Neopets Pound Adopt

When you start a new neopets account, your account will have certain restrictions. However, after a while, you will get old account perks! This page will show you both the restrictions on new accounts, and the perks on older accounts.

Apr 28, 2007  Neopets sometimes release batches of Poogles to be created at the Create A Pet section on Sept 19th - Poogle Parade (Poogle Day). The Poogles get snatch up very fast so you have to be quick. You can also try the following options but bear in mind that it's going to be expensive. Nov 15, 2009  I bring up the question and topic, since I was in the pound today and I was surprised to see a Krawk in there and was quick enough to actually adopt it! So now I have a Krawk and a new avatar to add to my collection.:) So what cool pets have you found in the pound? Either rare pet or a BD pet.

When calculating your account age, do not use the age indicated on your userlookup shield or what it says on the neoboards. Both dates may be off up to two months. To calculate your account age, visit your userlookup, it will say something like:
Started Playing: December 14, 2000
Use this date to calculate how many days/months your account is.

New account restrictions

When you start a new account, there are certain things that you are not able to do until your account reaches a certain age. Here are the things you can and can not do.
You can not do the following activities until your account reaches the indicated age.
24 hours - Post on the neoboards / join guilds / edit description / neomail
24 hours - Visit (most) dailies
48 hours - Visit Coltzan's Shrine
48 hours - Do the Neopets magazine word scramble
48 hours - Play Test Your Strength
3 days - Submit a game score into the High Score Table
4 days - Collect Advent Calendar prizes
1 week - Vote in the Beauty Contest
1 month - Collect monthly freebies
3 months - See all rarities in Neopian shops (see the restocking section)
4 months - Adopt and Transfer all pets (see the adoption section )
4 months - Buy from the Hidden Tower

You are restricted of the rarity you can see in Neopian shops according to your account age.
10 days
16 days
1 month
3 months
- r79 and under
- r84 and under
- r89 and under
- r94 and under
- all

Adopt Pets:
There are certain kinds of pets your are not able to adopt if your account is younger than 4 months, here is the list of ones that are adoptable to 3 months and younger accounts, and the ones that are not adoptable. This also goes for transfers in or out.
These have all been personally tested by us, we even still have the list of pets we used to test them. Thank you nuker for sending in the last few pets!
AdoptableNot adoptable
Level 1 or 2 pets
Level 3 and higher pets
Any Limited Edition Pet
(Koi, Cybunny, Poogle, Draik, Krawk, Hissi, Jetsam, Kiko, Chomby, Tonu, Lutari)
Any Vegetable or Fruit Chia
Oil Paint

Old account perks

Once your account is more than a year old, you will be getting special perks. The older your account is, the more perks you will obtain. Below all perks are listed.
Extra Pound transfers
You get an extra pound transfer (in and out) for each 2 years (24 months) of membership.
1 - 23 months1 user-to-user transfer
24 - 47 months2 user-to-user transfers
48 - 71 months3 user-to-user transfers
72 - 95 months4 user-to-user transfers
96 - 119 months5 user-to-user transfers
120 - 143 months6 user-to-user transfers
144 - 167 months7 user-to-user transfers
168 - 191 months8 user-to-user transfers
192 - 215 months9 user-to-user transfers
216 - 239 months10 user-to-user transfers
240 + months11 user-to-user transfers

To find out how many transfers you have, visit the Pound Transfer page. Then try to transfer one of your pets, after you've filled in the username of the account (you could do your side account or a friends account, you wont actually be transferring). It will tell you something like this:
You are about to transfer petname to accountname. This will cost 1,000 NP and will count as one of your 5 User-to-User Transfers for this month. Please confirm that you wish to do this.
Then you will know how many transfers you have. After this you can just close the page to stop the transfer.
Hidden Tower Discount Day
Every third Wednesday of the month there is a discount day at the Hidden Tower. There is a 3% discount on all Hidden Tower items for accounts older than 60 months old.
Elite Boutique at the NC Mall
When your account is 49 months old (give or take a few days), you are able to access the Elite Boutique at the NC Mall. You can get there by clicking on the Experienced User icon.
The Elite Boutique sells various neocash items that have a relation with Neopian History. If you want to see the list of items for sale at the Elite Boutique, visit our NC Mall Database.
Extra Trade Lots
When your account age reaches 3 years (36 months) you are given the ability to post 5 extra trade lots on the trading post, in addition to the regular, original 10.
This was posted in the News Features on July 9th, 2010.
We've added yet another perk for our loyal users! We won't tell you what it is, but you may want to check out your trades... ;)

