Welcome to Neocolours, the original Neopets colour/species guide! This site currently contains features such as a pet colour viewer, pet size comparisons, a guide to unusual colours, images of past revamps, a generator to show how pets on an account look together, and discussion forums. There is also a Subeta colour viewer. 22/10/17: We are updating some database functionality so site features are currently very limited. We hope to have it running again shortly.
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Poogle Racing is all the rage in Faerieland! Neopets come from all across Neopia to cheer and bet on their favourite Poogle. Every 15 minutes (NST) there is a new race. The races begin at 0, 15, 30 and 45 minutes past every hour.
Poogle | Odds and Probability of Winning | Potential Winnings |
Poogle 1 has a 3 to 1 chance of winning, or about 33%. | 3 times bet | |
Poogle 2 has a 4 to 1 chance of winning, or 25%. | 4 times bet | |
Poogle 3 has a 5 to 1 chance of winning, or 20%. | 5 times bet | |
Poogle 4 has a 7 to 1 chance of winning, or about 14%. | 7 times bet | |
Poogle 5 has a 9 to 1 chance of winning, or about 11%. | 9 times bet |
Betting on a Poogle
First, pick a Poogle to bet on. Keep in mind that while you can win big on Poogles Four and Five, they are much less likely to win than Poogle One. Bet wisely! If you've got some food in your Inventory, you can feed it with one of your items.
Fruits are a safe bet for helping your Poogle to win, but feeding your Poogle won't guarantee a win. On the betting page, if you refresh a little, sometimes the Scorchio bet taker will also tell you that one of the Poogles is sick. Do not bet on sick Poogles!
Neopets Poogle Clothes
When the race starts, cheer your Poogle on by clicking repeatedly on 'Cheer for (number)'. (Make sure not to cheer for the other Poogles accidentally!) If the Poogle you chose wins, click on 'Return to Betting Arena' to collect your Neopoints and avatar.
Poogle Racing Winner / Guide
Win a Poogle Race.
Released: September 20, 2004
This game guide was written by: AoiroBunraku

What is it?
Baby Poogle Neopets
The SunnyNeo Rainbow Pool is an expanded version of the Neopets Rainbow Pool. While the Neopets Rainbow Pool only shows images of converted pets, our rainbow pool offers more.On each pet it will show you the date is was released and how you can obtain this specific pet-colour combination. Also you can see all facial expressions of all pets, such as happy, sad and angry. In addition to that you can also see how a pet will look without clothes, as well as which clothes are available (if any). As male and female pets look slightly different, for both gender types you can see all facial expressions. This rainbow pool also shows you what an unconverted pet looks like in this colour combination if it is available. On all older pets, you can also see what they looked like before customisation was invented.
How does it work?
Below you can see two dropdown boxes, one that says All Species, and one that says All Colours. You can use these two to find a specific pet-colour combination, by setting both. If you only set one of both, for instance Biscuit, you will see all available Biscuit pets. Similarly if you set the All Species dropdown to Kougra, you will see all available Kougra colours. Once you've found the pet of your choice you can click on it for more detailed information.
Adam Poogle Neopets
6 Most Recent Pets | |||||
Dimensional Gelert | Mosaic Uni | Candy Mynci | Invisible Tonu | Woodland Chia | Relic Lenny |