Neopets Level 0

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Do you want your pets to be intellectuals? Do you wish your pets were more well-read? Have you been eyeing the ULTIMATE GENIUS pets of your friends and wishing your pets could be the same? Well, now they can! This guide will give you a rundown of all the methods commonly used to increase your pet's intelligence. That's right, we're here with the solution for how to make your pet smarter!

Feb 19, 2013  What's the fastest way to raise a neopet's level? - posted in Neopet Battledome: My pet currently needs 5 codestones and 8 hours to train just 1 stat and I just noticed that red codestones have deflated a great deal!! (Just where have I been hiding right?! Haha) I was thinking that itd be much more economical and faster to try to get my pet up to level 250 and start training with the red.

Reading Books to Pets

The most well-known, well-discussed, and simple way to increase your pet's intelligence is by reading to him or her. This raises your pet's intelligence level points; each book is worth 1-2 points (this is completely random). You've probably seen a book item on Neopets and possibly read a couple to your Neopet. But if you haven't, here's how it works:

Step 1: Buy a book. This can be done at the Magical Bookshop in Neopia Central, as well as many other bookshops around Neopia. Here's a handy list of them, right here on JN! You can also earn books from dailies and site events.

Step 2: Go to your inventory and click on the book you wish to read. In the drop-down menu, select the pet you wish to read the book to and click submit. Unless your pet decides the book is not for them (to be mentioned later), it will vanish in a puff of smoke of a random color and your pet's intelligence level will increase.

Loyal User Perks

Once your account matures to 24 months or older, you unlock the possibility to keep a book after reading it to your pets. When reading a book to a pet on an aged account, there is a small chance that the book will remain in your inventory after reading. It will still register that your pet has read it and it will count towards any applicable book awards. You can then choose to read the book to a second pet, sell it, give it to a friend, or whatever you want.

Book Smarts Boon

Certain factions give the opportunity of activating the Book Smarts boon if you side with them and they emerge victorious from the Battleground of the Obelisk. When activated, reading a book to your pet will cause it to gain two or four intelligence points instead of the standard one point increase.

Book Awards

There are two awards that you can win by reading to your pet: the Neopian Book Award and the Booktastic Book Award. The shiny trophies for each of these awards are given to those Neopian citizens who have read the largest number of books and Booktastic Books, respectively. The Neopian Book Award covers all books not sold by the bookshop on Kreludor. The Booktastic Book Award covers only books sold by the Booktastic Books shop on Neopia's moon.

One day...oh glorious day!

These trophies are pet trophies. That means that they will show up not on your lookup, but on your pet's lookup. If you're going for one of these trophies, we have some handy checklist tools here on JN for you to use:

Book Checklist
Booktastic Book Checklist

Simply head over to the Control Panel --> Quick Reference page and click the link that is your pet's intelligence value. Copy-paste the source code of the resulting page into the box given, and the tool will output a lovely checklist for you sorted however you like!

Refusing to Read a Book

Sometimes, your Neopet will refuse to read a book, saying something like 'That is like such a boring book!'

This happens when the number of characters in your pet's name matches a formula dictating a certain number of characters in the book's title. The formulas are as follows:

(p + 1) * 2 = x
(p + 1) * 2 + 1 = x

In the equations above, p is the number of character's in your pet's name, and x is the number of characters in a book's name that your pet will find boring.

Here's an example: let's say my pet's name is Slothy_Minion. That name has 13 characters in its name. If you plug 13 into the equations above, you'll get: (13 + 1) * 2 = 28 and (13 + 1) * 2 + 1 = 29. Meaning, if any books have 28 or 29 characters in its name, your pet will find it boring.

There a way around this issue: look at the bottom of the page on Neopets and select a different language to browse the site in. This will change the title of the book to its translated title, which may have a different number of characters. After selecting a new language, try reading the book to your pet again. You may have to try a couple languages.

Note: As of early 2015, items are no longer being translated into other languages, which means the trick above will most likely not work for books released from 2015 and onward.

Levels of Intelligence

For every book you read, or action you take to increase your pet's Intelligence, their number of points will go up. However, there are designated 'levels' of intelligence that your pet can be at.

In terms of points accrued, the levels are:

  • 0-4: Dim Witted
  • 5-9: Dull
  • 10-14: Average
  • 15-19: Above Average
  • 20-24: Bright
  • 25-29: Clever
  • 30-34: Very Clever
  • 35-39: Brilliant
  • 40-44: Genius
  • 45-49: Super Genius
  • 50-54: Mega Genius
  • 55-59: Total Genius
  • 60-94: Master Genius
  • 95+: Ultimate Genius

Note: Only Grundos and hatched Draiks start at intelligence level 0 and can obtain these two levels; all other Neopets start at 10.