Re-reable Books!
As of July 10th, books have a small chance of not disappearing after being read. The lowest minimum age has not been confirmed yet, however accounts 48+ months have been confirmed. Hey, TNT! *throws coconuts at you* Today I decided to read books to my Neopets, and I just so happened to have Altador Cup Through the Ages. When I read it to Emelisea, it didn't disappear! Is this a glitch? Thanks! ~twiddle58
Nope, that isn't a glitch! One of our more recent Loyal User Perks is that there is a small chance a book won't disappear when you read it to your Neopet. :) *picks up the thrown coconut and looks at it* We think it's trying to say something...
This is question 6784, archived from Editorial Issue 451.

Extra Games Room Favourites
At the Games Room you are able to add a certain amount of games to your Favourites page. The number of games you are allowed to add goes up with your account age. Every two years you are able to add three extra games to your favourites, starting at year one. The table below displays how many games you can add to your favourites.
1 months - 12 months12 favourite games
13 months - 36 months15 favourite games
37 months - 60 months18 favourite games
61 months - 84 months21 favourite games
85 months - 108 months24 favourite games
109 - 132 months27 favourite games
133 - 156 months30 favourite games
157 - 180 months33 favourite games
181 - 204 months36 favourite games
205 - 228 months39 favourite games
229 + months42 favourite games

Extra Neoboard Titles
In preparation of Altador Cup V a few new Neoboard Titles were added to the Neoboard Preferences page. New titles are 'Team Moltara' 'Team Diamonds 'Team Dung' 'Team Sloth' 'Team Fyora', 'Team Kass' and 'Team Asparagus'.
Team Moltara is available to everyone.
Team Diamonds is available to accounts 5 years (60 months) and up.
Team Dung, Sloth, Fyora and Kass are to accounts 7 years (84 months) and up.
Team Asparagus is available to accounts 10 years and up.
Later on another new neoboard title was added, 'Unconverted pets are best'. This neoboard title is available for everyone with an account of 10 years or older.
Almost Abandoned Attic
If your account is 3 years old older, you can access the Almost Abandoned Attic. The attic is situated in the south-west house in Neovia. You can enter it by clicking on the door. See image below.
The attic itself works pretty similar to the Igloo Garage Sale. You have to wait for it to restock and then random items appear. Each restock about 5-6 really good items appear and about 10 bad ones. The really good ones could be worth up to millions.
The items sell for the same price as the 'Estimated Value (approx)' on an item's lookup. See for example the Estimated Value of a Chocolate Covered Tomato, it is 1010 NP. Which is exactly what it sells for at the Almost Abandoned Attic.
Extra Neomail inbox space
On August 11th 2010 a new Loyal User Perk was released. This new perk means more space in your neomail inbox if you have an older account.
For our players that have spent many wonderful years here making friends, we've just made it a bit easier for you to keep in touch. :)

In the table below you can see how much space is granted.
Account ageMax Neomails
35 months and below100 mails
36 to 38 months110 mails
39 to 41 months120 mails
42 to 44 months130 mails
45 to 47 months140 mails
48 to 50 months150 mails
51 to 53 months160 mails
54 to 56 months170 mails
57 to 59 months180 mails
60 to 62 months190 mails
63 months and over200 mails

General Loyal User Perks

There are also loyal user perks that are not related to account age.
Old: Immunity to colour changes
Unconverted Pets were immune to the colour changing random events. The events shown below would not affect your pets. The random events have since changed and so no site events give colour changes anymore, making this a perk that is no longer active.
Something has happened!
Oh no! Boochi fires his ray gun and turns petname into a Baby!!!
Something has happened!
Oh no! Where on earth is petname, you cant find him anywhere!!! Where on Neopia could he be?
Something has happened!
A torrent of multi-coloured water falls from the sky and DRENCHES petname!!! You hear evil cackling from the sky...
Something has happened!
Petname doesn't look very happy. In fact, (s)he looks downright Blue. Maybe a toy would help.
Something has happened!
Erm... Petname looks a little... angry. Don't you think you should keep her happy?

