Neopets Kadoatery

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I/ What is the Kadoatery ?

A Kadoatie is a petpet and Kadoatery is a place where Kadoaties go when their owners are on holiday.
The game is situated here :

There are 20 kadoaties who have been fed/waiting to be fed.

If a Kadoatie isn’t fed, he will be ‘very sad’ and below it’s image you’ll see the item he wants to be fed in order to be happy:

However, if a Kad has been fed, you’ll see this picture:

Most of the time, there are 4-8 Kads who are asking for very expensive food. Don’t buy the food those Kads ask because it’s gonna cost you a lot ! There is another way to feed Kads which is cheaper. A bit like on Main Shops, Kads who have already been fed ask for cheap food every x minutes. This is when you can try to feed one. But you have to be very fast. Most of the time, all kads are fed within 3-10 seconds.
Also, you can only feed one kad per main.
So basically, you refresh the Kadoatery’s page following the Refresh Pattern (explained on part II), and you give to a Kad the food he wants. It lookseasy ? It’s not ^^

II/ Understanding the Refresh Pattern

So yeah, Kads don’t ask for feed randomly. There’s a refresh pattern you must follow in order to feed them. This pattern has changed many times over the past years, so I do not guarantee this pattern will last forever, however it’s been a while since it didn’t change.

So in order to know when to refresh to feed Kads, first go to the Game Neoboards :…phtml?board=23
^ Check for this board and go to last page.

Here are useful abbreviations when you’re on Kadoatery’s Neoboards:

  • Kad: Short for Kadoatie
  • RS: Restock. When the Kads ask for more food.
  • Main: The time when most of the Kads RS
  • Mini: The time when a few Kads RS, usually caused when someone feeds a UB
  • Pend: The time between the given time for main to start and the time the Kads refresh.
  • Overfeeding/Overfeeder: The act of/A person who feeds more than the necessary 75 Kads to go Pink.
  • Pink: A term used to describe a person with 75+ Kad feeds, earning them the Kadotery Mew! avatar, which is pink.
  • Mewbie: A person new to Kad feeding, usually referring to people with 10 or less feeds.
  • UB: UnBuyable. A Kad food that is worth 100k or more.
  • HN: Had Nothing. Used when you didn’t have anything the Kads asked for in that Main.
  • CF: Congrats Feeders. Quick way to say congrats to anyone who fed during a Main.
  • Pwned: When someone beats you to feeding a Kad.
  • Inventory: The type of food a person keeps in their inventory to feed Kads.
  • BDE: Blue Draik Egg. A no longer asked for UB Kad food.
  • RDE: Red Draik Egg. A UB Kad food that is sometimes seen when a glitch causes Kads to ask for foods up to R100.
  • MKIC, BPP, BEMB, SPS, GS/GSS: Mint Kyrii Ice Cream, Blue Pepper Pizza, Baby Elephante Milk Bottle, Seafood Pasta Salad, Grape Slurpship. Commonly asked for UB Kad foods. There are more UB Kad foods (such as Vinarok and Frozen Negg) that do not have abbreviations, some of them common, and others rare.

(Credits goes to TDN).

Now check for the post of a TimeKeeper. A TimeKeeper is someone who will post when to refresh the Kadoatery’s page in order to feed them.
Their posts will look something like that :

main pending rf @ :xx

xx will be replaced by when the Kads are likely to ask for food.
So for example you’ll see :

main pending rf @ :30

This mean on the 30th minute after the hour you must refresh at the Kadoatery’s page to check if they are asking for food. If you refresh but they don’t ask for anything, then you must add 7 minutes to the previous time.
So in this example, add 7 minutes to 30. This means the next time you’ll have to refresh will be at the 37th minute after the hour. Keep adding 7 minutes to the last time untilKads ask for food. When Kads ask for food, you have to wait 28 minutes before the next main. So let’s say you’ve refresh at 30, 37, 44 and they ask for food on 51, then you have to add 28 minutes and you’ll get the next time you must refresh. On this example it will be on the 19th minute (51 + 28 = 79, so that’s 60 + 19) after the next hour. So the next you’ll have to refresh the Kadoatery’s page will be on the 19th minutes after the hour, and if they don’t ask for food on the 19th minute, then add 7 minutes and so over like explained above

Sometimes you’ll see people posting the time for ‘mini‘ instead of ‘main‘. A main is when all Kads are asking for food whereas a mini is when only one Kad is asking for food. It’s quite hard to feed a Kad on a mini because as only one is asking for food, everybody will try to feed him whereas when a there’s a main, there are like 12-16 kads asking for food so you have a better chance to feed one
Minis work exactly the same as main. It’s just the number of Kads to be fed who change.

