valentine’s Day Balloons - 1419
This Skeith got all brightened up for a valentine's proposal but was glimpsed right after he realized he'd spent 20,000 Neopoints on that haircut.

Treadmill Terrors - 1420
It's not who you'd expect to see running the treadmill on mystery island. Slow and steady still wins the race, right?

Hubrid Hijinks - 1427
The fiendish magician is concocting some kind of potion but he got distracted while trying to tell a joke. Nox, Nox! Who's there? Hubrid. Hubrid, what? Nox, Nox! That's when the trouble started…


February 13th: Best NC Wearable

Lighthouse Background
On the moonlit shore, this pristine lighthouse stands as a beacon for ships looking to port. There's no way the award would ever get lost at sea!


Cosy Baby Onesie
For all Neopets that are painted baby, this soft and cuddly onesie is the perfect companion. It's certainly worthy of the most adorable!

Dewy Butterfly Bubbles
After a cold night there's nothing more beautiful than waking up to the delightful dew drops on the wild grass. It dew-serves some kind of trophy.

Floral Golden Gateway
Bejeweled and wrapped in flashing lights and bright lanterns. This golden gate makes the perfect spring background and it would certainly match a flashy award!

February 14th: Best NC Feature

Forgotten Relics of Altador
The elders of Altador have unearthed many fascinating pieces that could reveal fascinating secrets about the city's history! Could there be some dark past that no one knows about yet?

Lulu in Space
Lulu returned to explore the Virtupets Station as a part of the Daily Dare. There were superb items but there's always space for an award.

Haunted Mansion
If you braved a night in the mansion, you found that prize you'd been hoping for. They say the ghost of the Neopie roams the mansion, waiting for its long awaited return!


Mysterious Magical Neggs
Sprinkle the magic dust on these multicolored Neggs and the prizes were cracked. It would feel like a crime, if they were Negg-lected at the Neopies.

February 15th: Best New Avatar

Neopets Onaway

20 Year Celebration Avatar
The 20 year anniversary avatar comes in fine Fyora pink! Even if it doesn't win, it still feels like a wonderful achievement and it would like to thank its fans.


Robot Vandagyre Avatar
Enjoy the serene blue eyes and smooth metal skin on this avatar. The metallic Neopet seems like it's glowing already.

Royalboy Lutari Avatar
Dressed for Mystery Island or even Lutari Island, this avatar has a fine feathery hat. A Lutari with something fun to say at the award ceremony.

L&L - Bravo, Aurrick Avatar
The Krawk unleashes the power of the Mystical Tablet on the Cursed Claymaker but it didn't turn out well. Either way, Aurrick will probably still tell everyone he won. Does it need to be official?

February 16th: Best Premium Collectible Item

Neopets On Chrome

Fall Leaves Shower
All the multicolored leaves are so much fun to play in. You'll definitely fall for this autumn foreground.

Castle in the Sky
The mysterious land in the sky is such a sublime backdrop for even flying Neopets. Ironically, it is said that those who dwell here are quite down-to-earth when making award speeches.


Candy Cane Scarf
This striped wrapping keeps you wonderfully warm on Terror Mountain adventures. Because of this item, many Neopets couldn't help themselves from licking their own scarf.

Ghoulish Ghosts Garland
These ghostly lights are a fine backdrop for Halloween parties. In the Haunted Woods, they say it's worth its weight in Ghoul-d.

February 17th: Best Prize Pool Update

Trudy's Surprise
Trudy's famous slot machine gave out some new, flashy, seven day streak, surprise items including: the Spooky Background, Corals of Kiko Lake and the riveting Tyrants of Tyrannia book. The last of which hit the bestseller list after the author's disappointing prequel 'Lutes of Lutari Island'.


Qasalan Expellibox
The Qasalan officials have offered some splendid new rewards for expelling those pesky Scarabs this year. Were they cast far enough away, though? One pesky journalist described the problem as 'unde-scarab-le'... She was almost fired for it.

Cooking Pot
Jhuidah has concocted all kinds of challenging recipes on Mystery Island this year. She's been working for decades to perfect the Banana Melon Blurb all while drinking far too much Cherry Neocola. She describes the revamped beverage as a better alternative to 'Cheese'... because there's far too much of that going on as it is.

February 18th: Best New Petpet Color

Royal Fir
Don ye robe and crown, ye fine Fir-ey companion. Dost thou think itst be hard for the Neopet to stop speaking thusly and ridiculously with this Petpet companion at its side?... Well? Dost thou?

Tyrannian Snomorg
One of the most fitting colours has finally been revealed. Don't you just know a Snomorg was meant to be Tyrannian?

Valentine Splime
And just in time! It has been such a crime that the Splime rhyme has had such a ladder to climb because its look is more than sublime!


Pirate Marafin
I think you will Marafin-d this to be a fitting look for your Petpet. It's certainly ready for a swashbuckling adventure on the high seas.

February 19th: Best Neopoint Item

The ancient scimitar belonged to the Xendrik family was stolen by Lyra as she ran away from home. The heirloom represents so much more than Sakhmetian tradition.


Sloth Collectible Charm
The charm of the devilish villain has never been in doubt and this item was a fond favourite this year. Just keep an eye out for your other charms because this one seems to have a mind of its own.

Elderly Apple
Sit down and let this wise apple tell you her tales. From the perils of falling too close to the tree to keeping that pesky doctor away, this Gourmet Food will make you ponder how you like them.

AAA Coin
As an exclusive reward for the completion of the year's Daily Dare, this commemorative coin is a fine addition to your album.

Voting Rewards

For submitting your vote each day, you will be randomly awarded one of the following items.

Baby Elephante Milk Bottle

Battle Faerie Usuki

Beyond the Locked Door

Bracers of Fury

Bucket of Neopets

Cake Batter Slushie

Carniverous Plant Usuki

Cave Woman Dress

Cherub Acara Plushie

Chocolate Quiggle Cupcake

Chocolate Sword


Coat Shiner

Cobbled Maractite Path

Depressed Potato

Dung Slushie

Fire Ruler


Flying Ona Wind Up

Forbidden Pteri Tales

Gabar Plushie

Ghostly Hot Dog

Gingerbread Usuki Playhouse

Ground Beef Smores

Hand Pulled Noodle Soup

Hissi Glider

Indigo wig

Jhudoras Quests

Kyrii Handbell

Lupe Burger

Mad Meepit Mocha

Maraquan Guitar

Mayonnaise Doughnut

Peophin Mug

Pizza Sandwich

Professional Curses

Punchbag Sid Pencil Case

Raspberry Fyora Pop

Raspberry Jelly Muffin

Red Origami Gelert

Scared Salad Slorg

Scary Teeth Mask

Shenkuu Draik Stamp

Shield of Reflection

Silver Helmet

Skull Face Powder

Slorg Pot

Sloth Spaghetti

Snow Shoyru Gnome

Sparkly Toothpaste

Techo Pencil



Uni Cycles

Unidentifiable Weak Bottled Faerie

Unthoughtful Gift Candle


Watermelon Jetsam

Weak Bottled Fire Faerie

Wishing You a Happy Birthday Card

Woodland Tonu Plushie

Wraith Ink Frame

Neopets Onalaska

Did you receive a voting prize not listed above?

Those who voted everyday of the Neopies received the following prize:

Neopets Onan

Shining Spotlight
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