Future perks

AdoptPosting time
The Neopian Editorial hinted at another old account perk. Perhaps in the future, users with older accounts will not have to wait so long between posts at the Neoboards. *Hands you cake* First off I have to say that I love the new rule, no more auto spammers on the AC. :) I'd just like to know what is the time for the new rule? Like, the time in between posts, because I have gotten 153 seconds and a lot of really high numbers. ~electra46
It shouldn't be more than 30 seconds. We're really sorry about the funkiness lately. If you get a long wait time, try refreshing. We've got a couple of rogue servers that are set to the wrong time, so you're having to wait longer than normal to post.
(Oh, and don't tell anyone, but we're looking at some ways to cut down on the wait time for older accounts. *fingers crossed*)
This is question 5007, archived from Editorial Issue 322.

TNT also posted on Twitter that there would be more Loyal User Perks.

Neopets Pound Adopt Link

Neopian Pound Adopt

Yup! :) RT @rachhh_x: @OfficialNeopets I'm loving the loyal user perks, are there any more on the way? :)

What the Pretty Pwnsome Pet Sniper can do for you
Have you wanted a painted pet but can’t be bothered to make the NPs to buy a PB?
Or how about wanting a limited edition pet? An avatar pet?
Maybe a WN pet, or one which you can make some money off by selling?
The Auto-Adopter can help you with that.
This program surfs the Neopian Pound for you, checking the pets there against what you want, and adopting them if they match your choices.

What this guide can do for you
As I’ve mentioned, this program has so many features that I’m sure some of them go unnoticed, simply because some users don’t know what they do.
My purpose of having this guide, is to go in-depth and with detail, how each of the features can help you adopt your dream pet.
I will also include tips for each of the features, and lists which I have compiled myself, as well as lists from within the program archive which I’ve edited to optimization.

Program Basics
As with every program, here are the basics


You would require Premium to authorize this program, regardless of your level.
If you cannot authorize or open this program, even with a Premium subscription, please remember to install the required files before making a thread in the Programs Help section.

Neopets Login

As you can see, there is Proxy support for those of you who intend to hide your IP address or have been IP banned by Neopets.

After logging in, you should see…

The login button now turns into a logout button, and your basic account info is displayed below.
I suggest that before you close the program, you click the logout button, to manually log your account out.
Also, if you login at this moment and realize you don’t have enough NPs, at least 1000 if you want to adopt normal painted pets.
I will talk about Adoption Costs below.

Program Features
Now for the meat of the guide.
This section will cover every feature of the Pretty Pwnsome Pet Sniper, and also how you can use it.
I will have a screenshot of the program feature, and point out certain aspects of it in relation to the screenshot, making it easier to comprehend.

Neopets Pound Quick Adopt Link


Snipe By

Snipe Combinations

This feature adopts pets which fit what you enter into the categories.
For example, if you’d check Specie + Colour, it will only adopt the pet if it is both a specified specie AND a specified colour.
Meaning if you had specified a Krawk, put down the colours Pirate and Darigan, it will only adopt the pet if it is a Pirate Krawk or a Darigan Krawk.
If it is a basic Krawk, or a Faerie Krawk, the program will not adopt it.
My suggestion? Leave this alone unless you intend to adopt a specific BD pet, such as a painted one or a particular specie.
That explains why 4/5 of the options here include Stats.



This feature is where you enter in which particular species you intend to adopt.
The program will go through the list and compare it according to the pound, and adopting it if it matches the list uploaded.
Pretty basic here.


This feature is the most commonly used one in the program.
If you want to adopt painted pets, this is where you go. Here you can enter the colour of the pet you wish to have, including fruits or vegetables.
However, remember that should the proram adopt pets which are painted Desert, Halloween, Baby, Christmas, Island, Robot, Royal or Snow, it will be adopted without its clothing/casings.


