
Here are all the Neopets freebies and Neopet dailies listed so you can get all the free stuff easy by going to only this one page every day! Free Neopets food, free neopoints, neopets cheats, and more!

Go to Coltzan’s shrine in the lost desert for random prizes and boosts for your pets:

Speed: Every fifth second of the hour NST
Defense: Every tenth second of the hour NST
Strength: Every thirty minutes of the hour NST
Endurance (hit points) : Every hour of the day NST
Level: Every two hours of the day NST
Burnt Food: 11:00 – 12:00 NST
Dubloons: 55 seconds past the minute NST

Go to a hidden place called Jelly World, and receive a free jelly.

Neopets, M.A.S.H, Power Rangers (ad infinitum), The Daily Show/Colbert Report, Glee, Penguins of Madagascar, GI Joe, Transformers, Powerpuff Girls, Star Trek. Add up ur score to see how bad of an egg u have been on Had a pet’s hunger be at dying: 500 np. Dated someone through the site: 500 np. Oct 24, 2016 I was looking up some old browser games I used to play when I was a kid way back in the mid to late 90s. My mom's computer was only for work so to me the only computer games were online browsers game, games on consoles were something totally different in my eyes. Anywho onto the topic the.

In tyrannia, go to the Giant Omelette, and get a free omelette.

Go to The Snowager, when it is asleep, and maybe get a free random item.

Sleeping times:

6:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. (NST)
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (NST)
10:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. (NST)

Spin the Fruit Machine and get a chance of free neopoints, petpets and desert food.

Visit Tombola, and draw a winning ticket to get a prize (even if you don’t win, you still might get a booby prize!).

A very easy way to get 225 neopoints a day is from Potato Counter (earning 75 np a game x3 if you’re an average speed counter). Just count the potatoes as fast as possible and enter the correct number to get free neopoints!

Go to the Money Tree, and try to get free stuff and neopoints donated for the poor, by clicking on them faster than anyone else.

Healing Springs is where your pets either get extra hit points, or receive a free healing potion.

Underwater Fishing, where you cast out your line and reel in a mystery object. Your pet’s skill level increases every time.

Monthly freebies is where you get 2,000 neopoints and an item of food for each pet you own free.

Go to the Shop of Offers, click on a slorg, and get either 50 or 100 neopoints free.

Click here to go to The Wheel of Slime, where you have a chance at winning up to 2000 neopoints for FREE, every eight hours!

Most important of the neopets dailies is to collect your bank interest every day! But remember, do it before making any withdrawals or deposits, or your interest that day won’t be able to be collected!

Get free stuff from the Rubbish Dump in Meridell! But be quick!

Guess the weight of The Marrow, usually always between 200 and 800 pounds. You can guess once a day, and if you win, you get rare items! So why not have a go at it?

Make up a sentence with the options given to you to impress the Wise Old King Hagan. If you do, “you’re on your way to fame and fortune”. Try it out, once a day!

At the Lunar Temple, guess the phase of the kreludorian moon and the wise old Gnorbu will give free neopets items. And even if you guess wrong you still get a consolation prize. You can try once per day.

Also, head over to the petpet park where you can collect a free daily prize from the Weltrude’s Toy Chest. All you need to do is to look into the toy chest. Simple enough?

If you do all the Neopets dailies every day, you can earn tons of neopoints, it just takes time. That’s how most Neopians get rich!

Disclaimer - Well, I don't own Neopets, that's for sure. If I did ... there would obviously be boy Faeries.

Author's Notes - Well, this story is the sequel to 'Why Are There No Boy Faeries'. I highly suggest starting there, though you could start here if you want too. You might miss some things though.

The Full Truth

It had all started with a little hornless Ixi by the name of Nixi. She felt odd and out of place with laughter ringing around in her ears about the fact that she had no horns. That, and all the comments going along the lines of things like she was a Poogle with misshapen ears. So she, not wanting to feel so alone, decided to find someone as oddball as her. A Boy Faerie. She thus set out on her quest.

This quest led her to a boy that helped the Library Faerie in the storage area of all Neopia's books. It had started out with just asking if there was a book buried in there and his answer of no. She then came up with the idea that he should come along on the quest and she asked him his name, to which he had no response as he had none. So, she gave him a name.

They traveled all around Neopia and made acquaintances with a Fire Faerie by the name of Rasila, who preferred going by Rose, the Light Faerie by the name of Ameril, who disliked humans and hated the male ones, and Benny, the Baby Gelert with a biting problem. Not to mention countless others. And they finally, Nixi, Chase, Ameril and Benny came to their journey's end with something they had never expected, any of them. (Well, one couldn't tell if Benny had as he couldn't speak yet.)


Chase continued to sit on the clouded surface of the Faerie land streets. His mind was filled with thoughts and disappointments. He had at first gone with Nixi to see the Ixi on her silly little quest because he knew no one except the Library Faerie, who had taken care of him since ... well ... as long as he could remembered. He had wanted to get out and actually act like he belonged with the boys he saw playing outside the window with their Neopets. And ... he had also wanted companionship, which he had found with Nixi, whom he had adopted along with Benny as his family, something had never known.

After that, the quest became something that gave him some meaning in life. Something that had gotten him away from that place he had lived for so long. And, it had seemed that the truth, if there was a truth, would be something worth finding. Even Ameril seemed to have eventually have thought so. That was, until the truth came out, partial as it was.