In terms of books read, the levels are estimated to be:

  • 0-2: Average
  • 3-4: Above Average
  • 5-7: Bright
  • 8-11: Clever
  • 12-13: Very Clever
  • 14-16: Brilliant
  • 17-19: Genius
  • 20-22: Super Genius
  • 23-25: Mega Genius
  • 26-28: Total Genius
  • 29-48: Master Genius
  • 49+: Ultimate Genius

Note: In order to bring a Grundo's intelligence level up to speed, they will need to read approximately 5 additional books.

Uses for Intelligence

As of right now, there are few uses of intelligence in Neopia. However, a couple Battledome weapons require a certain threshold of intelligence in order to work, which you can read more about in our Battlepedia.

For a full list of Battledome items whose properties change depending on either your pet's intelligence or the opponent's intelligence, see the advanced search in the Battlepedia.

Other Ways to Change Pet Intelligence

There are several other ways to increase your pet's intelligence that don't require the collection books.


The following dailies can award intelligence points:

  • Coltzan's Shrine - There is a possibility when visiting the Shrine that King Coltzan will raise your pet's intelligence.
  • Wheel of Knowledge - Landing on space 8 of the Wheel of Knowledge will increase your active pet's intelligence.
  • TDMBGPOP - There is a chance that the The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity will increase your pet's intelligence.
  • Completing the Faerie Crossword quickly can increase your pet's intelligence.


There are a few games that can increase your intelligence, as well:

  • You have about a 1 in 10 chance of gaining an extra point or two each time you win a game of Cliffhanger.
  • Same with Guess the Card.


The following items will also affect your pet's intelligence if used:

Brilliant Sun and Moon Potion

Elixir of Intellect

Genius Negg

Glamour Negg

Greater Earthen Potion

Illusen Day Elixir

Not So Brilliant Sun and Moon Potion

Potion of Brightvale Castle

Potion of Telepathy

Powder of Everlasting Wit

Sparkle Potion

Staring Negg

Witchy Negg
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This article was written by: Zelda

This page was last updated on August 2, 2018.
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Neopets Level 0 1

Opening any of the Bottled Faeries will give you blessings, which you can trade in for various abilities. The abilities that are available to your Neopet depend on which level your pet is at, and as your pet reaches a new tier, they can select one of three abilities from that tier. To trade in your blessings for abilities, visit Aethia at the Battledome.

Once you have selected an ability at a level, you can change it later and you will only be changed half of the normal price to do so.

For a listing of the abilities from the Old Battledome, check out our archival guide.

Neopets Level 0 2

All | Level 1 | Level 5 | Level 10 | Level 25 | Level 50 | Level 100 | Level 200 | Level 300 | Level 400 | Level 500

Level 1

Controlling the weather takes some time, but the extra water damage could be worth it.
'More than a mist, at least.'
Effect: Takes 1 round to activate. When used, it deals 4 icons on the following round.
Cost: Free.
Usability: Multiuse
Cooldown: 1
Attack your opponent with earth damage... this kind of thing does tend to linger.
'Whew... someone needs a mint.'
Effect: Attack is dealt for 2 consecutive rounds.
Cost: Free.
Usability: Multiuse
Cooldown: 1
Hit your opponent with a blast of light damage. Aethia's Ability Academy is not responsible for any resulting electrical charge.
Cost: Free.
Usability: Multiuse
Cooldown: 0

Level 5

Heal yourself for a few hit points. Every little bit helps, wouldn't you say?
'Side effects may include mummyism.'
Effect: 5 HP
Cost: x 2
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0
With a little focus, your healing can last a bit longer.
'Patience heals many wounds.'
Effect: 4HP on use, 4HP following round.
Cost: x 2
Usability: Multiuse
Cooldown: 4
Use this ability to slip into the shadows and protect yourself.
'There are many things afraid of the dark.'
Defence: Defends 3 random icons using your opponents defence boost.
Effect: Cooldown 4
Cost: x 2
Usability: Multiuse
Cooldown: 4

Level 10

You wield your weapons with a bit more force while perturbed.
'You're only like this when you stub your toe.'
Effect: Total damage is increased by 5%.
Cost: x 4
Usability: Fragile
Cooldown: 0
Your lethargy seems contagious and your opponent's enthusiasm drains.
Effect: Damage taken is reduced by 5%.
Cost: x 4
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0
The power of positive thinking grants you a bonus to healing.
'I WILL become a real faerie! I WILL!'
Effect: 5% of current HP.
Cost: x 4
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0

Level 25

Frozen water can be quite devastating in battle.
'The compass in the stock can't help you now.'
Cost: x 10
Usability: Multiuse
Cooldown: 0
Summon your dark minions to attack your opponent... eventually.
'How many of them ARE there?'
Effect: Takes 1 round to activate. When used, it deals 8 icons on the following round.
Cost: x 10
Usability: Multiuse
Cooldown: 10
Inflict fire damage upon your opponent. It takes a while to put it out.
'Make sure to get it even on both sides.'
Effect: Attack is dealt for 2 consecutive rounds.
Cost: x 10
Usability: Multiuse
Cooldown: 0