This is a new feature, which is very useful for you people who want Real-Word or Real-Named pets.
Here you can upload a list obtained from a dictionary, of all the words, and also if you want, a list of all the common real-world names.
The program will then go through the list and adopt any pet which matches the entry in your list.

PetPets & PetPetPets

Another new feature which is an amazing tool for avatar hunters and people who want to exploit pets for money.
Here you can adopt a pet if the pet is carrying a petpet, whether specified in the list or not, depending on your selection.
I suggest you key in petpets such as all the avatar petpets, and even some expensive ones, depending on what you’re aiming for.
I also suggest entering an asterisk before the petpet name, so that you will adopt a coloured petpet too. If you do not, the program will skip a Christmas Meowclops as it is only looking for uncoloured Meowys.

Pet Codes

The most awesome feature in an Auto-Adopter. Seriously. People don’t realize how useful this function is.
Here’s a rough explanation:
Every pet has an image, whether painted or UC or not. With every image, comes a different image code.
So a UC pet has a different image code as a converted pet. Just as a Royalboy Krawk have a different image code as compared to a Pirate Krawk.
This is a feature whereby you can specify which pets you want, exactly. Or which you could use to tell the program to adopt UC pets.
This also can be used to adopt specific avatar pets. For example…
Previously, in order to adopt an Orange Grundo, you have to check the ‘Species + Colour’ box, key in specie Grundo and key in colour Orange.
Meaning that even if a Fire Blumaroo came out, you would’ve missed it.
Now, with pet codes, you can key in the pet code of an Orange Grundo, and the pet codes of every other avatar pet, and the program will adopt any one of them after comparing the codes with the list.
This also adopts UC pets, and skips converted pets. For example…
Previously, if you keyed in Darigan for colour, the program would adopt all darigan pets, whether UC or not.
Now, with pet codes, you can key in the pet code of every UC Darigan, and the program will adopt them after comparing it to the list.

Using the Logs
The program has 2 logs in it, one being the Pet Log and another being the general Log.
These logs are not just for show, you could also use these logs to help you in your AAing ways.

Neopets Pound Screenies

Sorting out by Categories

You can sort out the pets found in the pound by different categories, as shown by clicking any of the headers.
This can be done for easier browsing of the Pet Log, also for the option below…

Adopting from the Pet Log

Once you open the pet log, you should see a number of pets out there.
Those are the pets which have been found in the pound, whether they’ve been taken already or not.
If by any situation, you decide to adopt a pet which you see in the Pet Log, what do you do?
Well, you can highlight the pet by clicking it, then hitting the ‘Adopt Selected Pet’ button.
The program will attempt to adopt the pet for you.

Neopets Pound List

Auto-Adopting Tips
Here are some tips I picked up during all those times of auto-adopting with the Pretty Pwnsome Pet Sniper.

Using your own Sound Clips
CheeSie has 3 very appropriate sound clips in the program archive, which you can use.
But what if you want to have your own sound clips? Well you can. Follow these steps:
1) Find which 3 sound clips you want. 1 for attempting to adopt, 1 for a successful adopt, and another for a failed adopt.
2) Convert those files to .wav format.
3) Rename those files accordingly. The ‘Adopt Attempt’ file should be named ‘snipe’, the ‘Successful Adopt’ file should be named ‘sniped’, and the ‘Failed Adopt’ file should be named ‘missed’.
4) Copy those 3 files over to the folder where you have the program at.
5) If need be, copy and replace.
6) Voila! You’re done!

How Many Neopoints Should I Have On Hand?
This is a common question that people ask when they want to go on an AAing spree.
The answer to this depends on whether you decide to adopt BD statted pets or not.
Painted pets don’t have any additional cost, Uc pets as well.
The only grounds adoption cost depend on are how high the stats of the pet are.
So if you’re adopting a pet which goes according to the stats feature, you should have at least 6000.
I’d suggest having at least 10,000 NPs on hand, in case a decent BD pet comes along.