Neopets Unicorn

With all the images that TNT got right, there were bound to be a few they got wrong. So wrong, in fact, that they were whisked off the server and believed lost - until now. These pets, for various reasons, were uploaded to the Neopets image server but were never released on the site, or released for a short while before being whisked away for being just too hideous. Some may have later been redrawn and finally released.

Make Offer - Neopets Unicorn Plush Stuffed Animal 2008. NEOPETS BLUE AISHA PLUSH LIMITED EDITION 2002 WITH TAG. $10.00 +$3.95 shipping. Seeking combos of these and larger items for my bigger items. I can offer custom and GBCs (if available for purchase). Number is the max value from /waka and /Priscilla. Oct 24, 2009  This will take you to where all your neopets are. Click on which neopet you want to remove the petpet from. Your neopet will pop up. Click on the petpets picture. There you can name or rename it.

Special thanks to the site Neopets Archaeology for contributing many of the images on this page.


Before the colour Purple was created, many Blue pets were purple in colour. When Purple became an official colour, the 'purple-blue' pets became more like the traditional Blue pets we know today.

  • Flotsam

  • Kau

  • Mynci


  • Gelert

  • Kau


  • Aisha

  • Blumaroo

  • Bruce

  • Chia

  • Chia

  • Cybunny

  • Elephante

  • Kiko

  • Kougra

  • Lupe

  • Wocky


  • Bruce

  • Kau

  • Uni


  • Grundo

  • Kacheek

  • Korbat

  • Mynci


  • Peophin


  • Kau

  • Kyrii


  • Bruce

  • Eyrie

  • Kau

  • Kyrii


  • Aisha

  • Blumaroo

  • Korbat

  • Kyrii

  • Lupe

  • Lupe

  • Meerca

  • Peophin

  • Peophin

  • Peophin

  • Shoyru

  • Uni

  • Zafara


  • Blumaroo

  • Chomby

  • Grarrl

  • Lupe

  • Meerca

  • Moehog

  • Nimmo

  • Scorchio


When the Glass colour was removed from the site, Glass pets became Tyrannian. The current-day equivalent are Ice pets. Although the Glass colour is no longer available, you can still find all of the pet poses.

  • Flotsam

  • Koi

  • Mynci

  • Mynci

  • Nimmo

  • Nimmo

  • Quiggle

  • Shoyru

  • Shoyru

  • Skeith

  • Skeith


  • Ghost Chia

  • Ghost Mynci


  • Aisha

  • Bruce

  • Eyrie

  • Korbat

  • Meerca

  • Wocky


  • Aisha

  • Buzz

  • Chia

  • Cybunny

  • Jetsam

  • Kyrii

  • Peophin

  • Wocky

Neopets Unicorn Uni Blue

Halloween Costumes

Early on in Neopia, Halloween pets were more themed around dressing up in costume, rather than turning into monsters.

  • Acara

  • Aisha

  • Elephante

  • Flotsam

  • Fuzio

  • Gelert

  • Grarrl

  • Grundo

  • Jetsam

  • Kougra

  • Lenny

  • Lupe

  • Moehog

  • Poogle

  • Quiggle

  • Scorchio

  • Uni

  • Usul


When the colour Invisible was first introduced, the pet clearly wasn't... well, invisible.

  • Uni


  • Aisha

  • Aisha

  • Aisha

  • Aisha

  • Aisha

  • Aisha

  • Bruce

  • Bruce

  • Bruce

  • Bruce

  • Bruce

  • Bruce

  • Chia

  • Chia

  • Chia

  • Chia

  • Chia

  • Chia

  • Gelert

  • Kiko

  • Kiko

  • Kiko

  • Korbat

  • Scorchio

  • Usul


  • Chia

  • Kacheek

  • Scorchio

  • Uni


At an earlier point, Purple Neopets having orange spots was going to be a story element in a scrapped plot involving Dr. Sloth and the Grundos on Kreludor. The pets below without orange spots are what they looked like before they were updated to fit the story.

The Grarrl with the green belly below, a nod to the children's show Barney the Dinosaur, was available for a very short time when the Grarrl was being revamped. It was quickly removed in favour of the orange version.

