V_team Neopets

The Tale of Coco Metrone by yashasvika. I am Coco Metrone, Centre Defender for Krawk Island in the Altador Cup X. My life wasn’t always as fantabulous as it is now. When I was just a baby, my parents and I live in a neohome made from cardboard.

Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! Featheralley does, Hrobi does (she named two neopets items back in the day). It's also interesting to note that when a user who does not have staff ties gets too good, they're frozen and rules changed to allow for the freezing. Two instances: Vteam: Shared accounts between three people (As far as I know.

UPDATE: Team freebies are up here! Check those out for better rosters... the images below are definitely not finalized yet. :P
We've found the team roster images. Most notable is the Team Moltara image, as seen below. So pretty... @___@
However, the other team images are a bit... 'wonky' shall we say. Some have the 2007 team lineups, still. So, either we're in for some massive shakeups back to prior incarnations of the teams, or TNT hasn't finished these yet.

Follow @jellyneo on Twitter for all the latest #Neopets news!

What to go here?[edit]

This is what was written here on the creation of the article...

(Taken from http://neoland.ninomiya.org/screwyouneo.html)
'There is a real hacker/cracker among neopets. He goes by the name Ad0. If neopets is the Matrix, then he is 'the one'.
'Very little is written about Ad0 because Neopets doesn't want you to know about him. I myself am not Ad0, nor do I know him, but he does exist. One time around mid-2003, you might remember reading in the 'Neopian Times' about a mis-firing lab ray that was destroying pet's stats. That was a lie. It was Ad0 who caused it.
'My friend was there, and saw it first hand. Ad0 made a script that reset and lowered the stats of everyone who posted a message in the Battle Chatroom that day. And for good measure, he reset the 'famous' players accounts, of featheralley, v_team (when neopets still liked him), etc. We all know Neopets has favortism, meaning they 'favor' certain players over others, they help out the players they like and screw over the ones they don't. When Ad0 hacked neopets and changed pets's stats, of course they restored their favorite player's accounts.
'However, for the thousands of other players, they simply did not want to, or did not have backups to reset those players' stats. Pathetic. To cover up the perpetual lie that 'neopets was never hacked', they had to say something about these thousands of players who's pet's stats were suddenly erased. They blamed it on a 'mis-firing lab ray', even though lots of the players who had their pet's stats changed didn't even have the lab ray. Just more lies from Neopets.
'This was not the only time Ad0 hacked neopets. He's been a thorn in their side for a long time. This is the only time I had first hand evidence (my friend was there and saw it happening). There are more stories . . . but don't dare mention 'Ad0' in neopets. The staff will freeze your account just for mentioning him . . . it's all part of their web of lies and cover-up. They ban free-speech and criticism of neopets is met with punishment of neo-death (freezing your account).
'So yes, neopets was hacked. And when they do go down for hours and hours or even days at a time, you have to wonder. Are they just 'upgrading' or are they being hacked. Was it really a 'glitch' . . . or was it a hacker. A hacker like Ad0.'

V_team Neopets Guide

For one thing is is a wiki, and not a storyingtelling article, and can't be written this way. Also, as this is a touchy subject, it needs facts and neutrality so emotions aren't swayed. Please discuss and give sources and history. --Jacob 17:33, 5 Jul 2006 (CDT)

found some links on pinkpt that may have some info...interesting...[1], [2], [3], [4]--Jacob 17:57, 5 Jul 2006 (CDT)

It wasn't a script of any sort. After you created a new pet, you used to be shown a page that would let you roll stats for the Battledome (Speed, Strength, etc). This page had a hidden input for the pet name - by changing this variable, you could reset any pet to the stats you rolled, regardless of whether you owned it or not. --Neftaly 20:33, 23 Mar 2008 (CDT)

umm ad0 could have been a hacking device/program that was used against neopets so it would get you banned if you mentioned it. Freddy 21:07 21 Dec 2011 (not an actual user)

Shouldn't this article have the Under Construction template to mark that this a work in possess instead of just the text message in the article? I would add it myself but there seems to be some level of protection over this article that prevents me. Vahalla bound 19:52, 10 Jan 2007 (CST)

The protection is present do prevent others from vandalizing a volatile subject. As I'm unsure of the subject matter, i don't want to have it be an official article until it's backed by facts and not emotions. and you are right, it does make more sense to be in the under construction category. Will make the nessesary changes right now. --Jacob 20:42, 10 Jan 2007 (CST)
V_team neopets free

Just to let everyone know, the text that was to be used for this article was by a neopets hater. We need to make sure this is not a tall tale to drive others away from NP. --MasterShadow 22:53, 20 Nov 2007 (UTC)

Hater or not, it might have some significance. But it's probably a tall tale anyway, being exaggerated and biased. On the article itself, I doubt it will ever be created, due to the fact we aren't going to create articles for specific users (or at this time). Might be mentioned in a controversy section on the Neopets article, but probably nothing more. --Jacob 00:45, 21 Nov 2007 (UTC)

V_team Neopets Book

If you click the link it is a neopets hate site. We know PinkPT does say some things about ad0 so it MIGHT be true. More research should be done to ensure the validity of this article.MasterShadow 04:01, 23 Nov 2007 (UTC)

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