III/ Everything About Food

So this part will be about the food Kads are asking for.
On this page you’ll find all items the Kads have asked until now:

However I prefer this page because food items are listed in categories and it’s easier if you want to feed with inventory (will be explained on the next part):

IV/ The Legit Way to Feed

a) With Inventory

So this method is the fastest way to feed Kads legitly.
Basically, you buy food Kads often asked for and when they restock quickly check the page to see if a Kad is asking for your food. The maximum number of items you can hold in your inventory is 50.
I recommend that you choose a category from this page:

For example, buy 50 items from the Faerie Food list, or 50 from the Snow Food list or another one. You can also try to mix lists. Buy 10 items from Snow Food, 10 items from pizzas, 20 items from Hot Dogs, and 10 items from Exotic Food.

The best thing is to know your inventory by heart. This way you’ll be able to know which Kads to feed.
Something you can do also is to buy all items with the same word on it. For example buy only pizzas.
Then when you refresh at the Kadoatery’s page, do a research through the page with Ctrl + F and search for the word ‘Pizza‘. This way when Kads are asking for food, just search for this word and if a Kad is asking for an item with the word ‘Pizza‘ in it, you’ll see it faster

Here is a list of items often asked by Kadoaties:

b) With Safety Deposit Box

So this method is quite good too if you’re fast.
Basically you buy looots of food and you put everything on your SDB.
Then when you refresh to check if Kads are asking for food, you must have two internet windows/tabs open. One with the Kadoatery and another with your SDB.
When Kads are asking for food, quickly copy and paste the name of an item and search it on your SDB. If you have it, then remove it from your SDB and go back to the Kadoatery’s page to feed the Kad. You must be really fast.
When you’re trying to feed Kads with this method, don’t put a PIN on your SDB or you’ll lose precious time.

Screenies are better to explain:

So you refresh the Kadoatery’s page and there are Kads asking for food:

Double click on the name of the item to highlight it:

Now press Ctrl + c to copy the name of the item.

Then switch to the page with your SDB open and paste (Ctrl + v) the name of the item into the search function of your SDB and click on ‘Find‘:

Then quickly click on ‘Remove One‘ to remove the item from your SDB:

Now go back to the Kadoatery’s page and click on the Kad.

c) With Shop Wizard

So if you’re very fast then this is the way to go.
Basically you just refresh the Kadoatery’s page and when Kads are asking for food, you copy paste the name of an item a Kad is asking for and you quickly go and buy it on Shop Wizard. Then you go back to the Kadoatery’s page and you click on the Kad.

Screenies are better to explain:

Have two windows opened:
The first one with the Kadoatery’s page.
The second one with the Shop Wizard. Be sure to preselect ‘identical to my phrase’ before so you don’t lose time changing this when you’re searching for food.

So like for the SDB method, first copy (Ctrl + c) the name of the item:

Now switch to the page with your Shop Wizard open and paste (Ctrl + v) the name of the item and click on ‘Search‘:

Now just go to a Usershop and buy the item.
Then go back to the Kadoatery’s page and click on the Kad.

Now a little part on what can happen after you click a Kad:

1)If you’re successful:

Neopets Kadoatery

2) If you’re unsuccessful:

3) If you don’t have the proper food:


4) If you’ve already fed a kad:

VI/ Rewards

So you might wonder what’s the point on feeding Kads ?
Well you won’t earn neopoints by feeding Kads, you’ll only lose neopoints.

But, you can get pretty trophies and even an awesome avatar 😀

You get this trophy for feeding 1 Kadoatie.

You get this trophy for feeding 10 Kadoaties.

You get this trophy for feeding 25 Kadoaties.

You get this awesome avatar for feeding 75 Kadoaties !

Some people are overfeeding Kads, but they only do that for fun/fame…
You won’t get anything better for overfeeding besides having a bigger number of Kads fed on your Userlookup x)
But once you got your gold trophy and your avatar, you won’t get any other rewards for overfeeding.

VII/ List of Important Things to Remember

So I’ll list here all important things to remember when feeding Kads:

– When feeding with Shop Wizard be sure not to have 50 items in your inventory or you’ll not be able to buy another item. Also don’t forget topreselect the ‘Identical to my phrase‘ option.

– When feeding with SDB, be sure not to have a PIN or you’ll lose precious time.