  • Chia

  • Chia

  • Gelert

  • Grarrl

  • Grundo

  • Grundo

  • Ixi

  • Jetsam

  • Korbat

  • Peophin

  • Poogle

  • Shoyru

  • Tuskaninny

  • Usul

  • Zafara


  • Chomby

  • Kiko


Before the colour Pink was created, many Red pets were pink in colour. When Pink became an official colour, the 'pink-red' pets became more like the traditional Red pets we know today.

  • Aisha

  • Chomby

  • Gelert

  • Kacheek

  • Kau

  • Meerca

  • Poogle

  • Pteri

  • Uni

  • Uni


  • Acara

  • Acara

  • Acara

  • Acara

  • Acara

  • Acara

  • Acara

  • Kyrii


  • Aisha

  • Aisha

  • Chomby

  • Cybunny

  • Flotsam

  • Grundo

  • Jetsam

  • Jetsam

  • Kacheek

  • Kau

  • Kau

  • Kougra

  • Lenny

  • Lupe

  • Peophin

  • Peophin

  • Shoyru

  • Shoyru

  • Skeith


  • Eyrie

  • Grundo

  • Kougra

  • Mynci

  • Peophin

  • Poogle

  • Scorchio

  • Shoyru

  • Zafara


  • Scorchio


  • Aisha

  • Buzz

  • Cybunny

  • Jetsam

  • Moehog


  • Split Flotsam

  • Split Techo


  • Aisha

  • Blumaroo

  • Buzz

  • Flotsam

  • Gelert

  • Gelert

  • Kacheek

  • Techo


When the Stone colour was removed from the site, Stone pets became Island. The current-day equivalent are Relic pets. Although the Stone colour is no longer available, you can still find all of the pet poses.

  • Acara

  • Acara

  • Flotsam

  • Fuzio

  • Fuzio

  • Fuzio

  • Fuzio

  • Grarrl

  • Grarrl

  • JubJub

  • JibJib

  • Korbat

  • Korbat

  • Lupe

  • Uni

  • Uni

  • Wocky


  • Jetsam

  • JubJub

  • Strawberry Korbat

  • Strawberry Korbat

  • Strawberry Korbat

  • Strawberry Korbat

  • Usul

Neopets Unicorn Paint Brush



  • Techo

  • Uni


  • Chomby

  • Cybunny

  • Flotsam

  • Grarrl

  • Jetsam

  • Kacheek

  • Kau

  • Kiko

  • Korbat

  • Nimmo

  • Scorchio

  • Skeith

  • Techo

  • Uni

  • Uni


  • Buzz

  • Buzz

  • Buzz

  • Buzz

  • Draik

  • Eyrie

  • Eyrie

  • Peophin

  • Uni

  • Uni


When the Unicorn Paint Brush was removed from the site, it became the Uni Gem and Unicorn pets became Red.

  • Acara

  • Bruce

  • Bruce

  • Elephante

  • Fuzio

  • Gelert

  • Grarrl

  • Grarrl

  • JubJub

  • Korbat

  • Korbat

  • Lupe

  • Lupe

  • Moehog

  • Nimmo

  • Nimmo

  • Tuskaninny

  • Tuskaninny

  • Tuskaninny

  • Usul

  • Wocky

  • Wocky

  • Wocky

Neopets Unicorn Paint Brush


  • Grundo

  • Kougra

  • Peophin

  • Shoyru

  • Tuskaninny

  • Uni


  • Baby Mynci

  • Baby Nimmo

  • Baby Pteri

  • Baby Wocky

  • Camouflage Lenny

  • Darigan Poogle

  • Desert Gelert

  • Desert Kiko

  • Faerie Hissi

  • Grey Draik

  • Juppieswirl Chia

  • Maraquan Gelert

  • Mutant Uni

  • Rainbow Xweetok

  • Robot Scorchio

  • Sketch Scorchio

  • Snow JubJub

  • Speckled Quiggle

  • Speckled Skeith

  • Sponge Shoyru

  • Sponge Techo

  • Starry Moehog

  • Strawberry Chia

Unreleased Faerie Eyrie

Special thanks to Neopian hyperknuckles77_tail for contributing these elusive images.

  • Happy

  • Angry

  • Sad

  • Beaten

  • Close Attack

  • Defence

  • Hit

  • Ranged Attack
Have something we don't? We'd love to add it. Send us a note and we'll get in touch.

Neopets Unicorn

This page was written by Mac & noileh and last updated on June 11, 2019.