Level 50

Blind your opponent with this lens flare and they won't be able to see their weapons.
Effect: Prevents your opponent from using weapons on the round the ability is used.
Cost: x 15
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0
Silence your opponent. It's hard to cast spells when you can't speak.
'A favourite spell of the Library Faerie.'
Effect: Prevents your opponent from using abilities on the round the ability is used.
Cost: x 15
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0
Use these to let your opponent know it's nap time.
'Throw pillows, not throw pillows.'
Effect: Prevents your opponent from using weapons on the round the ability is used.
Cost: x 15
Usability: Once Per Day
Cooldown: 0

Level 100

Hide from your opponent safely underground.
'Bring your own air supply.'
Defence: Blocks 100% of 3 random icons (Excluding Physical)
Cost: x 6 , x 8 , x 6
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0
Neopets Level 0
Increase your resistance to light, water, and air.
'Light as a feather!'
Defence: 21%, 21%, 21%.
Cost: x 6 , x 8 , x 6
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0
Increase your resistance to dark, fire, and earth.
'Conceal yourself from the darkest of enemies.'
Defence: - Unknown %
Cost: x 8 , x 6 , x 6
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0

Level 200

Create a very thick, icy prison around your opponent... as long as it doesn't miss, that is.
'Or use it for an epic game of freeze tag.'
Defence: (33.3% Chance)
Effect: Prevents your opponent from using weapons on the round the ability is used.
(33.3% Chance)
Cost: x 15 , x 25
Usability: Once Per Day
Cooldown: 0
Send your opponents to the eye of the storm and see how long it takes them to get out.
'A whopper, to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry.'
Effect: Prevents your opponent from using weapons on the round the ability is used.
Cost: x 25 , x 15
Usability: Once Per Day
Cooldown: 0
Channel your malevolent rage into increased damage and incapacitate your opponent at the same time. A favourite combo of warlocks everywhere.
'Never upset someone who can turn you into a Mortog.'
Effect: Prevents your opponent from using weapons on the round the ability is used.
Cost: x 25 , x 15
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0

Level 0 Diagram

Level 300

Steal your opponent's life force and add it to your own.
'This ability does NOT make you sparkle.'
Effect: Drains 10-11% of current HP and drained amount (capped at 100HP)
Cost: x 40 , x 40
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0
Level 0 diagram
Cleanse with the power of fire!
'It doesn't burn nearly as much as you'd expect.'
Effect: 25 HP
Cost: x 40 , x 40
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0
Increase your healing power for a short period of time.
'Like a trip to the spa but without all the face mud.'
Effect: 100% (If your pet has 5% or more of total HP)
5% (If your pet has 5% or less of total HP)
This effects of this ability can last for 2 consecutive rounds.
Cost: x 40 , x 40
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0

Neopets Lever Of Doom

Level 400

A rush of adrenaline makes you stronger and more agile. This is pretty useful if you like damaging your opponent.
Effect: Total damage is increased by 8.125%.
Cost: x 120
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0
The fire within you can't be extinguished and you use it freely against your opponent over the course of battle.
'Cry havoc, and let slip the Gelerts of war!'
Effect: Attack has a chance of being dealt for 2 or more consecutive rounds.
Cost: x 120
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0
Politely decline your opponents generous gifts. They can keep 'em.
'You get what you give.'
Effect: Reflects 66.6% of damage taken back to your opponent.
Cost: x 120
Usability: Once Per Battle
Cooldown: 0

Level 500

Neopets Pet Level 0

The earthy stench of the Esophagor, which can distract your opponents quite easily, is at your disposal. Disposal being the key word here.
'There are no nose plugs in Neopia strong enough.'
Attack: (16 Damage per Icon)
Defence: () 99% blocked
Effect: Each icon deals 16 damage regardless of strength boost. Therefore dealing 160 damage.
Cost: x 60 , x 100
Usability: Once Per Day
Cooldown: 0

Neopets Level 0 2

The dark power of a Meepit invasion is yours to control. It doesn't bode well for your opponents, or their damage output.
Attack: (16 Damage per Icon)
Defence: () 99% blocked
Effect: Each icon deals 16 damage regardless of strength boost. Therefore dealing 160 damage.
Cost: x 100 , x 60
Usability: Once Per Day
Cooldown: 0

Neopets Level 0 5

The fiery Monoceraptor is at your command and can be used to distract your opponent. Just remember to stay out of the way.
'That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.'
Attack: (16 Damage per Icon)
Defence: () 99% blocked
Effect: Each icon deals 16 damage regardless of strength boost. Therefore dealing 160 damage.
Cost: x 60 , x 100
Usability: Once Per Day
Cooldown: 0