And Chase found he didn't want to know the truth and wish he had never known. The truth he felt was something that was best left a secret, something that had never been stirred up. The truth that they had found, it would most likely change his relationships with everyone he had gotten to know. This is what he feared, and something he didn't want to happen as he could only see it turning from the good it was to the bad it would most likely be. Ameril's answer to his question of what kind. 'You're a Dark Faerie.'

The words rang in his ears. He had an idea what he should do. He didn't know though if it was the right one. Btu he had to get his idea out to those that were around. 'How do I get rid of the wings.'

The Battle Faerie, who had helped Ameril rescue him from his fall opened her mouth, not sure what to say. Ameril though spoke up, rather reluctantly. She had no clue where this was going to go. Chase sounded extremely melancholy. 'You have to learn that. Every Faerie starts out with their wings out.'

'How long will it take then?'

'Most Faeries learn by the time they are fifty years old.' The Battle Faerie stated. She watched as the boy winced. He shut his eyes, not wanting to fathom what was going on. She then realized that he was worried about how long it would take him.. 'That is like saying that they learn to hide their wings in comparison to when a human child learns to walk.'

'How old do you think I am though?' Chase could only stare at blank space.

'I would say fourteen hundred to fifteen hundred. My age group.' Ameril spoke up, then snapped her mouth shut. The way she talked to him now, she seemed very nervous.

'Until I can get my wings disappeared, I want somewhere to hide. Then, I want my memory erased.'

Ameril's eyes became storm clouds of anger. The nervousness left her. 'I didn't have to spend this whole time on a school punishment just to have it end that way.'

Ameril watched as Chase looked her straight in the eyes, causing her to turn away and not look at him. What he felt was going to happen already was. 'I am a Dark Faerie. Dark Faeries, they are all evil. It is best to keep this evil at bay.'

Ameril mumbled under her breath, not looking him straight in the face. 'I know you. Your better then that.'

'And it wont happen, this memory erase your asking for, and I can give the reasons why.' The Battle Faerie spoke up. 'First, you were obviously hidden away for good reason. Second, the Queen won't permit anyone from erasing your memory. Third, you weren't raised by the Dark Faeries.'

She watched as Chase startled at this. 'See, Dark Faeries, unlike all other Faeries, remain only among Dark Faeries. The rest, you never expect what their families will be like, this generation or yours. They are raised thus by their kind and thus retain certain values are retained by all. You , you were raised by the Library Faerie, who was and still is a very kind Faerie.'

'What exactly do I look like.' There was a little bit more cheer in Chase's voice, but only a tiny amount. 'The wings ?'

'They very beautiful wings,' Ameril piped up, only to find that this made Chase wince.

The Battle Faerie clicked her tongue against her teeth and shook her head. 'You have no tact with boys do you child. Saying that something is beautiful to a boy is like saying something's adorable. It just doesn't work. Boy ... those wings of yours, they're handsome bird wings, black with red tips. Farely cool and not a bit sissy. Perfect for a boy Faerie I would say.'

'Ameril, why can't you look at me,' When Chase said this, she winced. She finally turned to him. All traces that he was a Dark Faerie, let alone a Faerie were disappearing. This was probably because he was calming down.

'Your eyes Chase. I prefer them blue.' She watched as he opened and closed his mouth. Her statement obviously confused him.

'My eyes have all ways been blue.'

'When you are in your Faerie form, they turn violet. You also have these blue marks under your eyes. They're odd.'

'I like them,' Piped up Ixi. 'Benny and I like your wings too. I think Benny wants wings of his own.'

Chase gave the Ixi a half smile. 'What's going to happen to them? Faeries aren't supposed to have Neopets, only humans. I don't want to lose them though. They're my family.'

'There is no set rule in the books. It is just standard practice not to have Neopets. Faeries tend to have families of their own. There has been this worry that they'll be more like pets then family members.' The Battle Faerie stated.

'But, don't some humans already do that,' Ameril spoke up. The Battle Faerie let out a little laugh and shook her head.

'Since the quest is completed, you'd best go see your mother. Wether you believe it or not, she does worry about you.' Ameril glanced at Chase. 'Don't worry. I'll be taking him to someone who has been worrying about him very much. Him and the two Neopets.'


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From the shadows Mandrina watched. She had thought that the quest had been a joke. Which had made Ameril the laughing stoke while she was gone from the school for the summer break. Not to mention Rasila, but that Faerie had always been laughed at and never cared one way or another. To find out that the quest had actually been fruitful was annoying, but what was worse was that the object of the quest had been right in front of everyone's eyes, including her own when she caused him to fall off the edge.

As much as she had enjoyed tormenting this boy, the fact she had almost killed the now only known boy Faerie was bad. Especially since he was a dark Faerie. If he had been just a human, she could have done as she wished. But the fact that he was one of them ... that meant it had to be taken to the Dark Faerie council.

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In her opinion, it was best to kill the boy off. He was an embarrassment to the entire group. First of all, he was weak, only proven after they had finished discussing things when he collapsed from exhaustion. Second, he was a male when it was female dominated. Third, he obviously knew nothing about how to be mean to someone. Fourth, he had no concept that someone could be mean back. And fifth, the boy was afraid of heights and would never learn to fly.

Neopets Monthly Freebies

Author's Note - Please, if you read, feel free to leave a review. Anons welcome too.