– If you can’t manage to feed a Kad, keep trying. It’s pretty hard on the beginning but when you get used to it you’ll never miss a Kad 😛

– When feeding legitly, always have one hand on your keyboard to copy and paste name of the item and one hand on your mouse to click on Kads. Here are some useful shortcuts to switch windows/tabs etc:
Ctrl + Tab will switchtabs on Firefox. Use this shortcut if you have the kadoatery’s page and the Shop wizard page on two different tabs.
However if you have your Kadoatery’s page on one Firefox window and your Shop Wizard on another Firefox window, use Alt + Tab in order to switchwindows.
Ctrl + c is to copy something and Ctrl + v is to paste something. Use this to copy and paste name of the items you want to search/buy.
Use F5 to refresh.

– Always be sure to have enough neopoints. 100k is perfect.

Abbreviations - Neopets Shorthand

Sometimes Neopets users will use all sorts of weird abbreviations in Neomails and chats. As a new user, you probably have no idea what they're talking about, so here is a quick lesson in Neopets shorthand! We've also added a few slang words that you should probably become familiar with.

Avie - Avatar (Those little pictures that are used on the Neoboards and appear next to name in Neomails)

BC - Beauty Contest (a weekly competition)
BD - Battledome
(Where your Neopets go to battle each other and one-player opponents), Battle Duck (Battledome item)
BoD - Bow of Destiny (Powerful Battledome item)

CC - Caption Contest (a weekly competition)
CoM - Curse of Maraqua
(Neopets plot)

DBD - Dark Battle Duck (Battledome item)
DoN - Defenders of Neopia
(activity which rewards trophies to anyone who defeats the target villains)

ETS - Easy-to-sell (any item that can often be sold at a reasonable price or for a profit)
FQD - Faerie Queen Doll (a Hidden Tower Item worth 2,000,000 Neopoints.)

HatIC - Hannah and the Ice Caves (Neopets plot)
H4K - H4000 Helmet
(powerful Battledome item)
HH - Hypno Helmet
(old Battledome item that freezes your opponent, now H4000 Helmet)
HP - Hit Points (your Neopet's maximum life), Honey Potion (powerful once-per-battle Battledome item)
HT - Hidden Tower (secret location with rare and powerful items)
HTS - Hard-to-sell (any item that is difficult to sell at a reasonable price)

IBD - Icy Battle Duck (powerful Battledome item)
IDB - In-Depth Battlepedia
(a Neopets help site)

JN - JellyNeo (a Neopets help site)
JS - Jade Scorchstone (a powerful Battledome item) Also abbreviated: Jade SS

Kad - Kadoatie (a cat-like petpet that can be fed at the Kadoatery)
K - Thousand
(refers to Neopoints, for instance, 10K = 10,000 NP)

LC - Lenny Conundrum (a weekly competition)

LDD - Lost Desert Dagger (Battledome item)

MP - Morphing Potion (special potions which can change your Neopet's color and species), also, Mystery Pic (a weekly competition)
MW - Mirror World (our version of Neopia)

NeoN - NeoNonsense (a Neopets help site)
Newbie - Somebody who is new to a specific game or community.
NFT - Not For Trade (any lot at the trading post that the owner wants to keep)
NN - National Neopian (the Neopian bank)
NNN - NeoNewsNow (a Neopets help site)
NNoN - Neo Nutters of Neopia (a Neopets help site)
n00b - Somebody who acts like a novice regardless of experience (which is a bad thing).
NQ - NeoQuest (a popular Neopets game)
NT - Neopian Times (weekly collection of stories and news published by the Neopets Team)

PB - Paintbrush (used to change your Neopet's color)
PPP - Petpetpet (a friend for your Petpet)
PPT - Pink Poogle Toy (a Neopets help site)
Pwned - Somebody misspelled 'owned' and now others use it.

RoDN - Rod of Dark Nova (powerful Battledome item)
RoDS - Return of Dr. Sloth (Neopets plot)
RSB - Ramtors Spellbook (powerful Battledome item)

SAP - Seasonal Attack Pea (Very powerful Battledome item)
SDB - Safety Deposit Box
(where you put your most valuable items)
SoS - Sword of Skarsden (powerful Battledome item)
SW - Shop Wizard

TAG - The Auction Genie
TCG - Trading Card Game

TNC - The Neopian Commentary (a Neopets fan site)
TNH - Tine Neo Help (a Neopets help site)
TNT - The Neopets Team (the people responsible for the Neopets site)
TP - Trading Post (location on Mystery Island)
TSW - The Search Wizard
TT - Thyoras Tear (powerful Battledome item)
TY - Thank you

Wiz - Short for 'Shop Wizard'

Neopets Kadoatery Guide