Neopets Save the Wheels Guide The Save the Wheels event has concluded. All of the Neopian Wheels have been updated and you are no longer able to donate. TNT has claimed that the Save the Wheels event sucked 12,371,691,860 neopoints from the Neopian economy. What is the Save the Wheels event? The Wheels of Neopia are in serious need of repair. Aug 08, 2009 Wheel of Excitement Neopets Cheats?!? Okay, so apparantly i heard a bout this cheat if you spin the wheel exactly on the hour, you will 10 000 nps? So does that mean that i click "spin spin spin the wheel of excitement button exactly on the hour or does it have to land exactly on the hour?
Want to know what you’re really getting yourself into before you start spinning the Wheel of Excitement? Then take a look at the compilation of what you can win from this exciting wheel.
Crossbones – Your active pet gets sick.
Fire Ghoul – All your neopets are burned by fire except fire colored pets resulting in your pet losing hit points. (The hit points can be regained by healing your pet)..
Pant Devil – One of your items in your inventory is stolen by the Pant Devil.
Lightning Bolt – One of your pets is struck by lighting causing it to lose hit points. (The hit points can be regained by healing your pet).
The Dark Faerie – She will lower a random neopets skill point or cackle insanely if you neopet doesn’t have any blessed skills. To have faerie skills bestowed on your neopet, release a bottled faerie on it. Note that if your neopet isn’t a high enough level, the freed faerie will simply fly away so you should consider increasing your neopet’s level at the various training schools.
Question Mark – This will give you a random amount of neopoints under 100.

Light Faerie – The Light Faerie will increase one of your pet’s skills. Note that you must already have a blessed skill on your neopet. To have faerie skills bestowed on your neopet, release a bottled faerie on it. Note that if your neopet isn’t a high enough level, the freed faerie will simply fly away so you should consider increasing your neopet’s level at the various training schools.
Neopets Wheel Of Excitement Something Mysterious
Heal – This will heal your pet.
Magic – This will give you a random magic item.
100 – This will give you 100 neopoints.
200 – This will give you 200 neopoints.
500 – This will give you 500 neopoints.
1,000 – This will give you 1000 neopoints.
2,000 – This will give you 2000 neopoints.
Neopets Wheel Of Excitement Prizes
Secret Item – Something mysterious happens to your neopet, but you don’t know what it is.
Neopets Wheel Of Monotony
10,000 – This will give you 10000 neopoints.
There are lots of special activities on Neopets that you can visit that are called 'dailies', usually since you can visit them once a day. Since there are so many to earn Neopoints from, we've created a useful list below of all the places you could be visiting. :) If you login to your jnAccount and add the 'Your Dailies' service, you can customize this list to pick which dailies to include, and even add in your own custom dailies!
Peg Perego Tire Band
Tip: Bookmark this page by pressing CTRL + D or CMD + D on your keyboard! You can come back everyday to complete these dailies again.

Neopets Dailies
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